- 関
- Gentianae Scabrae Radix
- of or relating to or characteristic of Japan or its people or their culture or language; "the Japanese Emperor"; "Japanese cars" (同)Nipponese
- a native or inhabitant of Japan (同)Nipponese
- the language (usually considered to be Altaic) spoken by the Japanese
- type genus of the Gentianaceae; cosmopolitan genus of herbs nearly cosmopolitan in cool temperate regions; in some classifications includes genera Gentianopsis and Gentianella (同)genus Gentiana
- any of various plants of the family Gentianaceae especially the genera Gentiana and Gentianella and Gentianopsis
- 『日本の』;『日本人』(『語』)『の』 / 〈C〉『日本人』;《集合的に》日本人 / 〈U〉《冠詞をつけないで》『日本語』
- リンドウ
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English Journal
- Construction of the first genetic linkage map of Japanese gentian (Gentianaceae).
- Nakatsuka T, Yamada E, Saito M, Hikage T, Ushiku Y, Nishihara M.SourceIwate Biotechnology Research Center, Narita 22-174-4, Kitakami, Iwate 024-0003, Japan.
- BMC genomics.BMC Genomics.2012 Nov 28;13:672. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-672.
- BACKGROUND: Japanese gentians (Gentiana triflora and Gentiana scabra) are amongst the most popular floricultural plants in Japan. However, genomic resources for Japanese gentians have not yet been developed, mainly because of the heterozygous genome structure conserved by outcrossing, the long juven
- PMID 23186361
- Isolation and characterization of GtMYBP3 and GtMYBP4, orthologues of R2R3-MYB transcription factors that regulate early flavonoid biosynthesis, in gentian flowers.
- Nakatsuka T, Saito M, Yamada E, Fujita K, Kakizaki Y, Nishihara M.SourceIwate Biotechnology Research Center, 22-174-4 Narita, Kitakami, Iwate 024-0003, Japan.
- Journal of experimental botany.J Exp Bot.2012 Nov;63(18):6505-17. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ers306. Epub 2012 Nov 1.
- Flavonoids are one of the major plant pigments for flower colour. Not only coloured anthocyanins, but also co-pigment flavones or flavonols, accumulate in flowers. To study the regulation of early flavonoid biosynthesis, two R2R3-MYB transcription factors, GtMYBP3 and GtMYBP4, were identified from t
- PMID 23125348
- [Pharmacognosical study during 40 years].
- Shoyama Y.SourceFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University, 3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan. shoyama@niu.ac.jp
- Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.Yakugaku Zasshi.2007 Oct;127(10):1593-620.
- In order to quality control for medicinal plants such as Aconitum charmicaelii, Rhemannia glutinosa, Atractyrodes lancea, Pinellia ternata, Panax species and Gentiana scabra were clonally micropropagated by tip tissue culture and embryogenetic techniques. Monoclonal antibodies against the bioactive
- PMID 17917420
Japanese Journal
- Evaluation and quantitative analysis of different growth periods of herb-arbor intercropping systems using HPLC and UV-vis methods coupled with chemometrics
- 表着の柄に描かれた植物の種数が増えた時代と種の特徴
- エゾリンドウにおける塊茎の発達様式と株齢による花茎生産性の変動
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- 英
- Japanese gentiana, Chinese gentian
- ラ
- Gentianae Scabrae Radix
- 同
- リンドウ
- 関
- ゲンチアナ
- 関
- Japanese gentiana
- 関
- gentian、Gentianaceae、Gentianae Radix
- 関
- Asian、Chinese、Japan