不安定狭心症 unstable angina pectoris
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- バングラデシュのダッカにある、アジアパシフィック大学(The University of Asia Pacific)の略
- ルーマニアの自動車メーカー、UAP(Uzina de Autoturisme Pitesti、ピテシュティ自動車工場)。現在のダチアの前身。
- 図書館情報学の用語のひとつ。出版物の世界的入手利用のこと。
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UAP may refer to:
- UAP Holdings an insurance and investment group based in Nairobi, Kenya.
- Tour UAP, an office skyscraper in La Défense, Paris
- Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
- Uniform access principle
- United Australia Party
- Universidad Adventista del Plata, a university in Argentina
- University of Asia and the Pacific or UA&P, a university in the Philippines
- University of Asia Pacific, a university in Bangladesh
- Unlicensed assistive personnel
- User Account Protection in Microsoft Windows Vista
- User Agent Profiling
- Yap Island
- Universidad Alas Peruanas a university in Lima, Peru
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Comparison of Outcomes After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Among Different Coronary Subsets (Stable and Unstable Angina Pectoris and ST-Segment and Non-ST-Segment Myocardial Infarction).
- Loh JP1, Pendyala LK1, Kitabata H1, Torguson R1, Omar A1, Minha S1, Chen F1, Satler LF1, Pichard AD1, Waksman R2.
- The American journal of cardiology.Am J Cardiol.2014 Jun 1;113(11):1794-801. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2014.03.007. Epub 2014 Mar 15.
- Percutaneous coronary intervention in the setting of acute myocardial infarction is known to predict stent thrombosis (ST). This study aims to compare the ST rates across different coronary subsets. This was an observational cohort study from a large, single-center registry. Included were 12,198 con
- PMID 24837256
- Microcirculatory significance of periprocedural myocardial necrosis after percutaneous coronary intervention assessed by the index of microcirculatory resistance.
- Wu Z1, Ye F, You W, Zhang J, Xie D, Chen S.
- The international journal of cardiovascular imaging.Int J Cardiovasc Imaging.2014 May 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study sought to investigate the relationship between the index of microcirculatory resistance (IMR) and periprocedural myocardial necrosis in patients with unstable angina pectoris (UAP). Fifty-seven UAP patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of a single lesion we
- PMID 24816909
- Predictive value of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in clinical outcomes of non-ST elevation myocardial infarction and unstable angina pectoris: a 3-year follow-up.
- Gul M1, Uyarel H, Ergelen M, Ugur M, Isık T, Ayhan E, Turkkan C, Aksu HU, Akgul O, Uslu N.
- Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis.Clin Appl Thromb Hemost.2014 May;20(4):378-84. doi: 10.1177/1076029612465669. Epub 2012 Nov 8.
- We sought to determine the prognostic value of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and unstable angina pectoris (UAP). A total of 308 (mean age 59.22 ± 11.93) patients with NSTEMI and UAP were prospectively evaluated. The study population was divi
- PMID 23144177
Japanese Journal
- Insect UDP N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylases (UAP) : Functional study of two UAP genes from Tribolium
- NOH Mi Young,荒金 靖之
- キチン・キトサン研究 = Chitin and chitosan research 17(1), 24-32, 2011-04-01
- NAID 10028164022
- Enhanced Expression of the S100A8/A9 Complex in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients
- KATASHIMA Takashi,NARUKO Takahiko,TERASAKI Fumio,FUJITA Masatoshi,OTSUKA Kaoru,MURAKAMI Shougo,SATO Akira,HIROE Michiaki,IKURA Yoshihiro,UEDA Makiko,IKEMOTO Masaki,KITAURA Yasushi
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 74(4), 741-748, 2010-03-25
- … Enhanced expression of S100A8/A9 in atherosclerotic plaque of patients with unstable angina pectoris (UAP) has been demonstrated, but its profile in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has not been clarified. … Methods and Results: Serum S100A8/A9 levels were serially measured in patients with AMI (n=55) and UAP (n=16) during the acute period. … Serum S100A8/A9 levels on the 1st day were 1,118±115 (SE) ng/ml in AMI patients as compared with 787±147 ng/ml in UAP patients. …
- NAID 10026472579
Related Links
- 税理士法人UAPは、企業組織再編、事業承継、信託、流動化・証券化、富裕層税務、 M&A等の分野における最先端のコンサルティング部門と、これらの業務の基礎となる 経理やSPC事務を受託できるアウトソーシング部門を有しております。既成の観念に ...
- XDM/RD E2のデータベースを操作するUAPの形式は,埋込み型です。 埋込み型は, 高級言語で記述されたソースプログラムの中にSQLを直接記述する方式です。 埋込み 型UAPの特長は,データベース操作(SQL)を含めて一つのプログラムとして記述できる ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- unstable angina UA, unstable angina pectoris UAP, preinfarction angina
- 関
- 安静時狭心症、梗塞前狭心症
- 最近3週間以内に狭心症が増悪した場合(発作の誘因、強さ、持続時間、硝酸薬の有効性)と、新たに発症した狭心症
- 数か月以上にわたって狭心症の病態が安定している安定狭心症に対比した分類
- chest pain manifests with relatively unpredictable patterns.
- pain becomes increasingly frequent and less responsive to rest or medication.
- this form is related to plaque rupture, hemorrhage, ulceration, and superimposed thrombosis.
- 研修医当直御法度 第5版 p.38
- 入院適応
- 48時間はCCUで6時間毎に心電図とCK-MBのチェック