- rod-shaped Gram-negative enterobacteria; cause typhoid fever and food poisoning; can be used as a bioweapon
- サルモネラ菌(食中毒の原因になる)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/03/28 21:05:13」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Salmonella enterica |
Salmonella Typhimurium colonies on a Hektoen enteric agar plate |
Scientific classification |
Kingdom: |
Bacteria |
Phylum: |
Proteobacteria |
Class: |
Gammaproteobacteria |
Order: |
Enterobacteriales |
Family: |
Enterobacteriaceae |
Genus: |
Salmonella |
Species: |
S. enterica |
Subspecies: |
S. e. subsp. enterica |
Trinomial name |
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica
Serovar |
- Salmonella choleraesuis
- Salmonella Dublin
- Salmonella Enteritidis
- Salmonella Heidelberg
- Salmonella Paratyphi
- Salmonella Typhi
- Salmonella Typhimurium
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica is a subspecies of Salmonella enterica, the rod-shaped, flagellated, aerobic, Gram-negative bacterium. It is a member of the genus Salmonella.[1] Many of the pathogenic serovars of the S. enterica species are in this subspecies, including that responsible for typhoid.[2]
- 1 Serovars
- 2 Nomenclature
- 3 Treatment
- 4 Epidemiology
- 5 References
This section requires expansion. (March 2010) |
Since there are more than 2500 serovars of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, this list is incomplete.
- Salmonella Choleraesuis
- Salmonella Dublin
- Salmonella Enteritidis
- Salmonella Gallinarum
- Salmonella Hadar
- Salmonella Heidelberg
- Salmonella Infantis
- Salmonella Paratyphi
- Salmonella Typhi
- Salmonella Typhimurium
- Salmonella Genrus
The serovars can be designated fully or in a shortened form.[3] The short form lists the genus, Salmonella, which is followed by the capitalized and non-italicized serovar. The full designation for Salmonella Typhi is Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, serovar Typhi. Each serovar can have many strains, as well, which allows for a rapid increase in the total number of antigenically variable bacteria.[4]
Electrolytes may be replenished with oral rehydration supplements (typically containing salts sodium chloride and potassium chloride). Appropriate antibiotics, such as ceftriaxone, are given to kill the bacteria. Azithromycin has been suggested to be better at treating typhoid in resistant populations than both fluoroquinolone drugs and ceftriaxone. Antibiotic resistance rates are increasing throughout the world, so health care providers should check current recommendations before choosing an antibiotic.
Main article: Salmonellosis
- ^ Giannella RA (1996). Salmonella. In: Baron's Medical Microbiology (Barron S et al., eds.) (4th ed.). Univ of Texas Medical Branch. (via NCBI Bookshelf) ISBN 0-9631172-1-1.
- ^ Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Pfaller MA (2009). Medical Microbiology (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Elsevier. p. 307.
- ^ http://www.bacterio.cict.fr/salmonellanom.html
- ^ http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/Salmonella/
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English Journal
- Non-typhi Salmonella serovars found in Mexican zoo animals.
- Silva-Hidalgo G, Ortiz-Navarrete VF, Alpuche-Aranda CM, Rendón-Maldonado JG, López-Valenzuela M, Juárez-Barranco F, López-Moreno HS.SourcePrograma Regional del Noroeste para el Doctorado en Biotecnología, Facultad de Ciencias Químico-Biológicas, Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Américas S/N, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Culiacán, Sin. 80010, Mexico. Electronic address: gaby@uas.uasnet.mx.
- Research in veterinary science.Res Vet Sci.2012 Dec;93(3):1132-5. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2012.03.005. Epub 2012 Apr 5.
- The aim of the present study was to determine the bacteriological prevalence of subclinical non-typhi Salmonella infections in zoo animals and to determine the most frequently isolated serovars of the bacteria. A total of 267 samples were analyzed, including fecal samples from zoo animals and rodent
- PMID 22483318
- Metal based new triazoles: Their synthesis, characterization and antibacterial/antifungal activities.
- Sumrra SH, Chohan ZH.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan 60800, Pakistan.
- Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy.Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc.2012 Dec;98C:53-61. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2012.08.026. Epub 2012 Aug 23.
- A series of new triazoles and their oxovanadium(IV) complexes have been synthesized, characterized and evaluated for antibacterial/antifungal properties. The new Schiff bases ligands (L(1))-(L(5)) were prepared by the condensation reaction of 3,5-diamino-1,2,4-triazole with 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyd
- PMID 22982389
Japanese Journal
- Multi-isotype antibody responses against the multimeric Salmonella Typhi recombinant hemolysin E antigen
- Ong Eugene Boon Beng,Ignatius Joshua,Anthony Amy Amilda [他]
- Microbiology and immunology 59(1), 43-47, 2015-01
- NAID 40020351721
- チフス菌・パラチフス菌の薬剤感受性に関する3年間の検討
- 山田 浩司,目崎 和久,永松 麻希 [他]
- 日本臨床微生物学雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology 25(2), 92-98, 2015
- NAID 40020425917
- Acute Scrotal Ulcers in Typhoid Fever: Case Report and Literature Review
- , , , ,
- Tropical Medicine and Health 43(1), 69-73, 2015
- … Reported here is the case of an 18-year-old male who presented with fever and acute scrotal ulcers and whose blood cultures were positive for Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi. …
- NAID 130004940187
Related Links
- What is Salmonella Typhi? In the salmonella Typhi and enteric diseases, a distinction is. Cause of Typhi salmonellosis (Typhi fever, paraTyphi A, B and C), Salmonella enterica serotype typhi or paratyphi A, B and C include ...
- Salmonella Typhi Description and significance There are over 2,000 various groupings (serovars) that comprise S. enterica, each very closely related to each other making Salmonella typhi a prime example of a serovar. Salmonella ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- typhoid fever
- ラ
- typhus abdominalis
- 同
- チフス症
- 関
- 細菌、サルモネラ属、enteric fever、Salmonella typhi
IRE. 652,660
SMB. 163,173,601
IMD 1096
-~下痢の原因 .552
HIM 123t,128,814,814t,957
- 三類感染症
- 発熱、腹痛を特徴とする全身疾患。
- 発疹チフス typhusに症状が似ていることからtyphoid feverと命名されたが、のちに別の疾患であることが分かり、enteric feverが提唱された。現在typhoid feverも使用されている。
- 酸分泌抑制薬の服用、免疫抑制患者、初感染感染者?、予防接種なし
- 1-2週。
- 平均10-14日。3-21日までばらつく。(HIM.957)
- 経口摂取された菌は小腸粘膜に侵入し、潜伏期を経たのち腸管粘膜下リンパや腸間膜リンパ節で増殖。リンパ管より血液中に侵入すると菌血症により悪寒高熱をきたす。高熱、白血球減少、脾腫、バラ疹などが特徴の症状が出現する。発症後1週間頃に血中に菌を検出、2週目以降に骨髄、脾臓、胆嚢、腸管リンパ組織、腎臓などに小膿瘍や肉芽腫を作り、菌は胆汁、糞便、尿、バラ疹部位に出現しする。後期には小腸のパイエル板の壊死が進み腸管出血・穿孔が発生しうる。(SMB.173)
- 発熱(稽留熱)(38.8-40.5℃)(未治療で4週間持続) (HIM.957)(SMB.173)
- 初診時における症状:頭痛(80%)、寒気(35-45%)、咳(30%)、発汗(20-25%)、筋肉痛(20%)、全身倦怠感(10%)、関節痛(2-4%)。 (HIM.958)
- 消化器症状食欲不振(55%)、腹痛(30-40%)、悪心(18-24%)、嘔吐(18%)、下痢(22-28%)、便秘(13-16%)。 (HIM.958)
- 腸管出血(10-20%)、腸管穿孔(1-3%)は発症から3-4週目に起こる → サルモネラが回盲部のパイエル板に侵入し、過形成、潰瘍、壊死をきたすため。
- 神経症状:2-40%の患者でみられる。髄膜炎、ギランバレー症候群、神経炎、神経精神症状(muttering delirium, coma vigil)
- 初期でみられる身体所見:バラ疹 rose spots、肝脾腫(3-6%)、鼻出血、比較的徐脈(relative bradycardia at the peak of high fever) (HIM.958)
- 舌苔(51-56%)、脾腫(5-6%)、腹部圧痛(4-5%) (HIM.958)
- バラ疹は30%までの患者で発症後1週間後にはあきらかとなり、その後2-5日で痕跡を残さずに治癒 (HIM.958)
- 抗生物質の投与が遅れた場合に出現しやすくなる稀な合併症:播種性血管内凝固、血球貪食症候群、膵炎、肝膿瘍、脾膿瘍、肉芽腫、新内mくえん、心外膜炎、心筋炎、orchitis、肝炎、腎盂腎炎、糸球体腎炎、溶血性尿毒症、重症肺炎、関節炎、骨髄炎、parotitis (HIM.958)
- 血液培養
- 血液検査:15-25%の症例で白血球減少症、好中球減少症がみられる。白血球減少症は発症後10日後の患児や腸管穿孔もしくは再感染例に伴うことが普通である。(HIM.958)
- 初診で発熱を訴えるのは75%、腹痛は30-40%である。診断には発熱の他に発展途上国への旅行歴が、腸チフスを疑うポイントとなる。(HIM.957)
- 感染症専門テキスト 第I部 p.562
- シプロフロキサシン 300mg x 2回/日 10-14day
- レボフロキサシン 500mg 1回/日 10-14day
- セフトリアキソン 1-2g 1回/日 10-14day
- 感染症法に基づく医師及び獣医師の届出について 腸チフス
- http://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/kenkou/kekkaku-kansenshou11/01-03-04.html
-typhoid fever
- 英
- systemic febrile syndrome
- 同
- 全身感染症 generalized infection
[show details]
全身性発熱性症候群 : 5 件
全身発熱性症候群 : nothing
全身性発熱症候群 : 3 件
全身発熱症候群 : 1 件
- 関
- typhoid、typhus、Salmonella typhi、Rickettsia typhi