- the crackling sound heard on auscultation when patients with respiratory diseases inhale; associated with tuberculosis and pneumonia and congestive heart failure
- the crackling or breaking up of certain crystals when they are heated
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/12 16:31:32」(JST)
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Crepitation refers to situations where noises are produced by the rubbing of parts one against the other, as in:
- Crepitus, a crunching sensation felt in certain medical problems
- Rales or crackles, abnormal sounds heard over the lungs with a stethoscope
- A mechanism of sound production in grasshoppers during flight. Also called "wing snapping".
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- 1. 心不全が疑われる患者の評価 evaluation of the patient with suspected heart failure
- 2. ブールハーフェ症候群:食道破裂 boerhaave syndrome effort rupture of the esophagus
- 3. 変形性肩関節症 glenohumeral osteoarthritis
- 4. 肩関節多方向不安定症 multidirectional instability of the shoulder
- 5. ドケルバン腱鞘炎 de quervain tendinopathy
English Journal
- Early-life exposure to household chemicals and wheezing in children.
- Mikeš O, Vrbová M, Klánová J, Čupr P, Švancara J, Pikhart H.
- The Science of the total environment. 2019 May;663()418-425.
- The prevalence of the asthmatic symptoms among children increases globally over the time. Reduced exposure to pathogens in early childhood and increased exposure to anthropogenic irritants result in increased risk of wheezing in children, and all of this may be related to the usage of household chem
- PMID 30716632
- Bluher AE, Darrow DH.
- Pediatric clinics of North America. 2019 04;66(2)475-488.
- Stridor in the newborn period may result from numerous causes, both congenital and acquired. Its presentation is diverse, and understanding the subtleties of that diversity is the key to determining the likely cause of the stridor, as well as the urgency for specialist evaluation. This article prese
- PMID 30819349
- Aetiology and risks factors associated with the fatal outcomes of childhood pneumonia among hospitalised children in the Philippines from 2008 to 2016: a case series study.
- Dembele BPP, Kamigaki T, Dapat C, Tamaki R, Saito M, Saito M, Okamoto M, Igoy MAU, Mercado ES, Mondoy M, Tallo VL, Lupisan SP, Egawa S, Oshitani H.
- BMJ open. 2019 Mar;9(3)e026895.
- Pneumonia remains the leading cause of hospitalisations and deaths among children aged <5 years. Diverse respiratory pathogens cause acute respiratory infections, including pneumonia. Here, we analysed viral and bacterial pathogens and risk factors associated with death of hospitalised children. A 9
- PMID 30928958
Japanese Journal
- Peptoniphilus 属による背部壊死性軟部組織感染症の1例
- 塚田 鏡寿,井川 健,森 智史,寺田 瑞希,池上 徹栄,金井 美馬,金子 ゆき,山内 瑛,小池 真美,鈴木 利宏
- 皮膚の科学 17(1), 16-20, 2018
- 40歳代,男性。既往歴なし。数年前より右背部に粉瘤あり。約3週間前より,右背部に腫脹・疼痛が出現。近医皮膚科にて感染性粉瘤の診断となり,抗菌薬内服を開始した。症状の改善はなく,腫脹・疼痛の増悪と全身状態の悪化を認めたため,当院救急外来を受診した。初診時,右背部には発赤・紫斑・疼痛を伴うバスケットボール大の皮下結節を認めた。触診では,緊満感が強く全体的に握雪感あり。採血上 HbA1c は11.0%と …
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- 家畜診療 = Journal of livestock medicine 64(2), 81-87, 2017-02
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- 日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 35(4), 449-452, 2015
- 症例は82歳の男性で,2型糖尿病の既往がある。約1週間の37℃程度の微熱と食欲低下,繰り返す嘔吐を主訴に来院した。血液検査で炎症反応と血糖値の上昇を認めた。腹部CTで小腸ガス貯留を認め,腸閉塞と診断され,緊急入院となった。第2病日,下腹部痛の増強と腹部CTで骨盤内遊離ガスを認め,消化管穿孔を疑い試験開腹術を実施した。術中所見では消化管穿孔を認めず,膀胱壁の握雪感と浮腫状変化を認めた。膀胱鏡検査で粘 …
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- crepitation 【名】パチパチいうこと、捻髪音 - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 ... crepitation とは ・該当件数 : 1件 ・データ提供 : EDP ※データの転載は禁じられています。
- Looking for online definition of crepitation in the Medical Dictionary? crepitation explanation free. What is crepitation? Meaning of crepitation medical term. What does crepitation mean? Crepitation | definition of crepitation by ? ...
- Medical definition of crepitation: a grating or crackling sound or sensation (as that produced by the fractured ends of a bone moving against each other or as that in tissues affected with gas gangrene).
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- 英
- fine crackles fine crackle, crepitant rale, crepitus?, crepitation
- 同
- ベルクロ・ラ音 Velcro rale
- 関
- 轢音
分類 (手技見え p.83)
- ラ音 pulmonaru adventitous sounds
- 連続音 continuous sounds
- 断続音 discountinuous sounds ← 湿性ラ音
- 呼気時に閉塞した細い気道が吸気により再開放する際、閉塞部位の前後の圧較差が爆発的に平衡に達することによって生じる。
- 日
- あつおん
- 英
- crepitation
- 関
- 呼気性喘鳴
- 英
- crepitation
- 関
- 捻髪音