- relating to or showing a difference; "differential treatment"
- a quality that differentiates between similar things
- involving or containing one or more derivatives; "differential equation"
- (American football) blocking a players path with your body; "he ran interference for the quarterback"
- magnifier of the image of small objects; "the invention of the microscope led to the discovery of the cell"
- distinguishing characteristics (especially in different species of a genus)
- 『差別的な』 / 微分の / 差動の / 〈C〉差別額,運賃差 / 〈U〉微分 / 〈C〉〈U〉(また『differential gear』)差動歯車,差動装置
- 〈U〉(…への)干渉,口出し,妨害《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(ラジオ・テレビの)混信;(光波・音波などの)干渉 / 〈U〉(一般のスポーツで)妨害行為
- 『顕微鏡』
- (論理学で)種差(ある種が同じ属の他の種と区別される属性);本質的な相違点
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English Journal
- A combined light sheet fluorescence and differential interference contrast microscope for live imaging of multicellular specimens.
- Baker RP1, Taormina MJ, Jemielita M, Parthasarathy R.
- Journal of microscopy.J Microsc.2015 May;258(2):105-12. doi: 10.1111/jmi.12220. Epub 2015 Jan 22.
- We describe a microscope capable of both light sheet fluorescence microscopy and differential interference contrast microscopy (DICM). The two imaging modes, which to the best of our knowledge have not previously been combined, are complementary: light sheet fluorescence microscopy provides three-di
- PMID 25611324
- Sperm with large nuclear vacuoles and semen quality in the evaluation of male infertility.
- Komiya A1, Watanabe A, Kawauchi Y, Fuse H.
- Systems biology in reproductive medicine.Syst Biol Reprod Med.2013 Feb;59(1):13-20. doi: 10.3109/19396368.2012.729174. Epub 2012 Oct 17.
- This study compared the sperm nuclear vacuoles and semen quality in the evaluation of male infertility. One hundred and forty-two semen samples were obtained from patients who visited the Male Infertility Clinic at Toyama University Hospital. Semen samples were evaluated by conventional semen analys
- PMID 23072254
- Basic Caenorhabditis elegans methods: synchronization and observation.
- Porta-de-la-Riva M1, Fontrodona L, Villanueva A, Cerón J.
- Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.J Vis Exp.2012 Jun 10;(64):e4019. doi: 10.3791/4019.
- Research into the molecular and developmental biology of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was begun in the early seventies by Sydney Brenner and it has since been used extensively as a model organism. C. elegans possesses key attributes such as simplicity, transparency and short life cycle that h
- PMID 22710399
Japanese Journal
- Widening the Range of High-Precision Quantitative Measurement in Retardation-Modulated Differential Interference Microscope
- ISHIWATA Hiroshi,NAGAI Hiroki,NAKA Toshihisa,ITOH Masahide
- Optical review 17(3), 214-217, 2010-06-01
- NAID 10026357849
- 多波長法による位相変調型微分干渉顕微鏡の計測範囲拡張
- 高間 敬子
- 岐阜歯科学会雑誌 33(1), 11-19, 2006-06-25
- 破骨細胞の基質への接着はインテグリンのリガンドとなる細胞外マトリックスのRGD配列に依存した部位を認識することで可能になる.クサリヘビ毒から抽出されたエキスタチンにもRGD配列が含まれるためにインテグリンに競合的に結合することで破骨細胞の骨面への接着を阻害することで骨吸収を抑制すると考えられているが,エキスタチンの作用については不明な点が多い.そこで,破骨細胞の接着に関わるポドゾームやアクチンリン …
- NAID 110006155060
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Related Pictures

- 英
- Nomarski differential interference microscope
- 同
- ノマルスキー顕微鏡 Nomarski microscope、Nomarski微分干渉顕微鏡
- 関
- differential interference contrast microscope、微分干渉顕微鏡
- 英
- Nomarski differential interference microscope
- 関
- ノマルスキー微分干渉顕微鏡
- 関
- differentially、discriminate、discrimination
- 関
- microscopic、microscopical、microscopy
- 関
- interference microscopy、interference optics