- 関
- dysentery bacillus、Shigella、Shigella dysenteriae
- an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea
- 赤痢
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English Journal
- Antibacterial and antifungal activities of various solvent extracts from the leaves and stem bark of Anisophyllea laurina R. Br ex Sabine used as traditional medicine in Guinea.
- Onivogui G1, Diaby M2, Chen X3, Zhang H1, Kargbo MR2, Song Y4.
- Journal of ethnopharmacology.J Ethnopharmacol.2015 Jun 20;168:287-90. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2015.03.055. Epub 2015 Apr 3.
- ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Anisophyllea laurina R. Br ex Sabine is a plant that has been used in the folk medicine to treat malaria, dysentery, diabetes and toothache against bacterial infection. Through this study, most likely we are reporting for the first time, its effectiveness as an antiba
- PMID 25843022
- Shewanella dysentery in a patient with underlying malignancy.
- Jeffery S1.
- The Medical journal of Malaysia.Med J Malaysia.2014 Dec;69(6):284-5.
- Shewanella spp is a facultatively anaerobic, motile, gramnegative bacillus and can be found throughout the world mainly in marine environments and soil. It is a rare pathogen in human and infection by it is usually associated with underlying severe morbidities. We report a case of a 69- years old wo
- PMID 25934962
- The extant World War 1 dysentery bacillus NCTC1: a genomic analysis.
- Baker KS1, Mather AE1, McGregor H2, Coupland P1, Langridge GC1, Day M3, Deheer-Graham A2, Parkhill J1, Russell JE2, Thomson NR4.
- Lancet (London, England).Lancet.2014 Nov 8;384(9955):1691-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61789-X. Epub 2014 Nov 7.
- BACKGROUND: Shigellosis (previously bacillary dysentery) was the primary diarrhoeal disease of World War 1, but outbreaks still occur in military operations, and shigellosis causes hundreds of thousands of deaths per year in developing nations. We aimed to generate a high-quality reference genome of
- PMID 25441199
Japanese Journal
- 中国産カニクイザルの輸入検疫における一般臨床所見および微生物学的検査成績
- Modern Japanese medical history and the European influence
Related Links
- A Canadian International Development Agency report, cited by the paper, said, "For every 100 deaths of children under five years old, more than 50 had symptoms linked to typhoid, dysentery bacilli, and various parasites that infest ...
- A Canadian International Development Agency report, cited by the paper, said, "For every 100 deaths of children under five years old, more than 50 had symptoms linked to typhoid, dysentery bacilli, and various parasites that infest ...
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- dysentery bacilli、dysentery bacillus、Shigella
- 関
- dysentery bacilli、Shigella、Shigella dysenteriae
- 関
- bacillary、Bacillus