- 関
- Arecaceae、coconut、Cocos nucifera
- tall palm tree bearing coconuts as fruits; widely planted throughout the tropics (同)coconut_palm, coco_palm, coco, cocoa palm, coconut tree, Cocos_nucifera
- large hard-shelled oval nut with a fibrous husk containing thick white meat surrounding a central cavity filled (when fresh) with fluid or milk (同)cocoanut
- the edible white meat of a coconut; often shredded for use in e.g. cakes and curries (同)coconut meat
- having excessive asymmetrical ornamentation; "an exquisite gilded rococo mirror"
- fanciful but graceful asymmetric ornamentation in art and architecture that originated in France in the 18th century
- a fungus with a round yellow to orange fruiting body that is found on the surface of the ground or partially buried; has a distinctive sterile column extending into the spore-bearing tissue
- a genus of fungi belonging to the family Rhizopogonaceae (同)genus Truncocolumella
- =coconut palm
- ロココ式(18世紀の華麗な美術・建築・装飾・音楽の様式) / ロココ式の / (建築・家具・文体など)飾りの多い・はでな;俗悪な
- 並べたココヤシの実をボールを投げて倒すゲーム;市(いち)・バザーなどの出し物
- ココヤシ[の木]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/02/26 08:07:53」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
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ココ (Coco,Coko,Koko)は固有名詞の一つであり、主に人名(女性名が中心)などに用いられる。
- 1 人物
- 2 架空の人物・キャラクター
- 3 動物
- 4 植物
- 5 地名
- 6 店
- 7 その他
- 8 関連項目
- フランチェスコ・ココ - 元サッカーイタリア代表選手。
- ココ・シャネル - ファッションデザイナー。
- ココ・リー - 香港出身のアメリカの歌手。
- 木下ココ - 日本のファッションモデル。
- ピエール=オーギュスト・ルノワールの三男、クロード・ルノワールの幼少時の愛称、および彼をモチーフとした作品『ココの肖像』。
- CoCo (男性ユニット) - 新潟テレビ21のイメージソング「いとしのキャサリン」を歌っていた男性歌手の伊藤豊昇と谷口雅洋の両氏からなる音楽ユニット。
- CoCo (アイドルグループ) - 女性アイドルグループ。
- CoCo (ファッションモデル) - 国内外で活躍する女性ファッションモデル。
- coco - Webコミック『今日の早川さん』の作者。
- Coko - アメリカ合衆国の女性ゴスペル歌手。1990年代の人気グループSWVのリードシンガー。
- Coco - 叶恭子の愛称。
- ゾフィスとココ -『金色のガッシュ!!』の登場人物。
- 『モンシェリCoCo』の登場人物。
- 『フルアヘッド!ココ』の登場人物。
- ミュージカルシリーズ『ココ・スマイル』の登場人物。ジョーズカンパニーを参照。
- 『Yes! プリキュア5』に登場するキャラクター。
- 『メガゾーン23』の登場人物。
- 『トリコ』の登場人物。
- 八神ココ - 『Ever17』の登場人物(攻略対象ヒロイン)。当該項目を参照。
- 『ぴちぴちピッチ』の登場人物。
- ココ・ヘクマティアル - 漫画『ヨルムンガンド』の主人公のひとり。
- ココ (ゴリラ) - 世界で初めて手話で人間との会話に成功したゴリラ。
- ココ (Koko,カウ・コウ=クン)- リリアン・J・ブラウン(Lilian Jackson Braun) 著のシャム猫ココシリーズに登場する架空の猫。
- ココヤシの木・実。実はココナッツ(ココナツ)と呼ぶ。
- ココストア - 日本のコンビニエンスストアのチェーン。通称(略称)が"ココ(CoCo)"である。
- カレーハウスCoCo壱番屋の略称。
- CoCoバス - 東京都小金井市で運行されているコミュニティバス。
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[Wiki en表示]
Coco, CoCo, Co-Co, or similar can mean:
- 1 People
- 2 Fictional characters
- 3 Music
- 4 Places
- 5 Technology
- 6 Other uses
- 7 See also
- Coco Chanel (1883–1971), French fashion designer
- Coco Crisp (born 1979), American baseball player
- Coco Jones (born 1998), American pop singer
- Coco Lee (born 1975), Chinese pop singer
- Coco Robicheaux (born 1947), American blues musician
- Coco Rocha (born 1988), Canadian model
- Ettore Coco (1908–1991), New York mobster
- Francesco Coco (born 1977), Italian retired football player
- James Coco (1930–1987), American actor
- Nicole Coco Austin (born 1979), American model and wife of rapper Ice-T
- Conan O'Brien (born 1963), American comedian and television talk show host nicknamed Coco
- Nicolai Poliakoff (1900–1974), known as Coco the Clown
- Michael Polakovs (1923–2009), also known as Coco the Clown
- Eliot Paulina Sumner (born 1990), English musician performing as Coco Sumner and I Blame Coco
Fictional characters
- Coco (folklore), a mythical bogeyman in many Hispanic and Lusophone countries
- Coco Bandicoot, from the video game series Crash Bandicoot
- Coco, a character from the American cartoon series Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
- CoCo (group), a J-pop band
- Co-Co (band), a British pop group
- Coco (music), a style of African-influenced music from northern Brazil
- Coco (musical), Broadway show based on the life of Coco Chanel
- Coco (album), by American singer/songwriter Colbie Caillat
- Coco, an album by Parov Stelar
- Coco, West Virginia, an unincorporated community
- El Coco (La Chorrera), a township in Panama
- Coco Islands, two Burmese islands in the Indian Ocean
- Cocos Island (Isla del Coco), Costa Rican island and National Park
- Coco Island (île aux Cocos), southernmost island of the Cargados Carajos Shoals
- Coco River (Río Coco), in southern Honduras and northern Nicaragua
- Cocó Park, an urban park in Fortaleza, Brazil
- 6436 Coco, an asteroid
- Coco (robot), a robot at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Coco/R, a compiler generator
- TRS-80 Color Computer, Tandy Color Computer, nicknamed CoCo
Other uses
- CoCo Research Centre (The Centre for Research on Computer-supported Learning and Cognition), University of Sidney
- Coco (film), a 2009 French film starring Gad Elmaleh
- USS Coco (SP-110), a United States Navy patrol boat
- Co-co! Magazine, a Hong Kong comic magazine
- Zanthoxylum coco, the coco tree of South America
- Co-Co locomotives, a code for a locomotive wheel arrangement
- COCO (toys), a construction toy
- Abbreviation for "contingent convertibles", a convertible bond (financial)
See also
- Coca (disambiguation)
- Cocoa (disambiguation)
- Cocos (disambiguation)
- Coconut (disambiguation)
- Cocoyam (disambiguation)
- Koko (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 黒色腫発症の危険因子 risk factors for the development of melanoma
English Journal
- Tissue culture and associated biotechnological interventions for the improvement of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.): a review.
- Nguyen QT1,2, Bandupriya HD3, López-Villalobos A4, Sisunandar S5, Foale M6, Adkins SW6.
- Planta.Planta.2015 Nov;242(5):1059-1076. Epub 2015 Jul 19.
- MAIN CONCLUSION: The present review discusses not only advances in coconut tissue culture and associated biotechnological interventions but also future research directions toward the resilience of this important palm crop. Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is commonly known as the 'tree of life'. Every co
- PMID 26189000
- Characterization of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9, ADAM-10 and N-cadherin expression in human glioblastoma multiforme.
- Musumeci G1, Magro G2, Cardile V3, Coco M3, Marzagalli R1, Castrogiovanni P1, Imbesi R1, Graziano AC3, Barone F4, Di Rosa M5, Castorina S1,6, Castorina A7.
- Cell and tissue research.Cell Tissue Res.2015 Oct;362(1):45-60. Epub 2015 May 7.
- Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive malignant primary brain tumor in humans, whose invasiveness and proliferation are associated with poor prognosis. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and the related family of "a disintegrin and metalloproteinase" (ADAM) both contribute to
- PMID 25948484
- Genome instability model of metastatic neuroblastoma tumorigenesis by a dictionary learning algorithm.
- Masecchia S1, Coco S2, Barla A3, Verri A4, Tonini GP5.
- BMC medical genomics.BMC Med Genomics.2015 Sep 10;8(1):57. doi: 10.1186/s12920-015-0132-y.
- BACKGROUND: Metastatic neuroblastoma (NB) occurs in pediatric patients as stage 4S or stage 4 and it is characterized by heterogeneous clinical behavior associated with diverse genotypes. Tumors of stage 4 contain several structural copy number aberrations (CNAs) rarely found in stage 4S. To date, t
- PMID 26358114
Japanese Journal
- COCO SPACE : 革新・創業のエンジン (特集 中国の生産型サービス業)
- INTERVIEW 他業態にはどんどん挑戦していく 壱番屋 社長 浜島俊哉 (巻頭特集 個客適応力が支持の秘密だった 孤高のココイチ(CoCo壱番屋)ここにあり!)
- 個客適応力が支持の秘密だった 孤高のココイチ(CoCo壱番屋)ここにあり! (巻頭特集 個客適応力が支持の秘密だった 孤高のココイチ(CoCo壱番屋)ここにあり!)
Related Links
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- カレーハウスCoCo壱番屋公式サイトでは、インターネット宅配注文、店舗検索、メニュー紹介など便利な情報をお届けしています。 ... 2015.11.27 採用情報(中途) 募集職種を更新しました 2015.11.18 商品情報 エースコック株式会社との ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- coco、Cocos nucifera
- 関
- ココナツ、ヤシ、ヤシ科
- 関
- Arecaceae、coco、Cocos nucifera
- 英
- coco
- 関
- ココナツ、ココヤシ、ヤシ科
- 関
- coco、coconut、Cocos nucifera
- 関
- Arecaceae、coco、coconut
- 関
- complex carbohydrate、conjugated polysaccharide