- very tired and without energy
- The whole episode lasted for 2.5h, and he felt drained and unwell afterwards.
- emptied or exhausted of (as by drawing off e.g. water or other liquid); "a drained marsh"; "a drained tank"; "a drained and apathetic old man...not caring any longer about anything"
- not drained; "preserve wetlands; keep them undrained"
- empty of liquid; drain the liquid from; "We drained the oil tank"
- emptying something accomplished by allowing liquid to run out of it (同)drainage
- a pipe through which liquid is carried away (同)drainpipe, waste_pipe
- a gradual depletion of energy or resources; "a drain on resources"; "a drain of young talent by emigration"
- tube inserted into a body cavity (as during surgery) to remove unwanted material
- flow off gradually; "The rain water drains into this big vat" (同)run_out
- deplete of resources; "The exercise class drains me of energy"
- (液体を)…‘から'『排出する』《+『名』+『of』+『名』》;(…から)〈液体〉‘を'『排出する』《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / …‘を'消耗させる,枯渇させる;(…を)〈人〉‘から'消耗させる《+『名』+『of』+『名』》 / 〈酒など〉‘を'飲み干す,空にする / 〈土地〉‘を'干上がらせる / 〈土地などが〉水はけがよい;(液体を)排出する《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈水・液体などが〉徐々に流れ去る / 〈C〉『排水設備』,排水路 / 〈C〉(…を)消耗(枯渇)させるもの《+『on』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《時にa~》(富・力などの)消耗,枯渇
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Drained |
Directed by |
Heitor Dhalia |
Produced by |
Heitor Dhalia
Joana Mariani
Marcelo Doria
Matias Mariani
Rodrigo Teixeira |
Written by |
Marçal Aquino
Heitor Dhalia
Lourenço Mutarelli (novel) |
Starring |
Selton Mello
Paula Braun
Lourenço Mutarelli
Sílvia Lourenço
Lorena Lobato
Alice Braga |
Release dates
- September 27, 2006 (2006-09-27) (Rio Film Festival)
- March 23, 2007 (2007-03-23) (Brazil)
Running time
112 minutes |
Country |
Brazil |
Language |
Portuguese |
Drained,[1] originally titled O Cheiro do Ralo, is a 2006 Brazilian film based on a novel by Lourenço Mutarelli. It is directed by Heitor Dhalia, and stars Selton Mello. The film was produced by Geração Conteúdo, Primo Filmes & RT Features.
- 1 Plot
- 2 Festival career
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Lourenço is a lonely pawn shop owner. His work has made him insensitive to the suffering of those who desperately seek to sell him their personal possessions. Lourenço's lack of emotions makes him deal with the world as a collection of objects to be bought. He begins to play power games with his customers, and derives pleasure from it.
Lourenço narrates the movie, and throughout the plot he reveals his growing lust for power. The name of the movie ("The Smell from the Drain") comes from an insistent bad odour that comes from the restroom in Lourenço's office. Lourenço's lust for power is symbolized by the smell from the drain in his office. The drain smells from his feces. He slowly comes to realize that the stench from the drain comes from him. Lourenço's life changes when he becomes infatuated with a local waitress, in particular her butt. Yet, her butt becomes yet another object to him, and as with any other object, he desires to possess it. In the end, he destroys the beauty of the woman's behind by paying her to see it.
Festival career
- Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival
- Best Latin American Film (FEPRASCI award)
- Special Jury Award
- Best Actor (Selton Mello)
- Mostra BR - São Paulo International Film Festival
- Best Film (Bandeira Paulista Award)
- Critic Award
- Special Mention to the Film's Cast
- International Competition at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival[1]
- ^ a b [1] Robert Koehler. Drained movie review. Variety Sundance Festival reviews.
External links
- O Cheiro do Ralo at the Internet Movie Database
Films directed by Heitor Dhalia
- Nina (2004)
- Drained (2006)
- Adrift (2009)
- Gone (2012)
- Serra Pelada (2013)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- The role of power line rights-of-way as an alternative habitat for declined mire butterflies.
- Lensu T, Komonen A, Hiltula O, Paivinen J, Saari V, Kotiaho JS.SourceDepartment of Biological and Environmental Science, P.O. Box 35, University of Jyvaskyla, 40014 Jyvaskyla, Finland.
- Journal of environmental management.J Environ Manage.2011 Oct;92(10):2539-46. Epub 2011 Jun 12.
- Habitat loss is one of the greatest threats for biodiversity. In Finland, two thirds of natural mires have been drained for silviculture, which transforms open wetlands into dense forests. However, vegetation management of power line rights-of-way (ROW) maintain the drained mires as open areas. The
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- Kryvenko ON, Gupta NS, Meier FA, Lee MW, Epstein JI.SourcePathology and Laboratory Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 W Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202.
- American journal of clinical pathology.Am J Clin Pathol.2011 Sep;136(3):450-7.
- We describe 3 ovarian and 5 renal anastomosing hemangiomas. One manifested with polycythemia, others were incidental; none recurred. The mean patient age was 58 years. Three hemangiomas developed in end-stage renal disease. Tumors were well-demarcated, mahogany brown, spongy lesions measuring 0.1 to
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- Flock F, Kohorst F, Kreienberg R, Reich A.SourceClinical center of Memmingen, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Germany.
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- OBJECTIVES: Retropubic hematomas are rare but typical complications during or after the tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure. We investigated the possibility of treating these hematomas with retziusscopy, as an update of a previous study by our group.STUDY DESIGN: Over a 10-year period the clin
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Japanese Journal
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- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery 25(1), 69-73, 2011-01-15
- 症例は64歳男性.1年前に多量の左胸水と左無気肺で入院.好酸球増多を認める煉瓦色の胸水であり,好酸球性肺炎として原因検索をしたが確定診断に至らなかった.保存的治療は不可能と判断し,胸腔鏡下ドレナージ術を施行し,血気胸と診断した.術後,胸水貯留が続くため,胸膜癒着療法を施行し軽快した.胸水の再貯留は認めず1年経過したが,発熱,喀血を認め再入院した.胸腹部CTでは右胸水と,膵体部から後縦隔まで広がる嚢 …
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- 幌延地域に分布する珪質岩を対象とした間隙弾性パラメータの取得と室内試験法の提案 (小特集 間隙水圧・変形連成問題への最近の取り組み)
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Related Links
- To draw off (a liquid) by a gradual process: drained water from the sink. 2. a. To cause liquid to go out from; empty: drained the bathtub; drain the pond. b. To draw off the surface water of: The Mississippi River drains a vast area. ...
- Polycast Drains Presloped Trench Drain Systems Superior surface drainage systems www.hubbellpowersystems.com ... to become empty or dry by the gradual flowing off of liquid or moisture: This land drains into the Mississippi. ...
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- (水などを)はく、排出する(awaym off, out)。~から排水/放水する(off)、(土地を)干拓する。(皮などがある地域)の排水をする。(土地など)に排水設備を施す。
- (水気を)切る。(洗った皿など)の水気を切る。(酒・グラスなど)ぐいと飲み干す
- (外科)~の液/膿を出す、排液/排膿する
- (貨幣・財宝・人材を)国外に流出させる、(富・力などを)消耗させる(exhaust)(from)。~から(富・力などを)奪い去る(deprive)(of)
- (液が)たらたら流れ出る(through,out)、流れ去る(off,away)。(土地が)排水される、(ある地域が)地表水を排水する(into)。(沼地などが)干上がる、(ぬれた海綿・布など)水が切れて乾く。(水が)はける、切れる。
- 関
- (adj.)drained, draining
- egest, egestion, eject, eliminate, elimination, emission, emit, excrete, excretion, expel, export, flush, pour, shed