- 関
- bowel obstruction、ileus、intestinal obstruction
English Journal
- Palliative surgical treatment for enterostasis caused by recurrent gastric cancer: analysis of survival and QOL based on pathological features.
- Hoya Y, Matai K, Mitsumori N, Murai R, Nagayama A, Anazawa S, Yamazaki Y, Yanaga K.SourceDepartment of Surgery, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. hoya@jikei.ac.jp
- International surgery.Int Surg.2007 May-Jun;92(3):138-41.
- To improve quality of life (QOL) and prolong survival, enterostasis caused by recurrent gastric cancer must be treated appropriately. We reviewed the current treatment retrospectively. The subjects were 43 patients with enterostasis caused by recurrent gastric cancer and treated by surgical procedur
- PMID 17972468
- Congenital multiple intestinal atresia successfully treated with multiple anastomoses in a premature neonate: report of a case.
- Hasegawa T, Sumimura J, Nose K, Sasaki T, Miki Y, Dezawa T.SourceDivision of Pediatric Surgery, Kinan General Hospital, Wakayama, Japan.
- Surgery today.Surg Today.1996;26(10):849-51.
- We report herein the case of a 2080-g premature male infant born at 34 weeks' gestation with multiple intestinal atresia, for whom multiple anastomoses were successfully performed. A total of 11 atresias were found in the small bowel, and five anastomoses were performed to preserve 59 cm of small bo
- PMID 8897693
- Gastrocolic fistula complicating benign unoperated gastric ulcer. Report of four cases and review of the literature.
- Akwari OE, Edis AJ, Wollaeger EE.AbstractOf 957 patients undergoing operation for benign gastric ulcer and its complications from 1965 through June 1975, 90 had perforated ulcers. Among these were four patients in whom a gastrocolic fistula had formed. Although two of the four patients had symptoms due to peptic ulcer dating back 12 and 68 months, symptoms of a gastrocolic fistula were the initial presentation of ulcer disease in the other two. All four patients had watery diarrhea and weight loss, and barium enema examination was diagnostic in each case. The perforating ulcers were located in the distal stomach on the greater curvature in all four patients. Although enterostasis was not present in these cases, regurgitation of colonic contents probably results in bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, causing structural and functional damage to the mucosal cells by bacterial products, manifested clinically by diarrhea in 75% of the patients. Surgery should be advised in all cases after adequate preparation of the patient; bowel preparation with cathartics, enemas, and oral antibiotics is mandatory. The preferred operation is one-stage enbloc hemigastrectomy and resection of the involved segment of colon along with the fistulous tract. The present series brings to 43 the total number of cases of gastrocolic fistulas complicating benign, previously unoperated gastric or duodenal ulcers. There is an appreciable mortality associated with this condition - 7 of these 43 patients (16%) died as a direct consequence of their fistula.
- Mayo Clinic proceedings. Mayo Clinic.Mayo Clin Proc.1976 Apr;51(4):223-30.
- Of 957 patients undergoing operation for benign gastric ulcer and its complications from 1965 through June 1975, 90 had perforated ulcers. Among these were four patients in whom a gastrocolic fistula had formed. Although two of the four patients had symptoms due to peptic ulcer dating back 12 and 68
- PMID 1263593
Japanese Journal
- 24年間空置された結腸に生じた異時性多発大腸癌の1例
- 早田 浩明,滝口 伸浩
- 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 59(1), 7-10, 2006-01-01
- … This case was a 74-year-old female who underwent celiotomy at a local clinic due to enterostasis on December 13, 1976. …
- NAID 10017234772
- 松本 匡史,成原 健太郎,真田 裕,山口 真彦
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 67(11), 2646-2649, 2006
- … We concluded this enterolith was primary enterolith due to the dental implant and enterostasis. …
- NAID 130003604813
- 嵌頓鼠径ヘルニア整復後に発症した虚血性小腸狭窄の1例
- 遠野 千尋,川村 秀司
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 37(12), 1900-1904, 2004-12-01
- 今回われわれは嵌頓鼠径ヘルニアの整復後に小腸狭窄をきたした症例を経験したので報告する.症例は72歳の男性で,2003年10月1日,鼠径ヘルニア嵌頓から腸閉塞をきたし,当院を受診した.嵌頓鼠径ヘルニアによる腸閉塞の診断で入院し,嵌頓を整復した.その後腸閉塞は改善し10月8日(整復から7日後)にヘルニア根治術を施行し,退院した.しかし11月4日(術後27日)に腸閉塞を再発し入院した.諸検査にて小腸の狭 …
- NAID 10014399877
Related Links
- enterostasis en·ter·o·sta·sis (ěn'tə-rō-stā'sĭs) n. A retardation or arrest of the passage of the intestinal contents, as from obstruction. Also called intestinal stasis.
- en·ter·o·sta·sis (ĕn′tə-rō-stā′sĭs) n. A retardation or arrest of the passage of the intestinal contents, as from obstruction. Also called intestinal stasis. enterostasis [en″ter-o-sta´sis] intestinal stasis. enterostasis intestinal stasis. en·ter ...
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- 英
- ileus
- 同
- 腸閉塞 腸閉塞症 腸不通症, intestinal obstruction???
- 関
- bowel obstruction、enterostasis、intestinal obstruction
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