- 関
- high-performance、highly efficient
- modified to give superior performance; "a high-performance car"
- in or to a high position, amount, or degree; "prices have gone up far too high"
- a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics; "they took drugs to get a high on"
- a state of sustained elation; "Im on a permanent high these days"
- an air mass of higher than normal pressure; "the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high"
- a lofty level or position or degree; "summer temperatures reached an all-time high"
- a high place; "they stood on high and observed the countryside"; "he doesnt like heights" (同)heights
- at a great altitude; "he climbed high on the ladder" (同)high up
- used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency (同)high-pitched
- happy and excited and energetic (同)in high spirits
- slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana) (同)mellow
- in a rich manner; "he lives high" (同)richly, luxuriously
- (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high'
- far up toward the source; "he lives high up the river"
- greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "a high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of his career"; "high risks"; "has high hopes"; "the river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself"
- the ratio of the output to the input of any system
- skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort; "she did the work with great efficiency"
- 『高い』,高い所にある / 《数の後に置いて》高さが…ある / (数量・程度などが標準より)『高い』,大きい,激しい / (身分・地位が)『高い』,高貴な / 『気高い』,高潔な / (声の調子が)『高い』,鋭い / 値段の高い,金の掛かる,ぜいたくな / 楽しい,陽気な,上得意の / (時・季節が)盛りの,たけなわの / (色が)濃い,赤い / 《話》(酒・麻薬などに)酔って / 『高く』,高い所に / (価値・程度などが)高く,高度に,激しく / 〈C〉《話》高水準,高値 / 〈U〉(自動車の)高速ギア / 〈C〉《話》(麻薬などによる)酔った状態
- 『能率』,(仕事をする)『能力』 / (機械の)『効率』
- 《話》(あいさつとして)『やあ』,こんにちは / 《英》(注意を促す発声として)おい,ちょっと(hey)
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English Journal
- Antioxidant activity of the stem bark of Shorea roxburghii and its silver reducing power.
- Subramanian R, Subbramaniyan P, Raj V.SourceAdvanced Materials Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Periyar University, Salem, 636011 Tamil Nadu India.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):28. Epub 2013 Jan 29.
- A detailed study has been performed on the antioxidant activity of the acetone and methanol extracts of the stem bark of the plant, Shorea roxburghii. The total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the extracts were determined by DPPH, radical scavenging, ferric ion reducing power, hydroxyl
- PMID 23519327
- Polypyrrole-poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-Ag (PPy-PEDOT-Ag) nanocomposite films for label-free electrochemical DNA sensing.
- Radhakrishnan S, Sumathi C, Umar A, Jae Kim S, Wilson J, Dharuman V.SourcePolymer Electronics Lab, Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003, Tamilnadu, India.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2013 Sep 15;47:133-40. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.02.049. Epub 2013 Mar 21.
- The electrochemical DNA hybridization sensing of bipolymer polypyrrole and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PPy-PEDOT) nanotubes functionalized with Ag nanoparticles has been investigated. The bipolymer nanotubes are prepared by simple chemical route and silver nanoparticles (Ag) further deposited
- PMID 23578969
- High throughput capture of circulating tumor cells using an integrated microfluidic system.
- Liu Z, Zhang W, Huang F, Feng H, Shu W, Xu X, Chen Y.SourceShenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, PR China.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2013 Sep 15;47:113-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.03.017. Epub 2013 Mar 21.
- In this work, we introduced an integrated microfluidic system for fast and efficient circulating tumor cell (CTC) isolation and capture. In this microfluidic platform, a combination of microfluidic deterministic lateral displacement array and affinity-based cell capture architecture, allows for the
- PMID 23567630
Japanese Journal
- 生物資源由来燃料を用いたディーゼルエンジンにおける燃料噴射圧力と窒素酸化物排出特性の関係
- 位田 晴良,Ida Haruyoshi,川合 明日香,Kawai Asuka
- 福井工業大学研究紀要, 47-54, 2015-08-05
- … BDF (Bio Diesel Fuel) containing a lot of oxygen promotes the combustion of diesel engines, hence the improvement in thermal efficiency can be expected. … As a result, it was clarified that the combustion characteristic of BDF was inferior to gas oil due to high kinematic viscosity, but the characteristic could be improved by injecting BDF with high pressure. …
- NAID 120005642461
- 合理化を担う高速取出ロボット「HSTシリーズ」 (特集 成形工場における高効率化と高品質の追求)
- Growth and characterization of high quality AlN using combined structure of low temperature buffer and superlattices for applications in the deep ultraviolet
- Kim Jinwan,Pyeon Jaedo,Jeon Minhwan,Nam Okhyun
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(8), 081001, 2015-07-27
- … This study reports on the growth and characterization of AlN/Al<inf>x</inf>Ga<inf>1−</inf><inf>x</inf>N superlattices (SLs) for reduction of threading dislocations to grow high quality AlN layer. … Insertion of optimized SLs is shown to effectively reduce the dislocation density, there by resulting in a high crystal quality 2.5-µm-thick AlN layer. …
- NAID 150000111078
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- 関
- fast、high efficiency、high speed、high-functioning、high-speed、highperformance
- 英
- high efficiency、high-performance
- 関
- 高速、高機能、高効率
- 英
- high efficiency、highly efficient
- 関
- 高性能、効率の高い
- 関
- high efficiency
- 英
- HEPA filter high efficiency particulate air filter
- 同
- 高性能微粒子除去装置
- 関
- ヘパフィルター HEPAフィルター
- 関
- HEPA filter
- 関
- advanced、altitude、high degree、high level、high-grade、highly、tall
- 関
- efficacy、productivity