English Journal
- Cardiac-Gated En Face Doppler Measurement of Retinal Blood Flow Using Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography at 100,000 Axial Scans per Second.
- Lee B1, Choi W2, Liu J3, Lu C4, Schuman JS5, Wollstein G6, Duker JS7, Waheed N8, Fujimoto JG9.
- Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.2015 Mar 5. pii: IOVS-14-16119. doi: 10.1167/iovs.14-16119. [Epub ahead of print]
- Purpose: To develop and demonstrate a cardiac gating method for repeatable in vivo measurement of total retinal blood flow (TRBF) in humans using en face Doppler optical coherence tomography (OCT) at commercially available imaging speeds. Methods: A prototype swept-source OCT system operating at 100
- PMID 25744974
- PMID 25670487
- Grader learning effect and reproducibility of Doppler Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography derived retinal blood flow measurements.
- Rose K1, Jong M, Yusof F, Tayyari F, Tan O, Huang D, Sadda SR, Flanagan JG, Hudson C.
- Acta ophthalmologica.Acta Ophthalmol.2014 Dec;92(8):e630-6. doi: 10.1111/aos.12479. Epub 2014 Jul 6.
- PURPOSE: To investigate grader learning effect and to quantify intergrader reproducibility of Doppler Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) derived retinal blood flow measurements.METHODS: Fifteen healthy young subjects (mean age 28.44; SD 3 years) underwent Doppler SD-OCT scans of o
- PMID 25041925
Japanese Journal
- 完全尿管閉塞腎における全腎血流量(TRBF)および有効腎血流量(ERBF)に関する検討
- 腎循環に対する誘発性低酸素血の影響に関する臨床病態生理学的研究 (前編) : 健常者, 肺結核症, 高血圧症, 腎動脈硬化症の安静時の腎循環動態に就て
- Clinical Patho-physiological Investigation on Renal Hemodynamics of Normal Individuals and Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis : Hypertension and Nephrosclerosis in Acute Induced Hypoxemia
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- 英
- total renal blood flow, TRBF