経皮的エタノール注入療法 percutaneous ethanol injection therapy
English Journal
- Treatment of autonomously functioning thyroid nodules at a single institution: radioiodine therapy, surgery, and ethanol injection therapy.
- Yano Y, Sugino K, Akaishi J, Uruno T, Okuwa K, Shibuya H, Kitagawa W, Nagahama M, Ito K, Ito K.SourceIto Hospital, 4-3-6 Jingu-mae, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-8308, Japan. geka@ito-hospital.jp
- Annals of nuclear medicine.Ann Nucl Med.2011 Dec;25(10):749-54. Epub 2011 Oct 5.
- OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to clarify the efficacy of radioiodine (RI) therapy in Japanese patients with autonomously functioning thyroid nodules (AFTNs).METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis to assess the management of AFTN patients. Thyroid lobectomy was performed to treat t
- PMID 21971604
- Chemical ablation of recurrent and persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism after subtotal parathyroidectomy.
- Chen HH, Lin CJ, Wu CJ, Lai CT, Lin J, Cheng SP, Yang TL.SourceDivision of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. lincj@ms1.mmh.org.tw
- Annals of surgery.Ann Surg.2011 Apr;253(4):786-90.
- BACKGROUND: Despite preoperative localization or intraoperative parathyroid hormone, monitoring increased the operative successful rate, recurrent, and persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism are still unavoidable after parathyroidectomy or reoperation. We present our experience of using percutaneo
- PMID 21475021
Japanese Journal
- PEIT(経皮的エタノール注入療法) (特集 1ページイラストでわかる!看護がわかる! 消化器外科ナースのための手術以外の治療と検査)
- 一本展開型 PEIT needle の開発とその臨床応用
- 光本 保英,森 敬弘,伊藤 正,清水 誠治,中島 智樹,岡上 武,安居 幸一郎,伊藤 義人,吉川 敏一
- 肝臓 52(8), 528-531, 2011-08-25
- … The current mainstream percutaneous local treatment for HCC is RFA with supplementary PEIT. … PEIT is sometimes employed for HCC in high-risk locations, such as HCC close to the heart. … However, even with PEIT it is markedly difficult to treat HCC located at the back ofblood vessels deep in the liver. … We developed a single expandable PEIT needle to treat difficult-to-puncture HCC. …
- NAID 10029526622
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- 家庭医学館 エタノール注入療法(PEIT)の用語解説 - がんの病巣部(びょうそうぶ)に、 アルコールの一種であるエタノール(100%)を注入し、がん細胞を壊死(えし)させて しまう方法です。エタノールには細胞を構成するたんぱく質を迅速(じんそく)に凝固(ぎょ ...
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- 英
- percutaneous ethanol injection therapy、PEIT
- 同
- エタノール注入療法 ethanol injection therapy
経皮的エタノール注入療法 PEIT
- 関
- polyethyleneimine、polyethylenimine