- type genus of the family Cancridae (同)genus Cancer
- the fourth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about June 21 to July 22 (同)Cancer the Crab, Crab
- (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Cancer (同)Crab
- a small zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Leo and Gemini
- any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream (同)malignant neoplastic disease
- 〈U〉〈C〉『がん』 / 〈U〉〈C〉害悪 / 《Cancer》(星座の)カニ座
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English Journal
- Adverse histopathological findings in glottic cancer with anterior commissure involvement.
- Leszczyńska M1, Tokarski M, Jarmołowska-Jurczyszyn D, Kosikowski P, Szyfter W, Wierzbicka M.
- European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol.2015 Aug;272(8):1973-81. doi: 10.1007/s00405-015-3594-9. Epub 2015 Mar 21.
- Open partial horizontal laryngectomy (OPHL) specimens include cartilage and lymph nodes. Pathological adverse findings (PAF): perichondrium, cartilage, perineural invasion, microvessel spread and prelaryngeal metastases can be detected histologically. We aimed at examining PAF in OPHL specimens and
- PMID 25794542
- Voice and Functional Outcomes of Transoral Laser Microsurgery for Early Glottic Cancer: Ventricular Fold Resection as a Surrogate.
- Berania I1, Dagenais C1, Moubayed SP1, Ayad T1, Olivier MJ1, Guertin L1, Bissada E1, Tabet JC1, Christopoulos A1.
- Journal of clinical medicine research.J Clin Med Res.2015 Aug;7(8):632-6. doi: 10.14740/jocmr2216w. Epub 2015 Jun 9.
- BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to evaluate the oncological and functional outcomes with transoral laser microsurgery (TOLM) of patients with early glottic cancer.METHODS: We have prospectively evaluated patients treated with TOLM for Tis, T1 or T2 glottic squamous cell carcinoma. Evaluation of
- PMID 26124910
- Voice outcomes following reoperative central neck dissection for recurrent/persistent thyroid cancer.
- Starmer H1,2, Noureldine SI2, Ozgursoy OB2, Tufano RP2.
- The Laryngoscope.Laryngoscope.2015 Jul 7. doi: 10.1002/lary.25427. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: We aimed to assess voice outcomes following reoperative central neck dissection (RCND) to characterize postoperative voice difficulties experienced, determine the natural progression of vocal recovery, and identify risk factors for the development of voice disorders postoperat
- PMID 26153252
Japanese Journal
- 田畑 貴久,若杉 哲郎,三箇 敏昭 [他],北村 拓朗,永谷 群司,鈴木 秀明
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 108(4), 295-300, 2015
- … Laryngeal cancer is the third most common of the head and neck cancers in Japan. … We retrospectively analyzed the data of 112 newly diagnosed patients with laryngeal cancer who were treated at our department between 2005 and 2012. … The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 95 months (median: 33 months).Our treatment protocol was as follows: Patients with T1a glottic or T1 supra/subglottic cancer were administered radiotherapy alone at 60 Gy/30 fractions. …
- NAID 130005061541
- 愛甲 健,谷垣 裕二,矢吹 健一郎 [他],折舘 伸彦
- 日本気管食道科学会会報 66(1), 1-6, 2015
- T2N0声門扁平上皮癌は生命予後良好な疾患であるが,放射線単独治療の場合,局所再発が30%程度あると報告されている。われわれは局所制御,喉頭温存率を高める目的で放射線治療に加え経口抗癌剤S-1を併用し治療を行っている。2004年4月から2010年7月までに当院を受診しS-1併用放射線治療を行った27例について検討した。S-1の投与量は体表面積から算出される初回基準量より1段階減量し (80~100 …
- NAID 130004915938
- 竹内 寅之進,土師 知行,佐藤 進一,市丸 和之,西村 一成,南 和彦,宮崎 拓也,坂本 進,鈴木 良,岩永 健,大庭 晋,藤原 崇史
- 耳鼻と臨床 60(1), 16-23, 2014
- 2002 年から 2009 年の 8 年間に当科で一次根治治療を行った喉頭癌 164 例について臨床的検討を行った。発生部位は声門が 126 例と最も多く、声門上は 34例、声門下は4例であった。重複癌は同時性、異時性あわせて全体の 22.6%であった。TNM 分類では stage Ⅱまでの早期症例が 121 例(73.8%)と多かった。全体の 3 年粗生存率は 93.8%で、部位別では声門が 9 …
- NAID 130004862326
Related Links
- Glottic cancer is a malignancy of the larynx that involves the true vocal cords and anterior and posterior commissures. Because of its anatomical location, it can have profound effects on the basic vital functions including ...
- Radiation is the primary nonsurgical treatment for early-stage glottic tumors (ie, T1, T2). Although radiotherapy techniques and doses may vary, a standard course of radiation for glottic cancer usually consists of a total of ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- glottis carcinoma, glottic cancer
- 同
- 声門がん
- 関
- 喉頭癌
- T1:声門部に限局、かつ声帯可動性良好
- T2:声門部上部か声門部下部に進展か、あるいは声帯運動制限
- T3:声帯固定されているが喉頭内に限局/傍声門間隙浸潤、あるいは甲状軟骨への微小浸潤
- T4
- T4a:甲状軟骨の破壊、あるいは気管または軟部組織(舌外筋、前頚筋群、甲状腺、食道)浸潤
- T4b:椎前部、縦隔、頚動脈に浸潤
- 同
- 癌腫
- 関
- tumor
- 関
- glottis