- used of your own ground; "a home game"
- an environment offering affection and security; "home is where the heart is"; "he grew up in a good Christian home"; "theres no place like home"
- an institution where people are cared for; "a home for the elderly" (同)nursing_home, rest home
- where you live at a particular time; "deliver the package to my home"; "he doesnt have a home to go to"; "your place or mine?" (同)place
- place where something began and flourished; "the United States is the home of basketball"
- the country or state or city where you live; "Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home"; "his home is New Jersey"
- inside the country; "the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior"; "the nations internal politics" (同)interior, internal, national
- at or to or in the direction of ones home or family; "He stays home on weekends"; "after the game the children brought friends home for supper"; "Ill be home tomorrow"; "came riding home in style"; "I hope you will come home for Christmas"; "Ill take her home"; "dont forget to write home"
- on or to the point aimed at; "the arrow struck home"
- provide with, or send to, a home
- relating to or being where one lives or where ones roots are; "my home town"
- return home accurately from a long distance; "homing pigeons"
- to the fullest extent; to the heart; "drove the nail home"; "drove his point home"; "his comments hit home"
- stay with as a guest; "Every summer, we visited our relatives in the country for a month"
- assail; "He was visited with a terrible illness that killed him quickly"
- the act of going to see some person in a professional capacity; "a visit to the dentist"
- the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time; "he dropped by for a visit"
- the act of visiting in an official capacity (as for an inspection)
- a meeting arranged by the visitor to see someone (such as a doctor or lawyer) for treatment or advice; "he scheduled a visit to the dentist"
- pay a brief visit; "The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens" (同)call_in, call
- come to see in an official or professional capacity; "The governor visited the prison"; "The grant administrator visited the laboratory" (同)inspect
- go to see a place, as for entertainment; "We went to see the Eiffel Tower in the morning" (同)see
- orienting or directing homeward or to a destination; "the homing instinct"; "a homing beacon"
- the activity of making visits; "the purpose was to promote homes, clubs, visiting, and other services"
- 〈C〉〈U〉《おもに米》(家族の住む)『家』,住居,わが家 / 〈U〉〈C〉『家庭』,家庭生活 / 〈U〉『生まれ故郷』,長く住んでいる所;故国,本国 / 〈C〉(動物の)生息地,(植物の)原産地;(物・思想などの)発祥地,本場 / 〈C〉(家のない人・病人などの)『収容施設』,ホーム《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉決勝点,ゴール;(野球で)本塁,ホーム / 『家庭の』;故郷の / 『国内の』,自国の / ぐさりと急所をつく,胸にこたえる / (スポーツの試合などが)地元(ホームグランド)で行われる / 『家へ』(に);故郷へ(に);本国(母国)へ(に) / (ねらった所に)ずぶりと,深々と / 胸にこたえるぼと,ぎくりと / 〈人が〉帰宅(帰国)する;〈ハトなどが〉巣に帰る / 〈誘導単;飛行機などが〉(目標に)向かう,(…へ)誘導される《+『in on』+『名』》 / (特定の場所に)家を持つ,住む / 〈誘導弾・飛行機など〉‘を'誘導する / 〈人〉‘に'家を与える
- 〈人〉'を'『訪問する』,尋ねる / 『…'を'見物に行く』,見に行く / 〈人〉‘の'客となる,家に滞在する / (視察などのため)〈場所〉'を'訪れる,‘に'行く / 《受動態で》《文》〈病気.災害などが〉…‘を'襲う,‘に'降り掛かる;〈考えなどが〉…〈に〉浮かぶ / (…を)訪問する,見物する;《米》(…に)滞在する《+at(in)+名〈場所〉,+with +名〈人〉》 / 《米》(人と)おしゃべりする,雑談をする《+with+名〈人〉》 / (…への)『訪問』,見物《+to+名》;(…からの)訪問《+from+名》 / (…への)滞在,とう留《+at(in)+名〈場所〉,+with(to)+名〈人〉》 / (職務上の)(…への)訪問,巡視《+to+名》
- 家に帰る;(ハトなどが)巣にもどる / (目的地への)誘導装置をもつ / 帰ること,帰還;(ハトなどの)帰巣性
- ほう(驚き・賞賛・冷笑などの発声);お‐い(呼びかけ・注意などの発声)
- 娼婦・売春婦:(whoreの発音をくずしたもの)
- 訪問,滞在,巡視,見物 / 訪問の,見物の,巡視の
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English Journal
- Spectrographic analyses reveal signals of individuality and kinship in the ultrasonic courtship vocalizations of wild house mice.
- Hoffmann F, Musolf K, Penn DJ.SourceKonrad Lorenz Institute for Ethology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Savoyenstr. 1a, A-1160 Vienna, Austria; Leibniz- Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Department of Aquaculture and Ecophysiology, Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin, Germany.
- Physiology & behavior.Physiol Behav.2012 Feb 1;105(3):766-71. Epub 2011 Oct 21.
- Male house mice produce ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) during courtship; however, it is unclear why males produce USVs and what information their calls communicate. In laboratory mice, male USVs are attractive to females [1,2]. They appear to facilitate mating and coordinate copulation behavior [3,
- PMID 22037196
- Exploring the potential to remain "Young @ Heart": Initial findings of a multi-centre, randomised study of nurse-led, home-based intervention in a hybrid health care system.
- Chan YK, Stewart S, Calderone A, Scuffham P, Goldstein S, Carrington MJ; On behalf of the Young @ Heart Investigators.SourcePreventative Health, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia.
- International journal of cardiology.Int J Cardiol.2012 Jan 12;154(1):52-58. Epub 2010 Oct 2.
- BACKGROUND: Disease management programs have been shown to improve health outcomes in high risk individuals in many but not all health care systems.METHODS: Young @ Heart is a multi-centre, randomised controlled study of a nurse-led, home-based intervention (HBI) program vs. usual care (UC) in priva
- PMID 20888653
Japanese Journal
- 訪問看護と連携して実施した持続静注投与法を用いた外来静注抗菌薬療法(OPAT: Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy) : 10例の経験
- 感染症学雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 89(5), 567-573, 2015-09
- NAID 40020611236
- 多職種・地域連携推進の取り組みの現状と課題 : 郡市区等医師会,医師会立訪問看護STにおける横断研究
- 観光地における虚構性の研究 : 観光社会学からみた観光地の「本物」「ニセモノ」論
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- Do you have plans to visit Japan, and want a chance to meet a Japanese family and while you are there, or already have a place to stay in Japan and can't do a homestay? We have the perfect thing for you _ the "Home Visit Program"!
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