スギ花粉症、Japanese cedar花粉症
- of or relating to or characteristic of Japan or its people or their culture or language; "the Japanese Emperor"; "Japanese cars" (同)Nipponese
- a native or inhabitant of Japan (同)Nipponese
- the language (usually considered to be Altaic) spoken by the Japanese
- any of numerous trees of the family Cupressaceae that resemble cedars (同)cedar tree
- any cedar of the genus Cedrus (同)cedar tree, true cedar
- durable aromatic wood of any of numerous cedar trees; especially wood of the red cedar often used for cedar chests (同)cedarwood
- 『日本の』;『日本人』(『語』)『の』 / 〈C〉『日本人』;《集合的に》日本人 / 〈U〉《冠詞をつけないで》『日本語』
- ヒマラヤスギ,セイヨウスギ;〈U〉杉材
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English Journal
- DNA aptamers against the Cry j 2 allergen of Japanese cedar pollen for biosensing applications.
- Ogihara K, Savory N, Abe K, Yoshida W, Asahi M, Kamohara S, Ikebukuro K.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2015 Jan 15;63:159-65.
- Sensing pollen allergens is required to prevent allergic disorders such as pollinosis. Aptamers, which bind to specific molecules, offer great potential as useful tools for detecting pollen allergens as measures against allergic disorders. Here, we report the identification of DNA aptamers binding t
- PMID 25083924
- Allergen-specific basophil reactivity exhibits daily variations in seasonal allergic rhinitis.
- Ando N1, Nakamura Y, Ishimaru K, Ogawa H, Okumura K, Shimada S, Nakao A.
- Allergy.Allergy.2014 Dec 2. doi: 10.1111/all.12552. [Epub ahead of print]
- It remains poorly understood how symptoms in allergic rhinitis are most severe during overnight or early in the morning. The circadian clock consisting of a network of several "clock genes" including Clock drives daily rhythms in physiology. This study showed that allergen-induced surface CD203c exp
- PMID 25443426
- Effect of Asian sand dust on Japanese cedar pollinosis.
- Ogi K1, Takabayashi T2, Sakashita M2, Susuki D2, Yamada T2, Manabe Y3, Fujieda S2.
- Auris, nasus, larynx.Auris Nasus Larynx.2014 Dec;41(6):518-22. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2014.05.020. Epub 2014 Jun 11.
- OBJECTIVE: Asian sand dust (ASD), originating in the deserts of Mongolia and China, spreads over large areas and is associated with adverse effects on human health in East Asia, including asthma, heart disease, and some allergic diseases. However, the effect of ASD on patients with seasonal allergic
- PMID 24928063
Japanese Journal
- 結膜抗原誘発試験による抗アレルギー点眼薬の評価 (特集 アレルギー性結膜疾患の病態と診療の進歩)
- 黄砂とアレルギー疾患 (特別号 東アジアにおけるエアロゾルの植物・人間系へのインパクト) -- (エアロゾルの健康影響の解明)
- 東 朋美,神林 康弘,藤村 政樹 [他]
- エアロゾル研究 29 (Special Issue.1), 212-217, 2014-02
- NAID 40020005750
- 東 朋美,神林 康弘,藤村 政樹,大倉 徳幸,吉崎 智一,中西 清香,西條 清史,早川 和一,小林 史尚,道上 義正,人見 嘉哲,中村 裕之
- エアロゾル研究 29(S1), s212-s217, 2014
- … We herein discuss the effects of kosa on allergic diseases, including asthma, chronic cough and Japanese cedar pollinosis. … Such environmental pollution enhances the response to allergens, including Japanese cedar pollen. …
- NAID 130003393430
Related Links
- Seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) caused by Japanese cedar pollen (JCP; ie, sugi-pollinosis) is the most common disease in Japan and has been considered a nation ... A meta-analysis of 38 reports representing 27 prevalence ...
- ... 症がスギ花粉をアレルゲンとする花粉症であることが確認されたので, これをスギ花粉症Japanese Cedar Pollinosisと命名した. In Japan the existence of pollinosis has been often presumed from various points of view, but little reports ...
- 英
- Japanese cedar pollinosis
- 商
- シダトレンスギ花粉
- 関
- 花粉、花粉症
- 英
- Japanese cedar pollinosis
- 関
- Japanese cedar花粉症、鼻アレルギー
- 英
- Japanese cedar pollinosis
- 関
- スギ花粉症
- 関
- Asian、Chinese、Japan