English Journal
- Technique and surgical outcome of total resection of lower sacral tumor.
- Yin X1, Fan WL1, Liu F1, Zhu J1, Liu P1, Zhao JH1.
- International journal of clinical and experimental medicine.Int J Clin Exp Med.2015 Feb 15;8(2):2284-8. eCollection 2015.
- OBJECTIVE: To summarize the technique and surgical outcome for total resection of lower sacral tumor.METHODS: This retrospective study included 12 cases of total resection of lower sacral tumor (involving S3 and the below) from January 2010 to February 2013. Seven patients underwent en bloc resectio
- PMID 25932164
- [Effect of an early application of chaiqin chengqi decoction in treating severe acute pancreatitis complicated with acute respiratory distress syndrome].
- Wang ZC1, Xue P, Huang ZW.
- Zhongguo Zhong xi yi jie he za zhi Zhongguo Zhongxiyi jiehe zazhi = Chinese journal of integrated traditional and Western medicine / Zhongguo Zhong xi yi jie he xue hui, Zhongguo Zhong yi yan jiu yuan zhu ban.Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi.2009 Apr;29(4):322-4.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the therapeutic effects of an early application of Chaiqin Chengqi Decoction (CQCQD) on severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) complicated with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).METHODS: Forty patients of SAP-ARDS were equally randomized into the early-treated group (ET)
- PMID 19526757
- [Septic shock: surgical and medical problems in the elderly].
- De Santis L1, Bruttocao A, Militello C, Martella B, Terranova O.
- Annali italiani di chirurgia.Ann Ital Chir.2003 May-Jun;74(3):261-4.
- The sepsis is a bacterial invasion of the organism producing many manifestations which are able to amplify themselves. In the United States of America there are 100,000 death per year and the incidence is among 300,000-500,000 cases. The major surgery in the elder (especially if it is in emergency)
- PMID 14677279
Japanese Journal
- 腸管運動機能の腸音図法による解析 腸管運動促進作用剤(TM‐723とPGF2α)の臨床的評価:腸管運動促進作用剤 (TM-723とPGF<SUB>2α</SUB>) の臨床的評価
- 川口 富司,小林 康人,田伏 克惇,勝見 正治
- 日本平滑筋学会雑誌 21(5), 419-425, 1985
- … In patients with so-called postopeartive enteroplegia after laparotomy, effects of aclatonium napadisilate (abbreviated as TM-723 hereinafter) and prostaglandine F<SUB>2α</SUB> … As to effect on intestinal motility, TM-723 increased intestinal motility when it was reduced in so-called postoperative enteroplegia phase. … tendedto increase intestinal motility regardless of motility in enteroplegia phase. …
- NAID 130002036554
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- 英
- paralytic ileus adynamic ileus
- 同
- 腸麻痺 enteroplegia
- 関
- 急性腹膜炎が最多
- 脊髄損傷、脊椎・骨盤骨折、後腹膜出血、開腹術後(2-3日までは生理的)、電解質異常、薬物、肺炎、尿毒症、全身感染症など
- 汎発性化膿性腹膜炎、子宮外妊娠、腹腔内出血、術後腸麻痺、糖尿病性神経障害、腸間膜血管閉塞によるイレウス(YN.A-07)
- 英
- enteroplegia
- 関
- 麻痺性イレウス