- 同
- hereditary pyropoikilocytosis
- the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)h
- hydrogenの化学記号
- 鉛筆の硬度 / 《俗》heroin
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- 日本のバンド、ヘッド・フォン・プレジデントの略。
- 水力発電所(Hydroelectric power plant)の略。
- アメリカ合衆国ハワイ州の地名、ハワイアン・パラダイスパークの略。
- ヒト膵臓ポリペプチド (Human pancreatic polypeptide) の略。
- プログラミング言語、C++のヘッダファイルの拡張子(.hpp)。
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HPP may refer to:
- Allopurinol, by trade name HPP, medication for excess uric acid in the blood, and gout
- Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis, abnormal sensitivity of red blood cells to heat
- Hypokalemic periodic paralysis, muscle weakness associated with a fall in potassium levels in the blood
- Hypophosphatasia, a bone disease
- The Hardy, Pomeau and de Pazzis model, an early lattice gas automaton method
- Hawaiian Paradise Park, Hawaii, a community on the island of Hawaii
- Head Phones President, a Japanese metal band
- High Performance Program
- Honda Power Port, a type of two-stroke power valve system
- High Pressure Processing of food
- Holme Pierrepont National Watersports Centre, an English watersports centre
- Human Proteome Project, a collaborative scientific project coordinated by the Human Proteome Organization
- High Pulsed Power, a set of technologies to produce very high power and very short electrical pulses
- Hentrich Petschnigg & Partner, a German Architectural Firm of importance for public administration builduings since the 1950s Hydroelectric power plant
, a filename extension for C++ header files
- HPP model, the first lattice Boltzmann model, which was introduced by Hardy, Pomeau and de Pazzis and named after the authors
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English Journal
- Effect of high pressure processing on the conversion of dihydroxyacetone to methylglyoxal in New Zealand mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium) honey and models thereof.
- Grainger MN1, Manley-Harris M2, Fauzi NA3, Farid MM3.Author information 1Department of Chemistry, University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand.2Department of Chemistry, University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand. Electronic address: manleyha@waikato.ac.nz.3Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand.AbstractThe effect of high pressure processing (HPP) on the conversion of dihydroxyacetone (DHA) to methylglyoxal (MGO) was examined in New Zealand mānuka honey and models thereof. The objective was to confirm that previously reported increases of MGO with HPP treatment originated from conversion of DHA. RP-HPLC was used to quantify DHA, MGO and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) after derivatisation with O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl)hydroxylamine hydrochloride (PFBHA) or (in the case of MGO) separately with o-phenylenediamine (OPD). Fresh and stored mānuka honey, clover honey with DHA added and artificial 26 honey with DHA added were subjected to nine different pressures and holding times and compared to untreated samples. There was no consistent trend of decrease in DHA or increase in MGO for any of the samples with any treatment. Samples showed random change generally within 5-10% of an untreated sample for MGO, DHA and HMF. HPP does not accelerate the conversion of DHA to MGO in honey.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Jun 15;153:134-9. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.12.017. Epub 2013 Dec 10.
- The effect of high pressure processing (HPP) on the conversion of dihydroxyacetone (DHA) to methylglyoxal (MGO) was examined in New Zealand mānuka honey and models thereof. The objective was to confirm that previously reported increases of MGO with HPP treatment originated from conversion of DHA. R
- PMID 24491711
- Effect of high pressure treatment on the survival of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in strawberry puree.
- Hsu H1, Sheen S2, Sites J3, Huang L3, Wu JS4.Author information 1Institute of Food Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan; Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA.2Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA. Electronic address: shiowshuh.sheen@ars.usda.gov.3Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA.4Institute of Food Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan. Electronic address: jsbwu@ntu.edu.tw.AbstractMost fresh produce, such as strawberries, receives minimal processing and is often eaten raw. Contamination of produce with pathogenic bacteria may occur during growth, harvest, processing, transportation, and storage (abuse temperature) and presents a serious public health risk. Strawberries have been implicated in an outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection that sickened 15 people, including one death. Strawberries may also be contaminated by other serogroups of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), including O26, O45, O103, O111, O121 and O145, which have become known as the "Big Six" or "Top Six" non-O157 STECs. The objective of this research was to explore the potential application of high pressure processing (HPP) treatment to reduce or eliminate STECs in fresh strawberry puree (FSP). FSP, inoculated with a six-strain cocktail of the "Big Six" non-O157 STEC strains or a five-strain cocktail of E. coli O157:H7 in vacuum-sealed packages, were pressure-treated at 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, and 650 MPa (1 MPa = 10(6) N/m(2)) for 5, 15, and 30 min. HPP treatment, at 350 MPa for ≥5 min, significantly reduced STECs in FSP by about 6-log CFU/g from the initial cell population of ca. 8-log CFU/g. Cell rupture, observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), demonstrated that the HPP treatments can be potentially used to control both non-O157 and O157:H7 STECs in heat sensitive products.
- Food microbiology.Food Microbiol.2014 Jun;40:25-30. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2013.11.019. Epub 2013 Dec 8.
- Most fresh produce, such as strawberries, receives minimal processing and is often eaten raw. Contamination of produce with pathogenic bacteria may occur during growth, harvest, processing, transportation, and storage (abuse temperature) and presents a serious public health risk. Strawberries have b
- PMID 24549194
- Effect of thermal pasteurisation and high-pressure processing on immunoglobulin content and lysozyme and lactoperoxidase activity in human colostrum.
- Sousa SG1, Delgadillo I1, Saraiva JA2.Author information 1QOPNA, Departamento de Química, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal.2QOPNA, Departamento de Química, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal. Electronic address: jorgesaraiva@ua.pt.AbstractHuman milk, and particularly human colostrum, is the gold standard for newborn nourishment. Colostrum contains the highest concentration of immune factors, being the most potent immune booster known to science. In this work, we investigated Holder pasteurisation and high-pressure processing (HPP) effects on colostral IgA, IgM, IgG, lysozyme and lactoperoxidase. The amount of Igs was significantly decreased after Holder pasteurisation (20%, 51% and 23% for IgA, IgM and IgG, respectively), but fully preserved after HPP at 200 and 400MPa. HPP at 600MPa for 2.5min resulted in the maintenance of IgA and losses of IgM and IgG (21% for both). The pressure treatments at 600MPa for 15 and 30min led to similar or higher losses than pasteurisation. D-values (min) for Igs ranged from 4941 to 452 at 400MPa and from 235 to 40 at 600MPa. Lysozyme activity was lost after pasteurisation (decreased 44%) and maintained after HPP. Lactoperoxidase activity was not detected. As far as the authors are aware, this is the first study evaluating HPP effects on human colostrum.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 May 15;151:79-85. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.11.024. Epub 2013 Nov 16.
- Human milk, and particularly human colostrum, is the gold standard for newborn nourishment. Colostrum contains the highest concentration of immune factors, being the most potent immune booster known to science. In this work, we investigated Holder pasteurisation and high-pressure processing (HPP) ef
- PMID 24423505
Japanese Journal
- 3.0%は28,850円,10,950円下げ 0.3%HPP35,310円,10,190円下げ : 1~3月分一般向けC重油決定価格
- HS3.0%は31,350円へ値上がり LS0.3%HPPも38,000円へ : 来年度のC重油価格を展望
- 3.0%28,850円,0.3%HPP34,990円 HSは12年前の安値圏へ後退しそう : 1~3月分一般向けC重油仕切基準価格
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