無尖弁 non-coronary cusp
redirect Na+-Cl-共輸送体
- the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)n
- nitrogenの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/09/09 13:47:03」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 企業名の略称
- 新電電(New Common Carrier) - 1985年の通信自由化を受けて新規参入した、旧第一種電気通信事業者
- 長崎文化放送(Nagasaki Culture Telecasting Corporation)- 放送局
- 日本コンベンションセンターの略称 - 幕張メッセの旧社名
- 株式会社エヌシィシィ - 医療用品の販社
- 日本ケミコン - コンデンサメーカー
- 日本珈琲貿易(NIPPON COFFEE TRADING CO.,LTD.)- コーヒーの販社
- ニッポンシネマコーポレーション - かつて存在した映画配給会社
- ニュー・シネマ・コーポレーション - かつて存在した映画配給会社
- その他
- 神経嚢虫症(Neurocysticercosis、NCC)の略称
- 新潟コンピュータ専門学校の略称
- 長良川国際会議場(Nagaragawa Convention Center)の略称
- 意識に相関した脳活動(Neural correlates of consciousness)の略称
- 国家通訊伝播委員会(National Communications Commission)の略称
- テレビドラマ『スタートレック』シリーズで、艦船の登録番号につけられる記号
- 日本キリスト教協議会の略称
- 国立がん研究センター(National Cancer Center)の略称
- オランダのジャズバンドニュー・クール・コレクティヴの略称
- 松尾電機(コンデンサメーカー)の商標
- 民主的変革のための全国調整委員会
- ナノ結晶セルロース
- フィリピン国家コンピューターセンター (National Computer Center)
- ナショナル・コンポジッツ・センター@名古屋大学 (National Composites Center)
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[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Companies
- 2 Culture
- 2.1 Broadcasting
- 2.2 Fiction
- 2.3 Music
- 2.4 Sport
- 3 Education
- 4 Organizations
- 5 Places
- 6 Politics and government
- 7 Religion
- 8 Science and technology
- 8.1 Archaeology
- 8.2 Biology
- 8.3 Computers
- 8.4 Materials
- 8.5 Mathematics
- 8.6 Medicine
- 8.7 Nature conservation
- 8.8 Transport
- 9 See also
NCC may refer to:
- National Certification Corporation, a nursing specialty certification company
- National City Corporation, a leading US bank
- NCC AB, a Scandinavian company
- NCC Bank, a Bangladeshi bank
- National Communications Commission, an independent statutory agency in Taiwan which serves similar function as FCC in the United States
- Nigerian Communications Commission, a telecoms regulatory body for Nigeria
- NCC, a Starfleet starship registry prefix in the Star Trek television and film series
- NCC - Abbr. of No Conflict Cooperation representing a natural form of environmental compatibility that favours reproductive success for plants and animals of the same species as noted by evolutionary science and behavioural psychology.
- National Chamber Choir, an Irish choir
- Newport Cricket Club
- Nondescripts Cricket Club, a first-class cricket club based in Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Nutrilite Canadian Championship, a soccer competition
- Nordic Challenge Cup, a sports car racing series
- North Central Conference, a former NCAA Division II college athletics conference in the United States
- Nashua Community College in Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
- Nassau Community College in Nassau County, New York, USA
- National Communications Coordinator, the primary delegate from each college or university Residence Hall Association that corresponds with other institutions nationally[clarification needed] through NACURH
- NCC Education, a global provider and an awarding body of British education
- Newport Central Catholic High School, in Newport, Kentucky, USA
- Nicholson Catholic College, a secondary school in Belleville, Ontario, Canada
- Normandale Community College, a two-year college in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA
- North Central College, a private, four-year liberal arts college in Naperville, Illinois, USA
- Northern Christian College, a private school in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
- Norwalk Community College in Norwalk, Connecticut
- Northampton Community College in Bethelehem, Pennsylvania
- National Cadet Corps (disambiguation), various meanings
- National Chicken Council, in US
- National Consumer Council, a public body in the UK
- New Castle County, Delaware
Politics and government
- National Capital Commission, a Canadian federal crown corporation
- National Citizens Coalition, a right-wing political organization in Canada
- Newport City Council, a Welsh local government body
- National Civic Council, an Australian political movement
- National Constitution Center located in Philadelphia, PA
- National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change, a Syrian political bloc
- Newport City Council, Wales
- Norfolk County Council, England
- Northamptonshire County Council, England
- Northumberland County Council, England
- Nottinghamshire County Council, England
- National Community Church, Washington DC, USA
- National Council of Churches, USA, or the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
- New Creation Church, Singapore
Science and technology
- New Coligny Calendar, a bronze artefact found in France, depicting the Gaulish lunisolar calendar
- Neocortical column or Cortical column, a physiological feature of the mammalian brain
- Neural correlates of consciousness, neuronal events and mechanisms relating to perception phenomena
- Neural crest cells, cells in the neural crest of a developing vertebrate embryo
- Neurocysticercosis, a parasitic infection of the central nervous system
- Sodium-chloride symporter, abbreviated as NCC
- National Computer Camps, a computer camp in the US
- National Computer Conference, one of the largest conference and trade shows in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s
- National Computing Centre, in the UK
- Network Control Center, one or more locations from which control is exercised over a computer or telecommunications network
- Norwegian Computing Center
- Nanocrystalline cellulose, a freeze-dried form of nanocellulose
- Normalized cross-correlation, a measure of covariance between random vectors in statistics
- National Certified Counselor, a class of psychotherapist
Nature conservation
- Nature Conservancy of Canada, a Canadian environmental charity
- Nature Conservancy Council, a government body responsible for nature conservation in Great Britain from 1973 to 1991
- Northern Counties Committee, a former Northern Irish railway
See also
- National Convention Center (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 嚢虫症の臨床症状および診断 clinical manifestations and diagnosis of cysticercosis
- 2. 嚢虫症の治療 treatment of cysticercosis
- 3. 嚢虫症の疫学、感染、および予防 epidemiology transmission and prevention of cysticercosis
- 4. 赤血球水分量の制御 control of red blood cell hydration
English Journal
- Hydrophilic modification of polyester fabric by applying nanocrystalline cellulose containing surface finish.
- Zaman M, Liu H, Xiao H, Chibante F, Ni Y.SourceLimerick Pulp and Paper Research Center, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B5A3. Electronic address: zaman.masuduz@gmail.com.
- Carbohydrate polymers.Carbohydr Polym.2013 Jan 16;91(2):560-7. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.08.070. Epub 2012 Aug 28.
- In this study, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fabric was modified by applying a hydrophilic surface finishing agent that contains nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC). To impart superior hydrophilicity, NCC was further cationically modified through quaternization by grafting glycidyl tri-methyl ammoniu
- PMID 23121945
- A novel process for synthesis of spherical nanocellulose by controlled hydrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose using anaerobic microbial consortium.
- Satyamurthy P, Vigneshwaran N.SourceNanotechnology Research Group, Chemical and Biochemical Processing Division, Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology, Adenwala Road, Matunga, Mumbai 400 019, India.
- Enzyme and microbial technology.Enzyme Microb Technol.2013 Jan 10;52(1):20-5. doi: 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2012.09.002. Epub 2012 Sep 18.
- Degradation of cellulose by anaerobic microbial consortium is brought about either by an exocellular process or by secretion of extracellular enzymes. In this work, a novel route for synthesis of nanocellulose is described where in an anaerobic microbial consortium enriched for cellulase producers i
- PMID 23199734
Japanese Journal
- 化粧品専門店の次世代を担う若手経営者の会「NCC」 専門店のスタッフがメーキャップ技術を競い合う「NCCコスメティック甲子園」の本大会を開催
- 化粧品専門店の次世代を担う若手経営者の会「NCC」 カリスマ従業員の育成を目指す「NCCコスメティック甲子園」の予選会を実施
- 1C-4 甘さを表現する言葉の色彩イメージ(研究発表,第44回全国大会発表論文集)
- 大谷 貴美子,冨田 圭子,薛 暁[ヨウ],康 薔薇,LEE Insook,村元 由佳利,松井 元子
- 日本色彩学会誌 37(3), 286-287, 2013-05-01
- NAID 110009612316
Related Links
- 長崎の地元情報、最新ニュースをお届けするNCC長崎文化放送の番組・主催イベント 情報・特典をいち早くお知らせします!
- 英会話スクール/教室‐東京新宿のカリスマ英語/英会話学校NCCに全国から生徒が 殺到。TOEIC・TOEFL・英検対策も万全.
Related Pictures

- 英
- Na+-Cl- cotransporter, NCC, NCCT
- 関
- サイアザイド感受性Na+-Cl-共輸送体、サイアザイド
サイアザイド感受性Na+-Cl-共輸送体 (SP.791)
- 同
- NCC, non-coronary cusp
非心臓性胸痛, noncardiac chest pain, non-cardiac chest pain
- 関
- See Hereditary nonpolyposis colon can cer