- 関
- dextrality、handedness
- the property of using one hand more than the other (同)laterality
- guide or conduct or usher somewhere; "hand the elderly lady into the taxi"
- a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses; "the horse stood 20 hands"
- physical assistance; "give me a hand with the chores" (同)helping hand
- a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece; "the big hand counts the minutes"
- terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos); "the kangaroos forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"- Springfield (Mass.) Union
- the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time; "I didnt hold a good hand all evening"; "he kept trying to see my hand" (同)deal
- the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb; "he had the hands of a surgeon"; "he extended his mitt" (同)manus, mitt, paw
- a member of the crew of a ship; "all hands on deck"
- a position given by its location to the side of an object; "objections were voiced on every hand"
- a round of applause to signify approval; "give the little lady a great big hand"
- ability; "he wanted to try his hand at singing"
- one of two sides of an issue; "on the one hand..., but on the other hand..."
- the state that exists when one person or group has power over another; "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her" (同)ascendance, ascendence, ascendancy, ascendency, control
- the organic phenomenon in which one of a pair of alleles present in a genotype is expressed in the phenotype and the other allele of the pair is not
- having or involving the use of hands; "a handed, tree-living animal"; "a four-handed card game"
- (with `in' (同)custody
- 『手』(手首から先の部分) / (時計・計器の)針 / 《単数形で》筆跡 / 側,方(side): / 《a~》(…への)援助,手助け《+with(at, to)+名》 / 職工,職人,人手 / 乗組員 / 《前に形容詞を置いて》(…するのが)(じょうずな・へたな)人(+『at』+『名』(『doing』)》 / 《単数形》技量,腕前;(…の)やり方,扱い方《+『at』(『with』)+名》 / 《単数形で》拍手かっさい / 《文》《one's~,the,》結婚の承諾;確約 / (カードの)持ち札;一勝負 / 《しばしば複数形で》所有,管理 / ハンド(馬の高さを測る単位;4インチ) / 《『hand』+『名』〈間〉+『名』〈直〉=『hand』+『名』+『to』+『名』》…‘に'…‘を'『手渡す』,取ってやる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈人〉‘に'手を貸す / 手の(に関する),手のための / 手で操作する / 手持ちの
- 優越,優勢;支配
- 「…の手をした;…の手でする」の意を表す / 「…人(にん)でする」の意を表す
- おや,はああ,ああ(驚き・喜び・疑い・ためらいなどを表す声)
- hectare; hectares
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English Journal
- Single-limb force data for two lemur species while vertically clinging.
- Johnson LE1, Hanna J2, Schmitt D1.
- American journal of physical anthropology.Am J Phys Anthropol.2015 Nov;158(3):463-74. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22803. Epub 2015 Jul 14.
- OBJECTIVES: Vertical clinging and climbing have been integral to hypotheses about primate origins, yet little is known about how an animal with nails instead of claws resists gravity while on large, vertical, and cylindrical substrates. Here we test models of how force is applied to maintain posture
- PMID 26174130
- Sonographical parameters of the finger pulley system in healthy adults.
- Bassemir D1, Unglaub F1,2, Hahn P1, Müller LP3, Bruckner T4, Spies CK5.
- Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg.2015 Nov;135(11):1615-22. doi: 10.1007/s00402-015-2304-9. Epub 2015 Aug 18.
- INTRODUCTION: To establish normative values of tendon to bone distances (TBDs) to evaluate the A2 and A4 annular pulley integrity, we hypothesized that these values correlate with gender, athletic exercise, occupation, individual's age and body height.METHODS: Ultrasonography of 200 healthy individu
- PMID 26282734
- Diallel cross analysis of plesiomorphic traits in Triticum aestivum L. genotypes.
- Shehzad M1, Hussain SB1, Qureshi MK1, Akbar M1, Javed M1, Imran HM1, Manzoor SA2.
- Genetics and molecular research : GMR.Genet Mol Res.2015 Oct 28;14(4):13485-95. doi: 10.4238/2015.October.28.9.
- We conducted a 5 x 5 complete diallel cross experiment in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) with the genotypes 6309, Chkwal-50, Dhrabi, Bhkhar-02, and FS-08. Our objective was to evaluate the type of gene action and the general and specific combining abilities required for various morphological traits
- PMID 26535662
Japanese Journal
- Are There Excitability Changes in the Hand Motor Cortex During Speech in Left-Handed Subjects?
- TOKIMURA Hiroshi,TOKIMURA Yoshika,ARITA Kazunori
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica = 神経外科 52(3), 148-153, 2012-03-15
- … Hemispheric dominance was investigated in left-handed subjects using single transcranial magnetic stimulation to assess the possible effect of forced change in the dominant hand. … Single transcranial magnetic stimuli were delivered randomly over the hand area of the left or right motor cortex of 8 Japanese self-declared left-handed adult volunteers. … Mean data values across all 8 subjects indicated significant increases only in the left hand. …
- NAID 10030127597
- Noninvasive Determination of Speech Dominance by Single Magnetic Stimulation of the Bilateral Hand Motor Cortex
- TOKIMURA Hiroshi,IMAMURA Shin-ichi,ARITA Kazunori
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica = 神経外科 52(3), 142-147, 2012-03-15
- … Magnetic stimulation of the hand area of the motor cortex in both hemispheres was performed at rest and during reading aloud to observe modulated facilitation of hand muscle motor potentials in 6 right-handed patients, with supratentorial lesions but no motor impairment or aphasia, who had undergone the Wada test to determine speech dominance, showing that 5 were left hemisphere dominant and one was bilateral hemisphere dominant. …
- NAID 10030127569
- 主税 裕樹,溝口 由子,広瀬 啓介 [他],髙山 耕二,中西 良孝,冨永 輝,城戸 麻里,田浦 一成,野村 哲也,大島 一郎,坂田 祐介,チカラ ユウキ,ミゾグチ ユウコ,ヒロセ ケイスケ,タカヤマ コウジ,ナカニシ ヨシタカ,トミナガ アキラ,キド マリ,タウラ イッセイ,ノムラ テツヤ,オオシマ イチロウ,サカタ ユウスケ,CHIKARA Yuki,MIZOGUCHI Yuko,HIROSE Keisuke,TAKAYAMA Koji,NAKANISHI Yoshitaka,TOMINAGA Akira,KIDO Mari,TAURA Issei,NOMURA Tetsuya,OSHIMA Ichiro,SAKATA Yusuke
- 鹿児島大学農学部農場研究報告 (34), 17-24, 2012-03-00
- … Sward height and coverage of each plot were measured, thereby the relative summed dominance ratio (SDR_2') was determined. … On the other hand, the goats browsed leaves and twigs of some camellias and stripped the bark from the trees by rubbing their horn or head against the trunk. …
- NAID 40019293015
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- 関
- dextral、hand dominance、handedness、right hand、Z-helix
- 関
- dominant、dominantly、predominance、predominant、predominantly、predominately、preponderance、superior、superiorly