- the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)m
- the imperial dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 (同)Ming dynasty
- Mach number / mark[s] / Monsieur
- (中国の)明,明朝(1368‐1644)
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English Journal
- Predictive factors of successful microdissection testicular sperm extraction in patients with presumed sertoli cell-only syndrome.
- Modarresi T1, Hosseinifar H1, Daliri Hampa A1, Chehrazi M2, Hosseini J1, Farrahi F1, Dadkhah F1, Sabbaghian M1, Sadighi Gilani MA3.
- International journal of fertility & sterility.Int J Fertil Steril.2015 Apr-Jun;9(1):107-12. Epub 2015 Apr 21.
- BACKGROUND: To evaluate predictive factors of successful microdissection-testicular sperm extraction (MD-TESE) in patients with presumed Sertoli cell-only syndrome (SCOS).MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective analysis, 874 men with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA), among whom 148 individuals
- PMID 25918598
- Fresh motile testicular sperm retrieved from nonobstructive azoospermic patients has the same potential to achieve fertilization and pregnancy via ICSI as sperm retrieved from obstructive azoospermic patients.
- Kanto S1, Sugawara J, Masuda H, Sasano H, Arai Y, Kyono K.
- Fertility and sterility.Fertil Steril.2008 Nov;90(5):2010.e5-7. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2008.01.049. Epub 2008 Mar 17.
- OBJECTIVE: To compare the fertilization and pregnancy rates using fresh testicular sperm between nonobstructive azoospermic (NOA) patients and obstructive azoospermic (OA) patients.DESIGN: We evaluated sperm quality of testicular sperm retrieved by microdissection testicular sperm extraction (MD-TES
- PMID 18343377
Japanese Journal
- 顕微鏡下精巣内精子回収術(Microdissection testicular sperm extraction : MD-TESE)により精子を回収し得たY染色体常染色体転座の1例
- 湯村 寧,村瀬 真理子,片山 佳代 [他]
- 泌尿器科紀要 58(6), 307-310, 2012-06
- A 40-year-old man was referred to our hospital with a 12-year history of infertility. He was a welldeveloped male weighing 78 kg with a height of 171 cm. Physical examinations revealed male habitus wi …
- NAID 40019323435
Related Links
- 男性不妊、無精子症治療のためのTESEのご案内です。手術後の男性ホルモンの値の調整のために当院では片側の精巣のみの手術を行っています。MD-TESE(顕微鏡下精巣内精子採取術)の方法、注意点を紹介します。
- 以前入院し全身麻酔でMDTESE(Micro-TESE)を行っていたころは両側を行っていました。およそ200例の統計から片側で精子が採取できなくてもう一方で精子が採取できた場合が約4%でした。 現在、MDTESE(Micro-TESE)を片側で ...
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- 英
- MD-TESE microdisection-TESE microdisection-testicular sperm extraction
- 関
- 精巣内精子採取術
精巣内精子採取 testicular sperm extraction
メチオニン methionine
エコー時間 echo time