- yaw back and forth about a flight path; "the planes nose yawed"
- the pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport (同)hunting
- the work of finding and killing or capturing animals for food or pelts (同)hunting
- an association of huntsmen who hunt for sport (同)hunt club
- an instance of searching for something; "the hunt for submarines"
- pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals); "Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland"; "The dogs are running deer"; "The Duke hunted in these woods" (同)run, hunt down, track down
- chase away, with as with force; "They hunted the unwanted immigrants out of the neighborhood"
- oscillate about a desired speed, position, or state to an undesirable extent; "The oscillator hunts about the correct frequency"
- search (an area) for prey; "The King used to hunt these forests"
- seek, search for; "She hunted for her reading glasses but was unable to locate them"
- a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
- a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings"
- Englishman and Pre-Raphaelite painter (1827-1910) (同)Holman Hunt, William Holman Hunt
- British writer who defended the Romanticism of Keats and Shelley (1784-1859) (同)Leigh Hunt, James Henry Leigh Hunt
- United States architect (1827-1895) (同)Richard Morris Hunt
- a member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th century
- 〈野生の鳥・動物〉‘を'『狩る』,〈獲物のいる場所〉‘を'狩る,〈馬・犬など》‘を'狩猟に使う / 〈物・仕事など〉‘を'捜す,見つけようとする / (…を求めて)〈場所〉‘を'くまなく捜す《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / (…から)…‘を'迫いやる《+『名』+『away』(+『away』+『名』)+『from』(off, out of』)+『名』》 / 『狩りをする』 / (…を)捜し求める《+『for』(『after』)+『名』》 / (…を求めて…を)くまなそ捜す《+『in』(『through』)+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 『狩り』,狩猟;《英》キツネ狩り / 狩猟隊(会) / (…の)捜索;追求《+『for』+『名』》
- (疾患の徴候となる一群の)症徴候,症候群 / (事件・社会的状態などのパターンを示す)徴候形態
- フン族(4‐5世紀ヨーロッパに浸入したアジアの遊牧民族) / 《しばしばh-》(文化の)破壊者,野蛮人
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/10/13 13:44:56」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Three different neurological syndromes carry the name of Ramsay Hunt syndrome. Their only connection is that they were all first described by the famous neurologist James Ramsay Hunt (1872–1937).
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 1, also called Ramsay Hunt cerebellar syndrome, is a rare form of cerebellar degeneration which involves myoclonic epilepsy, progressive ataxia, tremor, and a dementing process.[1]
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2 is the reactivation of herpes zoster in the geniculate ganglion. It is sometimes called herpes zoster oticus, and has variable presentation which may include a lower motor neuron lesion of the facial nerve, deafness, vertigo, and pain.[2][3] A triad of ipsilateral facial paralysis, ear pain, and vesicles on the face, on the ear, or in the ear is the typical presentation.
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 3 is a less commonly referenced condition, an occupationally induced neuropathy of the deep palmar branch of the ulnar nerve. It is also called Hunt's disease or Artisan's palsy.[4]
- ^ "NINDS Dyssynergia Cerebellaris Myoclonica Information Page". National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 14 February 2011. Retrieved 6 January 2015.
- ^ Ramsay Hunt, J. (1907). "On herpetic inflammations of the geniculate ganglion: a new syndrome and its complications". Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 34 (2): 73–96. doi:10.1097/00005053-190702000-00001.
- ^ Sweeney, C.J.; Gilden, D.H. (August 2001). "Ramsay Hunt Syndrome". Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 71 (2): 149–54. doi:10.1136/jnnp.71.2.149. PMC 1737523. PMID 11459884.
- ^ Pearce, J.M.S. (2007). "Some Syndromes of James Ramsay Hunt". Practical Neurology. 7 (3): 182–185. PMID 17515597. Retrieved 8 July 2016.
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Autoimmune recurrent facial palsy and bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss following Ramsay Hunt-like syndrome.
- Psillas G, Arnaoutoglou M, Gatsios T, Rizos D, Koutsouraki E, Vital V.Source1st Academic ENT Department, AHEPA (The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1, Stilponos Kyriakidi St., 54636 Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Auris, nasus, larynx.Auris Nasus Larynx.2012 Apr;39(2):229-32. Epub 2011 May 14.
- OBJECTIVE: To describe the first published case of recurrent facial nerve palsy associated with bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss of autoimmune origin.CASE REPORT: A 33-year-old male presented with acute facial palsy on the left following a vesicular herpetic eruption in the external ear c
- PMID 21571469
- Reactivation of type 1 herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster virus in an immunosuppressed patient with acute peripheral facial weakness.
- Tsai J, Cohrs RJ, Nagel MA, Mahalingam R, Schmid DS, Choe A, Gilden D.SourceDepartment of Neurology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA.
- Journal of the neurological sciences.J Neurol Sci.2012 Feb 15;313(1-2):193-5. Epub 2011 Sep 15.
- We describe a 26-year-old man treated with azathioprine for myasthenia gravis who developed acute left-sided peripheral facial weakness. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed enhancement in the left geniculate ganglion and in the intracanalicular and tympanic segments of the facial nerve.
- PMID 21924743
Japanese Journal
- 関山 裕詩,山田 芳嗣
- Pharma tribune : なりたい薬剤師になる! 4(4), 47-54, 2012-04-00
- NAID 40019300850
- 健康成人に発症した汎発性帯状疱疹を伴うハント症候群の1例
- 溝上 大輔,田中 伸明,栗田 昭宏,松延 毅,塩谷 彰浩
- Otology Japan 22(1), 53-57, 2012-02-29
- NAID 10030285519
Related Links
- Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is a different illness for each of us. It cannot be defined exactly, only described as a combination of known symptoms and characteristics. Click on the links below to find out more about the condition.
- RamsayHunt.org is a support and information site for those who have contracted Ramsay Hunt syndrome, in the present or past, and for those who care about them. If this is the first time you have visited the new site but you have ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome, Ramsay-Hunt syndrome
- 同
- (国試)Ramsay-Hunt症候群 (国試)Ramsay Hunt症候群、ハント症候群 Hunt syndrome
- 関
- 水痘、帯状疱疹、水痘・帯状疱疹ウイルス
- 外耳道、耳介周辺の帯状疱疹に、顔面神経麻痺、耳鳴、難聴、めまいなどのCNVII, CNIIIに関連した神経症状を来す症候群
- 顔面神経の膝神経節に潜伏感染する水痘・帯状疱疹ウイルスの再活性化
- 内耳障害(難聴、めまい、耳鳴り)、耳介後部の鈍痛、耳介や外耳道に発症する帯状疱疹、末梢性顔面神経麻痺
- 顔面神経症状(高率)、内耳神経症状(65%程度)
[show details]
- 抗ウイルス薬・ステロイド剤の併用投与
- めまい(対側の前庭による代償がはたらかないとかなんとか)、顔面神経麻痺が長期にわたって残存する、らしい。
- 英
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome
- 同
- ミオクローヌス性小脳性協働収縮異常症 myoclonic cerebellar dyssynergia dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica