- 関
- capitulum
- a dense cluster of flowers or foliage; "a head of cauliflower"; "a head of lettuce" (同)head
- an arrangement of leafy branches forming the top or head of a tree
- repeat stages of evolutionary development during the embryonic phase of life
- summarize briefly; "Lets recapitulate the main ideas" (同)recap
- the act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions); "they were protected until the capitulation of the fort" (同)fall, surrender
- a document containing the terms of surrender
- a summary that enumerates the main parts of a topic
- veins connecting the dorsal and palmar veins of the hand or the dorsal and plantar veins of the foot (同)vena intercapitalis
- …‘の'要点を繰り返す,‘を'要約する(summarize)
- 〈U〉(…への)条件つきの降伏(開城)《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈C〉降伏文書 / 〈C〉(ある問題についての)要項,概要 / 《複数形で》外国人居留者に治外法権を認める協定
- 要約の,概括する
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The term capitulum (plural capitula) can refer to several things:
- the Latin for chapter
- an index or list of chapters at the head of a gospel manuscript
- a short reading in the Liturgy of the Hours
- A typographic symbol to mark chapters or paragraphs, now evolved into the pilcrow
- In botany:
- a type of flower head where the bracts are located under the basis, such as a daisy's
- the top of a Sphagnum moss plant with compact clusters of young branches
- In zoology:
- the capitulum of the humerus in vertebrates
- the gnathosoma of ticks and mites
- in stalked barnacles, the armoured portion within which the appendages and most of the viscera are located
- a genus of goose barnacles
- a part of the female Lepidoptera genitalia
- a structure similar to an elaiosome found on the eggs of some species of stick insects
English Journal
- Chemical composition of the essential oils of Centaurea formanekii and C. orphanidea ssp. thessala, growing wild in Greece.
- Jemia MB, Formisano C, Bancheva S, Bruno M, Senatore F.SourceLaboratoire des Plantes Extremophiles, Biotechnologic Center Borj-Cedria Technopark, B.P. 901, 2050 Hammam-Lif, Tunisia.
- Natural product communications.Nat Prod Commun.2012 Aug;7(8):1083-6.
- The volatile constituents of the aerial parts of Centaureaformanekii Halacsy and the aerial parts, capitula and roots of C. orphanidea Heldr. & Sart. ex Boiss. ssp. thessala (Hausskn.) Dostál from Greece were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed. The main components in C. formanekii were
- PMID 22978235
- Molecular phylogeny of Anaphalis (Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) with biogeographic implications in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Nie ZL, Funk V, Sun H, Deng T, Meng Y, Wen J.SourceKey Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 132# Lanhei Road, Kunming, 650201, Yunnan, China, niezl@mail.kib.ac.cn.
- Journal of plant research.J Plant Res.2012 Jul 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Anaphalis is the largest Asian genus in the tribe Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae) and has its greatest species diversity in the eastern Himalayas. The nuclear internal and external transcribed spacers were sequenced for Anaphalis species, with an emphasis on the eastern Himalayan taxa to examine the monoph
- PMID 22776917
Japanese Journal
- 沖縄県における島尻マージ土壌,国頭マージ土壌およびジャーガル土壌で栽培されたベニバナボロギク(Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore)の各生育段階における生育特性と収量およびミネラル含量
- HOSSAIN Md. Amzad,山西 誠,屋良 朝宣 [他],Chibana Shigeharu,Akamine Hikaru,Tamaki Masanobu,ホサイン モハマド・アムザド,山西 誠,知花 重治,屋良 朝宣,赤嶺 光,玉城 政信
- 琉球大学農学部学術報告 -(58) (-), 1-11, 2011-12-00
- … Capitula appeared at 60 DAS and started maturity at 80 DAS. … Capitula appeared earlier in red soil followed by dark-red soil. …
- NAID 120004058213
- 温度が夏秋ギク'精雲'の開花遅延と貫生花の発生に及ぼす影響および貫生花発生率の減少対策
- 谷川 孝弘,松井 洋,小林 泰生
- 園芸学研究 8(4), 495-501, 2009-10-15
- 夏秋ギク'精雲'の開花期の遅延と貫生花を発生させる温度要因を明らかにし、計画的出荷および貫生花発生率の減少対策を確立するため、昼/夜温および高温に遭遇する花芽発達時期が開花と開花時の形質に及ぼす影響について検討した。夏秋ギク'精雲'の発根苗を栽培箱に定植し、温室内で暗期中断を行って花芽分化を抑制した。6月18日に電照を打ち切り、翌日から栽培箱をファイトトロンに移し、昼(6:00〜18:00)/夜温 …
- NAID 40016880161
- 滋賀県西部におけるカツラカワアザミ(キク科)へのニホンジカの食害状況(保全情報)
- 藤井 伸二
- 保全生態学研究 12(1), 66-71, 2007-05-31
- … Of these plants, 30-60% had leaf damage and 46-70% had capitula damage. …
- NAID 110006343218
Related Links
- ca·pit·u·la (kə-pĭch′ə-lə) n. Plural of capitulum. ... Significantly, in this same lengthy sentence, the social opera caritatis are greatly expanded, bringing back into this text an emphasis from the Quinque capitula which had been ...
- (kə-pĭch'ə-ləm) Plural capitula A small knob or head-shaped part, such as a protuberance of a bone or the tip of an insect's antenna. An inflorescence consisting of a compact mass of small stalkless flowers, as in the English daisy.
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- 関
- capitula
- 英
- capitulum、capitula
- 関
- 頭状花序
- 英
- capitulum、capitula
- 関
- 頭花
- ~を要約する、~の要点を繰り返す
- (生物)(胎児が)(先祖の発生段階などを)繰り返す
- 関
- abstract, brief, outline, recapitulation, recycle, recycling, reuse, reutilize, salvage, sum, summarize, summary, synopses, synopsis
- 要点の繰り返し。概括、要約(summary)。(生物)発生反復
- 関
- abstract, brief, outline, palingenesis, recapitulate, sum, summarize, summary, synopses, synopsis