- 関
- caries、dental caries、dental decay
- undergo decay or decomposition; "The body started to decay and needed to be cremated"
- fall into decay or ruin; "The unoccupied house started to decay" (同)crumble, dilapidate
- a gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current (同)decline
- the organic phenomenon of rotting (同)decomposition
- the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance along with the emission of ionizing radiation (同)radioactive decay, disintegration
- an inferior state resulting from the process of decaying; "the corpse was in an advanced state of decay"; "the house had fallen into a serious state of decay and disrepair"
- the process of gradually becoming inferior
- a means of enforcement; "the treaty had no teeth in it"
- one of a number of uniform projections on a gear
- something resembling the tooth of an animal
- toothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shell
- hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense
- a blast of a horn
- having teeth especially of a certain number or type; often used in combination; "saw-toothed"
- カリエス(骨・歯などの組織の崩れ)
- 『腐る』,朽ちる / 〈繁栄・健康などが〉『衰える』,衰退する;〈活力などが〉低下する / 〈他〉 / …'を'『腐らせる』 / 『腐敗』;腐朽 / 『衰微』,衰え / (放射性物質の)自然崩壊
- 『歯』 / 『歯状の物』,(くし・のこぎり・歯車・フォークなど)歯の働きをする物 / …に歯を付ける;…‘を'歯状(ぎざぎざ)にする
- …もまた,その上 / 『あまりにも』,過度に,必要以上に / 『非常に』,大変,はなはだ(very, extremely) / 《話》《相手の否定の言葉に,肯定で応じて》ところがどうして
- (笛・らっぱなどの)プープー鳴る音;(笛・らっぱなどを)プープー鳴らすこと / 〈笛・らっぱなど〉‘を'鳴らす / 〈笛・らっぱなどが〉鳴る
- 歯のある / V字型の突起がある,ぎざぎざの
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English Journal
- Dental abnormalities after chemotherapy in long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia 7-40 years after diagnosis.
- Wilberg P1, Kanellopoulos A2,3, Ruud E2, Hjermstad MJ4,5, Fosså SD6, Herlofson BB7.
- Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer.Support Care Cancer.2015 Sep 12. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: Factors associated with the long-term dental effects after chemotherapy for childhood malignancies have not been well described. The primary aims of this study were as follows: (1) to assess whether age at diagnosis and treatment-related factors are associated with dental defects in survivo
- PMID 26361760
- Dental status of an institutionalized elderly population of 60 years and over in Qingdao, China.
- Zhang Q1, Jing Q2, Gerritsen AE3, Witter DJ4, Bronkhorst EM5, Creugers NH6.
- Clinical oral investigations.Clin Oral Investig.2015 Sep 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate dental status of institutionalized elders and to relate outcomes with background variables and oral functionality.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Dental status of 512 elders (≥60 years) from eight nursing homes in Qingdao were analyzed in terms of preva
- PMID 26362776
- Longitudinal study of dental caries incidence associated with Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus in patients with intellectual disabilities.
- Oda Y1, Hayashi F2, Okada M3.
- BMC oral health.BMC Oral Health.2015 Sep 2;15(1):102. doi: 10.1186/s12903-015-0087-6.
- BACKGROUND: Mutans streptococci (Streptococcus mutans and S. sobrinus) are considered to be major etiologic agents of dental caries. Using a polymerase chain reaction method, we detected those bacteria from 145 outpatients (6-30 years old) with intellectual disabilities (ID) and their presence was c
- PMID 26328921
Japanese Journal
- Cerebral and Intra-ventricular Abscess Caused by Bisphosphonate-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BRONJ)
- Kobayashi Atsushi,Nagashima Goro,Noda Masayuki,Kato Akihito,Morishima Hiroyuki,Ishii Hiroaki,Kunishima Hiroyuki,Matsumoto Hiroshi
- NMC Case Report Journal advpub(0), 2015
- … Removal of a decayed tooth followed by several oral antimicrobial administrations was performed, but the inflammation spread gradually into the orbit. …
- NAID 130005098750
- 齲歯が原因で生じた感染性海綿静脈洞血栓症とLemierre症候群の合併例
- 西田 明弘,緒方 利安,工藤 仁隆,福原 康介,深江 治郎,坪井 義夫
- 臨床神経学 55(7), 483-489, 2015
- 症例は54歳女性.入院1年前に齲歯の治療中断歴があり,今回頭痛と発熱,眼窩部の腫脹疼痛を主訴に当科入院.両眼瞼浮腫と眼球運動障害以外に神経学的異常をみとめなかった.血液検査では炎症反応,凝固線溶系マーカーが上昇し,MRI拡散強調画像で右上眼静脈から海綿静脈洞に高信号がみられ,造影CTで同部位に造影不良域をみとめたことから,感染性海綿静脈洞血栓症と診断した.血液培養の結果から齲歯による敗血症を原因と …
- NAID 130005089314
- 齲歯が原因で生じた感染性海綿静脈洞血栓症とLemierre症候群の合併例
- 西田 明弘,緒方 利安,工藤 仁隆,福原 康介,深江 治郎,坪井 義夫
- 臨床神経学 advpub(0), 2015
- 症例は54歳女性.入院1年前に齲歯の治療中断歴があり,今回頭痛と発熱,眼窩部の腫脹疼痛を主訴に当科入院.両眼瞼浮腫と眼球運動障害以外に神経学的異常をみとめなかった.血液検査では炎症反応,凝固線溶系マーカーが上昇し,MRI拡散強調画像で右上眼静脈から海綿静脈洞に高信号がみられ,造影CTで同部位に造影不良域をみとめたことから,感染性海綿静脈洞血栓症と診断した.血液培養の結果から齲歯による敗血症を原因と …
- NAID 130005074859
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Related Pictures

- 関
- caries、carious、decayed tooth、dental caries、white spot
- 英
- caries、dental caries、dental decay、decayed tooth
- 関
- 齲歯、う蝕、齲蝕、カリエス、虫歯
- 腐食する
- 衰える、減衰する。(理)(放射性物質・素粒子・原子核が)(自然)崩壊する
- 腐食、腐朽、腐敗。(歯の)齲蝕、むしば。腐食部、腐敗した物質
- 減衰、衰弱、衰退、老朽化。(理)(放射性物質・素粒子・原子核の)崩壊。(電流の)減少、(磁束の)減衰、(電荷などの)消失。
- 関
- again、also、very