- 関
- Landau-Kleffner syndrome
- locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar
- win something through ones efforts; "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"; "Gain an understanding of international finance" (同)win, gain
- of or relating to or characteristic of epilepsy; "epileptic seizure"
- a person who has epilepsy
- inability to use or understand language (spoken or written) because of a brain lesion
- gotten through environmental forces; "acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on"
- (不断の努力・習慣などで)…'を'『習得する』,身につける / 〈財産・権利など〉'を'手に入れる,取得する
- てんかん[性]の / てんかん患者
- 失語症
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English Journal
- Lead poisoning in two children with Landau-Kleffner syndrome.
- Zeager M, Heard T, Woolf AD.SourceDepartment of Medicine, Children's Hospital , Boston , United States.
- Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.).Clin Toxicol (Phila).2012 Jun;50(5):448.
- PMID 22578276
- Immunoglobulin treatment for severe childhood epilepsy.
- Geva-Dayan K, Shorer Z, Menascu S, Linder I, Goldberg-Stern H, Heyman E, Lerman-Sagie T, Ben Zeev B, Kramer U.SourcePediatric Neurology Unit, Dana Children's Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Pediatric neurology.Pediatr Neurol.2012 Jun;46(6):375-81.
- We have used intravenous immunoglobulin to treat pediatric patients with various severe epileptic conditions. This retrospective, multicenter study comprised 64 consecutive patients treated with immunoglobulins for either epileptic encephalopathy or refractory epilepsy. The rate of full or partial i
- PMID 22633633
Japanese Journal
- Early-onset acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome, LKS) and regressive autistic disorders with epileptic EEG abnormalities : The continuing debate
- ロフラゼプ酸エチルが有用であった Landau-Kleffner 症候群の1例
- てんかん研究 = Journal of the Japan Epilepsy Society 21(2), 185-191, 2003-06-30
- NAID 10016244016
- II F20 An analysis of 8 cases with acquired epileptic aphasia syndrome(LKS)
Related Links
- Acquired epileptic aphasia (AEA) typically develops in healthy children who acutely or progressively lose receptive and expressive language ability coincident with the appearance of paroxysmal electroencephalographic ...
- Sir, The Landau-Kleffner syndrome or the syndrome of acquired epileptic aphasia was first described in 1957.[1] The disorder is characterized by gradual or rapid loss of language in a previously normal child. While this ...
- 英
- acquired epileptic aphasia
- 関
- ランドー・クレフナー症候群、後天性てんかん性失語
- 英
- acquired epileptic aphasia
- 関
- 後天性てんかん性失語症
- (医)てんかんの/てんかん性の。癲癇にかかったような、痙攣的な
- 関
- epilepsia, epilepsy, seizure
- 関
- acquisition、gain、get、obtain、procure、procurement、yield