- owned or maintained for the public by the national government; "national parks"
- a person who owes allegiance to that nation; "a monarch has a duty to his subjects" (同)subject
- characteristic of or peculiar to the people of a nation; "a national trait"
- concerned with or applicable to or belonging to an entire nation or country; "the national government"; "national elections"; "of national concern"; "the national highway system"; "national forests"
- limited to or in the interests of a particular nation; "national interests"; "isolationism is a strictly national policy"
- of or relating to nationality; "national origin"
- of or relating to or belonging to a nation or country; "national hero"; "national anthem"; "a national landmark"
- relating to the face value of a banknote, coin, or stamp
- adhering or confined to a particular sect or denomination; "denominational prejudice"
- relating to or characteristic of a particular religious denomination; "denominational politics"
- Switzerlands information network for security and defense studies and for peace and conflict research and for international relations (同)ISN
- the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nations mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole country worshipped him" (同)land, country
- a federation of tribes (especially Native American tribes); "the Shawnee nation"
- 『国民の』;『国家の』 / 『国立の』,国有の / 全国的な / 《修飾語を伴って》(特定国の)市民,国民
- national
- (特定の)宗派の,数派の
- 連立内閣,挙国一致内閣
- 《集合的に》『国民』(people) / 『国家』,国(country) / 民族,種族(北米インディアンの)部族
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/25 16:06:21」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ナショナル (National) は、Nation(英語)の形容詞で「国家の」「国民の」「国有の」という意味を表す。
- 松下電器産業・松下電工(現・パナソニック)を始めとする松下グループでかつて使用されていた製品・コーポレートブランドのひとつ。詳細はパナソニック#メインブランド・商標を参照。
- ナショナル魔法瓶工業 - 日本の魔法瓶メーカー。「エベレスト」(以前は「エヴェレスト」)ブランドとして知られる。
- 麻布および田園調布のスーパーマーケット。ナショナル物産を参照。
- ナショナル セミコンダクター - アメリカの半導体製品メーカー。
- ナショナル航空 - かつて存在したアメリカの航空会社。
- 韓国に存在した自動車メーカー。現在の韓国GM(旧:GM大宇)。
- ザ・ナショナル - ニューヨークのロックバンド。
- ナショナルリーグ - アメリカのプロ野球・メジャーリーグのひとつ。
- フランス全国選手権(Championnat de France de football National) - フランスサッカーの3部リーグ。
ウィクショナリーにnationalの項目があります。 |
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up national in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
National may refer to:
- Nation or country
- Nationality – a national is person who is subject to a nation, regardless of whether the person has full rights as a citizen
- National (distribution), a type of product or publication that is distributed across an entire nation, e.g., a national magazine
- National, Maryland, census-designated place
- National, Utah, ghost town
- National, West Virginia, unincorporated community
Other uses
- Championnat National (also known as National), French football league competition
- National (brand), a brand name of electronic goods from Panasonic
- National Benzole (or simply known as National), former petrol station chain in the UK, merged with BP
- National Car Rental, an American rental car company
- National (Cymanfa Ganu), a Welsh festival in Wales, England and North America
- National String Instrument Corporation, a guitar company formed to manufacture the first resonator guitars
- Their successor companies:
- National Dobro Corporation
- National Reso-Phonic Guitars
- In the context of stringed instruments, the tricone and biscuit designs promoted by the National String Instrument Corporation
- SK Nationalkameratene, Norwegian sports club
- TIL National, Norwegian sports club
See also
- All pages beginning with "National"
- All pages with titles containing "National"
- Le National (disambiguation), various newspapers and a television program
- Nacional (disambiguation)
- Nationals (disambiguation)
- The National (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Steady states and outbreaks of two-phase nonlinear age-structured model of population dynamics with discrete time delay.
- Akimenko V1, Anguelov R2.
- Journal of biological dynamics.J Biol Dyn.2017 Dec;11(1):75-101.
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- Rapid screening test for detection of oxytetracycline residues in milk using lateral flow assay.
- Naik L1, Sharma R2, Mann B2, Lata K2, Rajput YS3, Surendra Nath B4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2017 Mar 15;219:85-92. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.090. Epub 2016 Sep 20.
- A rapid, semi-quantitative lateral flow assay (LFA) was developed to screen the oxytetracycline (OTC) antibiotics residues in milk samples. In this study a competitive immuno-assay format was established. Colloidal gold nano-particles (GNP) were prepared and used as labelling material in LFA. Polycl
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- Dairy products and the Maillard reaction: A promising future for extensive food characterization by integrated proteomics studies.
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- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2017 Mar 15;219:477-489. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.165. Epub 2016 Sep 28.
- Heating of milk and dairy products is done using various technological processes with the aim of preserving microbiological safety and extending shelf-life. These treatments result in chemical modifications in milk proteins, mainly generated as a result of the Maillard reaction. Recently, different
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- Characterization of glycerophospholipid molecular species in six species of edible clams by high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry.
- Liu ZY1, Zhou DY2, Zhao Q3, Yin FW1, Hu XP4, Song L3, Qin L3, Zhang JR1, Zhu BW5, Shahidi F6.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2017 Mar 15;219:419-427. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.160. Epub 2016 Sep 28.
- The molecular species of glycerophosphocholine (GPCho), glycerophosphoethanolamine (GPEtn), glycerophosphoserine (GPSer), lysoglycerophosphocholine (LGPCho) and lysoglycerophosphoethanolamine (LGPEtn) from six species of edible clams were characterized by using high-performance liquid chromatography
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Japanese Journal
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- 情報処理学会研究報告. 人文科学とコンピュータ研究会報告 2015-CH-106(12), 1-4, 2015-05-09
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- Shridhar Chaudhary,Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi,Takeshi Matsumoto,Masahiro Fujita
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- This work describes the detection of changes in the inner wall condition of mass-production plasma etching equipment using a load impedance monitoring system. The system detects the change in the imag …
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