English Journal
- Effects of heat and UV radiation on the mobilization of transposon mariner-Mos1.
- Jardim SS1, Schuch AP, Pereira CM, Loreto EL.
- Cell stress & chaperones.Cell Stress Chaperones.2015 Sep;20(5):843-51. doi: 10.1007/s12192-015-0611-2. Epub 2015 Jun 20.
- There are many complex interactions between transposable elements (TEs) and host genomes. Environmental changes that induce stressful conditions help to contribute for increasing complexity of these interactions. The transposon mariner-Mos1 increases its mobilization under mild heat stress. It has p
- PMID 26092118
- Development of a Full-Thickness Human Skin Equivalent In Vitro Model Derived from TERT-Immortalized Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts.
- Reijnders CM1, van Lier A1, Roffel S1, Kramer D2, Scheper RJ3, Gibbs S1,4.
- Tissue engineering. Part A.Tissue Eng Part A.2015 Aug 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- Currently, human skin equivalents (HSEs) used for in vitro assays (e.g., for wound healing) make use of primary human skin cells. Limitations of primary keratinocytes and fibroblasts include availability of donor skin and donor variation. The use of physiologically relevant cell lines could solve th
- PMID 26135533
- A longitudinal study on determinants of the intention to start smoking among Non-smoking boys and girls of high and low socioeconomic status.
- Cremers HP1, Mercken L2, de Vries H3, Oenema A4.
- BMC public health.BMC Public Health.2015 Jul 13;15:648. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1917-9.
- BACKGROUND: This study identifies differences in socio-cognitive factors as they relate to the intention to smoke among boys and girls living in high socioeconomic status (HSES) and low socioeconomic status (LSES) neighborhoods.METHODS: A total of 1,643 children (aged 10-12 years) completed a web-ba
- PMID 26163878
Japanese Journal
- 臨床研究・症例報告 血清IL-6の経時的変化をとらえた出血性ショック脳症症候群の1例
- 胃腸炎症状後にけいれん,意識障害を呈した10か月女児 (特集 感染症ケースカンファレンス) -- (初級編)
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- 英
- hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome, HSES
- 同
- 出血性ショック脳症 hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy, HSE