- 関
- festinating gait、hysterical gait、neurologic gait disorder、shuffling gait、spastic gait、unsteady gait
- relating to or located in the front; "the front lines"; "the front porch"
- (meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses
- a sphere of activity involving effort; "the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front"; "they advertise on many different fronts"
- the side that is seen or that goes first
- the side that is forward or prominent (同)front end, forepart
- the outward appearance of a person; "he put up a bold front"
- the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer; "he walked to the front of the stage"
- confront bodily; "breast the storm" (同)breast
- be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park" (同)look, face
- of or relating to the front of an advancing mass of air; "frontal rainfall"
- a drapery that covers the front of an altar
- meeting front to front; "a frontal attack"; "a head-on collision" (同)head-on
- belonging to the front part; "a frontal appendage"
- of or adjacent to the forehead or frontal bone; "the frontal lobes"
- a horses manner of moving
- a persons manner of walking
- 《the~》(物の)『前面』,表;(玄関を含む建物の)正面;(…の)最前部《+『of』+『名』》 / 《the~》(本などの)最初の部分 / 〈U〉《しばしばa~》(物事に対する)態度 / 〈C〉(共通目的のための)共同戦線,運動,提携 / 〈C〉(街路・川・湖に面した)土地;《英》(海岸の)遊歩道 / 〈C〉戦線 / 《話》〈C〉世間の目をそらすための人(物);(…の)隠れみの《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(気象上の)前線 / 〈C〉前部に位置する(ある)もの(ワイシャツの胸当て,前頭部など) / 『正面の』,前の;表の / (発音で)前舌音の / 〈場所が〉…‘に'面する / (…を)…‘の'正面(前面)につける《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 《古》〈敵・困難・危険など〉‘に'立ち向かう,直面する / (…に)面する《+『on』(『to,toward,upon』)+『名』》
- 正面の,前面の
- 歩きぶり,足どり
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English Journal
- Partial body weight support treadmill training speed influences paretic and non-paretic leg muscle activation, stride characteristics, and ratings of perceived exertion during acute stroke rehabilitation.
- Burnfield JM1, Buster TW2, Goldman AJ2, Corbridge LM2, Harper-Hanigan K3.
- Human movement science.Hum Mov Sci.2016 Jun;47:16-28. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2016.01.012. Epub 2016 Feb 1.
- BACKGROUND: Intensive task-specific training is promoted as one approach for facilitating neural plastic brain changes and associated motor behavior gains following neurologic injury. Partial body weight support treadmill training (PBWSTT), is one task-specific approach frequently used to improve wa
- PMID 26845732
- Cortical Implications of Advancing Age and Disease Duration in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Postural Instability and Gait Dysfunction.
- Herb JN1, Rane S2, Isaacs DA3, Van Wouwe N3, Roman OC3, Landman BA2,4, Dawant BM4, Hedera P3, Zald DH5, Neimat JS6, Wylie SA3, Donahue MJ2, Claassen DO3.
- Journal of Parkinson's disease.J Parkinsons Dis.2016 May 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Parkinson's Disease patients with predominant gait dysfunction appear to have reduced cortical thickness compared to other motor phenotypes. The extent to which advancing age, or disease duration impact the pattern of these distinctions is unclear.OBJECTIVE: We examine if PD patients wit
- PMID 27164041
- Kinematic gait patterns and their relationship to pain in mild-to-moderate hip osteoarthritis.
- Leigh RJ1, Osis ST2, Ferber R3.
- Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon).Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon).2016 May;34:12-7. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2015.12.010. Epub 2015 Dec 31.
- BACKGROUND: Mild-to-moderate hip osteoarthritis is often managed clinically in a non-surgical manner. Effective non-surgical management of this population requires characterizing the specific impairments within this group. To date, a complete description of all lower extremity kinematics in mild-to-
- PMID 27031047
Japanese Journal
- Depth-based Gait Authentication for Practical Sensor Settings
- Ikeda Taro,Mitsugami Ikuhisa,Yagi Yasushi
- IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications 7(0), 94-98, 2015
- … This paper investigates performances of silhouette-based and depth-based gait authentication considering practical sensor settings where sensors are located in an environments afterwards and usually have to be located quite near to people. … In addition, we also investigate performances when we have to authenticate between frontal and rear views. … We also confirm that by introducing Depth-based Gait Feature, we can authenticate between the frontal and rear views. …
- NAID 130005091223
- Changes in angular kinematics of the paretic lower limb at different orthotic angles of plantar flexion limitation of an ankle-foot-orthosis for stroke patients
- Lee Hye Young,Lee Jeon Hyeong,Kim Kyoung
- Journal of Physical Therapy Science 27(3), 825-828, 2015
- … [Purpose] An ankle-foot-orthosis (AFO) is an assistive brace that allows stroke patients to achieve an independent gait. … However, no significant differences were observed among any of the orthotic limitation angles in the frontal plane. …
- NAID 130005061685
- The effect of angle and moment of the hip and knee joint on iliotibial band hardness.
- Tateuchi Hiroshige,Shiratori Sakiko,Ichihashi Noriaki
- Gait
- … Sixteen healthy individuals performed the one-leg standing under five conditions in which the pelvic and trunk inclination were changed in the frontal plane. …
- NAID 120005611392
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- Presentation may involve a number of symptoms that are not seen in other forms of cognitive impairment/dementia: gait disturbances (gait ignition failure, frontal gait disorder, frontal or subcortical disequilibrium), focal deficits, loss of ...
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- 英
- frontal gait
- 関
- 加速歩行、不安定歩行、引きずり歩行、痙性歩行、ヒステリー性歩行障害、神経性歩行障害
- 関
- festinating gait、frontal gait、hysterical gait、neurologic gait disorder、shuffling gait、spastic gait
- 関
- festinating gait、frontal gait、hysterical gait、neurologic gait disorder、shuffling gait、unsteady gait
- 関
- festinating gait、frontal gait、hysterical gait、shuffling gait、spastic gait、unsteady gait
- 関
- acral、forehead、front、procephalic、tip
- 関
- frontal