- 排水管,下水管
- 足にぴったりした細い男性用ズボン
English Journal
- The relationship between residential magnetic fields and contact voltage: a pooled analysis.
- Kavet R, Hooper C, Buffler P, Does M.SourceElectric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA.
- Radiation research.Radiat Res.2011 Dec;176(6):807-15. Epub 2011 Oct 12.
- It has been suggested that residential exposure to contact currents may be more directly associated with the potential for an increased risk of leukemia in childhood than magnetic fields. Contact current exposure occurs when a child contacts a bathtub's water fixtures, which are usually contiguous w
- PMID 21988611
- Efficacy of multifunnel traps for capturing emerald ash borer (Coleoptera: Buprestidae): effect of color, glue, and other trap coatings.
- Francese JA, Fraser I, Lance DR, Mastro VC.SourceUSDA-APHIS-PPQ CPHST, Otis Laboratory, Bldg. 1398, Otis ANGB, MA 02542, USA.
- Journal of economic entomology.J Econ Entomol.2011 Jun;104(3):901-8.
- Tens of thousands of adhesive-coated purple prism traps are deployed annually in the United States to survey for the invasive emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). A reusable, more user-friendly trap is desired by program managers, surveyors, and researchers. Fi
- PMID 21735910
- Management of a multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii outbreak in an intensive care unit using novel environmental disinfection: a 38-month report.
- La Forgia C, Franke J, Hacek DM, Thomson RB Jr, Robicsek A, Peterson LR.SourceDepartment of Medicine, University of Chicago, Evanston, IL, USA.
- American journal of infection control.Am J Infect Control.2010 May;38(4):259-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2009.07.012. Epub 2009 Nov 8.
- BACKGROUND: Between June 1, 2004, and March 14, 2005, 16 patients in the surgical/medical intensive care unit (ICU) were infected and another 2 were colonized with multidrug-resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii. We describe the systematic investigation initiated to discover an environmental reser
- PMID 19900737
Japanese Journal
- 齋藤 敬子
- 保健医療科学 63(4), 368-382, 2014-08
- 1970年,建築物における衛生的環境の確保に関する法律(建築物衛生法)の制定に伴い設立された公益財団法人日本建築衛生管理教育センターでは,調査情報部門を設けて建築物衛生に関する問題点と対策について総合的な検討を進めている.本稿では,近年,建築物衛生の観点から対応が求められている代表的な課題のうち,特に管理上で問題になっている事項に焦点を当て,対処と改善の歴史を振り返りながら,今後の対応や方向性につ …
- NAID 110009838021
- 小曽根 惠子,伊藤 真弓,金山 彰宏
- 衛生動物 65(1), 29-31, 2014
- … The vertical movement of the German cockroach Blattella germanica (Linnaeus) to upper floors was studied using a 700 cm vinyl tube as a model of a drainpipe in buildings and houses. …
- NAID 130004714258
- 集合住宅排水立て管発生音の低減対策に関する実験的検討 (設備機器発生音の低減対策(1))
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- drainpipeとは。意味や和訳。[名]((英))1 排水[下水]管(((米))downspout).2 (屋根から地面への)雨樋(どい)(((米))downspout).3 ((~s))細いぴったりしたズボン(drainpipe trousers). - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音 ...
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