- a concavity in a surface produced by pressing; "he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud" (同)impression, imprint
- a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment (同)slump, economic crisis
- a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
- angular distance below the horizon (especially of a celestial object)
- pushing down; "depression of the space bar on the typewriter"
- sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
- relating to or dealing with existence (especially with human existence)
- of or as conceived by existentialism; "an existential moment of choice"
- a period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment (同)Great_Depression
- 〈C〉『くぼ地』,くぼみ / 〈U〉〈C〉『意気消沈』,憂うつ;うつ病 / 〈C〉『不景気』,不況 / 〈U〉押し下げること,降下,低下
- 存在の / 実存主義の
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English Journal
- Existential Anxiety Among Adolescents Exposed to Disaster: Linkages Among Level of Exposure, PTSD, and Depression Symptoms.
- Weems CF1, Russell JD2, Neill EL1, Berman SL3, Scott BG4.
- Journal of traumatic stress.J Trauma Stress.2016 Aug 31. doi: 10.1002/jts.22128. [Epub ahead of print]
- Exposure to natural disasters can be highly traumatic and have a detrimental effect on youth mental health by threatening the satisfaction of basic human needs and goals. Recent research in adults suggests that exposure to disasters may exacerbate existential anxiety about the meaning of life. The c
- PMID 27580299
- 'Dignity therapy', a promising intervention in palliative care: A comprehensive systematic literature review.
- Martínez M1, Arantzamendi M2, Belar A3, Carrasco JM4, Carvajal A5, Rullán M6, Centeno C1.
- Palliative medicine.Palliat Med.2016 Aug 26. pii: 0269216316665562. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Dignity therapy is psychotherapy to relieve psychological and existential distress in patients at the end of life. Little is known about its effect.AIM: To analyse the outcomes of dignity therapy in patients with advanced life-threatening diseases.DESIGN: Systematic review was conducted.
- PMID 27566756
- Clinicians' experiences of anxiety in patients with dementia.
- Goyal AR1, Engedal K2, Eriksen S2.
- Dementia (London, England).Dementia (London).2016 Jul 14. pii: 1471301216659770. [Epub ahead of print]
- Since anxiety in patients with dementia is a complex, understudied phenomenon, this paper presents clinicians' experiences of anxiety in this population. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven clinicians experienced with dementia in elderly patients (65 years and above), and then evalu
- PMID 27416951
Japanese Journal
- アジア心身医学会The Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine(ACPM)について : 歴史と展望:創設から今日に至る道程とアジア・太平洋地域の心身医学の普及,そして未来への任務
- 石津 宏
- 心身医学 51(7), 600-607, 2011-07-01
- アジア心身医学会The Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine(ACPM)は,1982年(昭和57年)4月12日,東京において,国際心身医学会のアジア部会The Asian Chapter of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine(ICPM-AC)として設立され,池見酉次郎日本心身医学会理事 …
- NAID 110008673134
- ネオリベラルな現在(いま)において人類学のできること(<特集>ネオリベラリズムの時代と人類学的営為)
- 青木 恵理子
- 文化人類学 74(2), 316-337, 2009-09-30
- 本稿の目的は、インドネシア・フローレス島の生活世界を具体的に伝えることにより、現在のグローバル市場経済を方向付けているネオリベラリズムとその批判が陥りがちな予見を指摘し、代替的(オルタナティヴ)な視座を示唆することである。この30年間、グローバル・ヘゲモニーの中心諸国をはじめ多くの場所で、ネオリベラルな政策が様々な困難を生んでいるが、フローレスの二つの社会には、それぞれ固有の変容と持続がみられる。 …
- NAID 110007386697
- HIV感染者のQOLと精神心理的要因の関係について
- 牧野 麻由子,Makino Mayuko
- 新潟医学会雑誌 123(5), 223-231, 2009-05
- … Result: Feeling of depression and anxiety have a significant relationship with the QOL of patients. … In addition, there was a significant correlation between feelings of depression and anxiety and existential theme. … Existential theme also showed significant relationship with the QOL of HIV-infected patients. …
- NAID 120005457267
Related Links
- Existential depression is very common amongst gifted individuals. In fact, a wide array of mental and emotional difficulties can be found in many gifted individuals. This all can stem back to grade school, when they were most likely ...
- Existential depression may occur when a person comes face to face with these kinds of issues of life, death, freedom and the meaning of their life. For instance, a person with existential depression might ask themselves, “What is the ...
- 英
- existential depression
- 同
- D, 低下、うつ病
- 押し下げること、下降、沈下、陥没
- くぼみ、窪地、低地、陥凹
- 意気消沈、憂鬱、ふさぎ。(精神医)鬱病、よくうつ、メランコリー
- 不振、低下、減退。(経済)不景気、不況
- (生理)機能低下