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English Journal
- Environmental Improvements Brought by the Legal Interventions in the Homes of Poorly Controlled Inner-city Adult Asthmatic Patients: A Proof-of-Concept Study.
- O'Sullivan MM, Brandfield J, Hoskote SS, Segal SN, Chug L, Modrykamien A, Eden E.SourceDepartment of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons , New York, NY , USA.
- The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma.J Asthma.2012 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of print]
- Objectives. Domestic contamination with mold, cockroaches, rodents, and dust worsens asthma severity. This violates warranty of habitability laws in most of the states, but patients often find it beyond their means to remedy their housing situation. We aimed to study the effect of a medical-legal co
- PMID 23020301
Japanese Journal
- 佐々木 賢太郎
- 理学療法科学 29(2), 239-242, 2014
- 〔目的〕頸椎装具装着が呼吸機能と呼吸筋活動に及ぼす影響について検討することとした.〔対象〕健常男子大学生12名とした.〔方法〕頸椎装具にはフィラデルフィアカラーを使用し,非装着・装着の順に呼吸機能検査を実施した.その際,呼吸筋の筋活動について表面筋電計を用いて評価した.〔結果〕カラー装着により呼吸機能は有意に低値を示した.カラー装着により,最大吸気相の胸鎖乳突筋と斜角筋の筋活動が有意に低値を示した …
- NAID 130004874911
- Successful Treatment with Noninvasive Positive-pressure Ventilation Based on the Prediction of Disease Onset Using CT and Respiratory Function Tests in an Elderly Patient with Relapsing Polychondritis
- Yamaguchi Hiromichi,Komase Yuko,Ono Ayami,Morita Akane,Ishida Akira
- Internal Medicine 52(10), 1085-1089, 2013
- An 83-year-old man who had been receiving treatment for bronchial asthma since 62 years of age experienced difficulty breathing on exertion and was admitted to the hospital. On admission, computed tom …
- NAID 130003365596
- 小児気管支喘息長期管理におけるステップダウン時の呼気一酸化窒素による増悪の予測に関する検討
- 伊藤 靖典,足立 陽子,樋口 収,岡部 美恵,板澤 寿子,足立 雄一,宮脇 利男
- 日本小児アレルギー学会誌 = The Japanese journal of pediatric allergy and clinical immunology 26(2), 258-265, 2012-06-20
- 【目的】気道炎症の指標となる呼気一酸化窒素(FeNO)が,小児喘息の長期管理におけるステップダウン(SD)後の増悪予想に有用であるかを検討した. 【方法】定期通院中の喘息児のうち,臨床症状の安定後にSDした児43名(5~11歳)のSD前,SD時,SD後における小児喘息コントロールテスト(C-ACT),ピークフロー(PEF),FeNOを測定し,症状の変化との関係を解析した. 【結果】43名中12名で …
- NAID 10030801050
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- PEFR, n See peak expiratory flow rate. PEFR Peak expiratory flow rate PEFR Abbreviation for peak expiratory flow rate. PEFR peak expiratory flow rate ... The analyses were focused on pre- to posttraining changes in values of ...
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- 英
- maximal expiratory flow、maximal expiratory flow rate、forced expiratory flow rate
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