- 関
- alternate、alternately、mutual、pulsus alternans
- successive change from one thing or state to another and back again; "a trill is a rapid alternation between the two notes"
- go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions (同)jump
- do something in turns; "We take turns on the night shift" (同)take turns
- of leaves and branches etc; first on one side and then on the other in two ranks along an axis; not paired; "stems with alternate leaves"
- occurring by turns; first one and then the other; "alternating feelings of love and hate" (同)alternating
- serving or used in place of another; "an alternative plan" (同)alternative, substitute
- every second one of a series; "the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays"; "jam every other day"- the White Queen
- exchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions
- in an alternating sequence or position; "They were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and mixing"; "he planted fir and pine trees alternately"
- the alternation of two or more different forms in the life cycle of a plant or animal (同)heterogenesis, xenogenesis
- 互い違い,交互,交替
- 『交互の』,かわるがわるの / 一つおきの(every other) / 代わりの,どれか一つの / 《米》代わり[の人](substitute) / 〈両者が〉交替する;(…と)交替する,互い違いになる《+『with』+『名』》 / …'を'交互にさせる
- かわるがわる,交互に
- 『相互の』 お互いに対する / 『共通の』;共同の
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/11/07 06:31:29」(JST)
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Not to be confused with alteration.
Look up alternation in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Alternation may refer to:
- Alternation (card game)
- Alternation (linguistics), a variation in the phonological form of a morpheme
- Diathesis alternation
- Alternation (complexity), a resource in computational complexity theory
- R/N alternation, see Rhotacism
- AlterNation, a show on NE1 FM
- Alternation (geometry), a geometric operation for deriving polytopes from other polytopes.
- Alternation (formal language theory), the set union of two sets of strings in formal language theory and pattern matching
- A name for logical disjunction, the or function
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English Journal
- Cerebral effects of binge drinking: Respective influences of global alcohol intake and consumption pattern.
- Maurage P, Joassin F, Speth A, Modave J, Philippot P, Campanella S.SourceNeuroscience, Systems and Cognition (NEUROCS) and Health and Psychological Development (CSDP) Research Units, Institute of Psychology, Catholic University of Louvain, 10 Place C. Mercier, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.Clin Neurophysiol.2012 May;123(5):892-901. Epub 2011 Nov 4.
- OBJECTIVE: Binge drinking is a major health concern, but its cerebral correlates are still largely unexplored. We aimed at exploring (1) the cognitive step at which these deficits appear and (2) the respective influence of global alcohol intake and specific binge-drinking consumption pattern on this
- PMID 22055841
- Alternation of immune parameters and cellular energy allocation of Chlamys farreri under ammonia-N exposure and Vibrio anguillarum challenge.
- Wang X, Wang L, Yao C, Qiu L, Zhang H, Zhi Z, Song L.SourceKey Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 Nanhai Rd., Qingdao 266071, China; Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang 222005, China.
- Fish & shellfish immunology.Fish Shellfish Immunol.2012 May;32(5):741-9. Epub 2012 Feb 3.
- The complex interactions among host, pathogen and environment are believed to be the main causes for the mass mortality of cultured scallops. In the present study, the temporal variations of immune parameters and cellular energy allocation (CEA) of Chlamys farreri under ammonia-N, Vibrio anguillarum
- PMID 22326939
- Early development of social deficits in APP and APP-PS1 mice.
- Pietropaolo S, Delage P, Lebreton F, Crusio WE, Cho YH.SourceUniv. Bordeaux, INCIA, UMR 5287, F-33400 Talence, France; CNRS, INCIA, UMR 5287, F-33400 Talence, France.
- Neurobiology of aging.Neurobiol Aging.2012 May;33(5):1002.e17-27. Epub 2011 Oct 20.
- Mimicking relevant behavioral features of the human pathology is one of the most important challenges for animal models of neurological disorders including Alzheimer disease (AD). Indeed, the most popular genetic AD mouse lines bearing mutations of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin
- PMID 22014620
Japanese Journal
- コリャーク語動詞の自他対応 : 中立型か他動詞化型か
- 呉人 惠
- 北方言語研究 3, 85-109, 2013-03-25
- … This paper describes morphological intransitive/transitive verb alternation inKoryak and aims to characterize it according toa typological perspective. … Thereis one problematic pattern for the characterizationof morphologicalintransitive/transitive alternationin Koryak:the intransitive/transitive pairformed by the productive affixes, -et/-at(intr.) andj-..-ev/-av(tr.), which has beenregarded as an example of equipollent alternation. …
- NAID 120005228588
- 「ような」と「ように」の交替 : 名詞句「N1のようなXなN2」における
- 光信 仁美
- 研究論集 97, 267-284, 2013-03-00
- 助動詞「ようだ」の連体形「ような」と連用形「ように」は、「N1のような/ようにXなN2」(Nは名詞)という名詞句の中で交替が可能な場合がある。それは「ような」と「ように」の用法のうち「比況」と「例示」の場合である。交替がおこる場合の「Xな」の機能はそれぞれ異なる。「比況」の場合、「Xな」はN1とN2の共通属性を表し、形容詞によって典型的に表される。「例示」の場合、「Xな」はN2の内容を明示する機能 …
- NAID 110009574474
- Mosquitoes collected on Weno Island, Romonum Island and Piis Island, Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia (Diptera : Culicidae)
- NODA Shinichi,ノダ シンイチ,野田 伸一
- 南太平洋海域調査研究報告=Occasional papers 53, 71-76, 2013-02-25
- … To prevent the outbreak of dengue fever, environmentalmanagement should focus on the destruction, alternation, disposal or recycling ofcontainers that produce the greater number of adult Aedes mosquitoes. …
- NAID 120005232016
Related Links
- alternationとは。意味や和訳。[名][U][C]1 交互, 交替, 1つ置き, 循環alternation of generations《生物》世代交代[交番].2 《数学》錯列.
- alternationの意味は?goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービスです。国語 辞典、英和辞典、和英辞典、類語辞典、中国語辞典、百科事典などを提供しています。
- 初音ミク Wiki - Alternation No.3 - 【登録タグ: CD CDA ぼーかりおどPCD 】 前作 本作 次作 - Alternation No.3 MINDZ ぼーかりおどP キョー介 shindy 流通 即売 同人 発売 2011年1月...
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- 関
- alternately、alternating、alternation、change、mutual、replacement、shift
- 関
- alternate、alternately、alternation、mutually、reciprocal、reciprocally
- 英
- alternation、alternate、mutual、alternately
- 関
- 交替、交代性、相互、交互変化、交互脈
- 関
- alternate、alternation、mutual
- 英
- alternation
- 関
- 交互、交互脈