- 同
- hyaline membrane disease
- 関
- Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
- the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)h
- hydrogenの化学記号
- 鉛筆の硬度 / 《俗》heroin
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/02/17 13:28:30」(JST)
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- ヘッドマウントディスプレイ
- ハード島とマクドナルド諸島のISO 3166国名コード
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HMD may refer to:
- Croatian Museum Association (Croatian: Hrvatsko muzejsko društvo)
- H2-forming methylene-tetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase
- Heavy metal detoxification
- Hepatic microvascular dysplasia
- Hyaline membrane disease, a previous name for infant respiratory distress syndrome, a common developmental lung surfactant deficiency
- Hospital Morbidity Database
- Hammond (Amtrak station), Louisiana, United States; Amtrak station code
- Heard Island and McDonald Islands, ISO 3166 country code
- Head-mounted display
- Helmet-mounted display
English Journal
- Application of quantitative (1)H-NMR method to determination of paeoniflorin in Paeoniae radix.
- Tanaka R, Yamazaki M, Hasada K, Nagatsu A.SourceLaboratory of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Kinjo Gakuin University, 2-1723 Omori, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya, 463-8521, Japan.
- Journal of natural medicines.J Nat Med.2013 Jul;67(3):657-61. doi: 10.1007/s11418-012-0711-6. Epub 2012 Oct 19.
- A quantitative (1)H-NMR method (qHNMR) was used to measure paeoniflorin content in Paeoniae radix (dried root of Paeonia lactiflora), of which paeoniflorin is a major component. The purity of paeoniflorin was calculated from the ratio of the intensity of the H-9 signal at δ 5.78 ppm of paeoniflori
- PMID 23081682
- "Seeing" and "feeling" architecture: how bodily self-consciousness alters architectonic experience and affects the perception of interiors.
- Pasqualini I, Llobera J, Blanke O.SourceAtelier de la Conception de l'Espace, Institute of Architecture and the City, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland ; Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain Mind Institute, School of Life Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Frontiers in psychology.Front Psychol.2013 Jun 25;4:354. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00354. Print 2013.
- Over the centuries architectural theory evolved several notions of embodiment, proposing in the nineteenth and twentieth century that architectonic experience is related to physiological responses of the observer. Recent advances in the cognitive neuroscience of embodiment (or bodily self-consciousn
- PMID 23805112
- The use of a head-mounted display in oral implantology: a feasibility study.
- Vigh B, Müller S, Ristow O, Deppe H, Holdstock S, den Hollander J, Navab N, Steiner T, Hohlweg-Majert B.SourceInstitute of Anatomy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Pettenkoferstraße 11, 80336 , Munich, Germany, balazs.vigh@gmail.com.
- International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery.Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg.2013 Jun 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: To compare the accuracy of a navigation system for oral implantology using either a head-mounted display (HMD) or a monitor as a device for visualization.METHODS: Drilling experiments in plastic mandibles were performed by seven investigators supported by a navigation system using an HMD. A
- PMID 23784224
Japanese Journal
- 複数の深度センサを利用したユーザの向きに依存しないジェスチャ認識手法
- 都竹尚紀 ,梅澤猛 ,大澤範高
- 全国大会講演論文集 2013(1), 107-109, 2013-03-06
- … HMDを利用したVR空間ではデバイスを用いずに操作可能なジェスチャ入力が望まれる.しかしVR空間ではユーザが映像に合わせて向きを変えるため,ユーザとセンサの向きが一致せず,ジェスチャが認識されない問題がある.既存手法ではユーザの向きから骨格情報を座標変換することで,向きに依らずジェスチャを認識する手法が提案されているが,1台の深度センサから骨格情報を取得しているため,オクルージョンによりセンサ …
- NAID 110009580908
- 代替現実システムにおける現実感と臨場感 (電子ディスプレイ)
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- 英
- idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome IRDS
- 同
- 肺硝子膜症 hyaline membrane disease HMD、呼吸窮迫症候群 respiratory distress syndrome RDS
- 関
- 硝子膜症
- 英
- hyaline membrane disease, HMD
- 同
- ヒアリン膜症、新生児硝子膜症、新生児呼吸窮迫症候群 infantile neonatal respiratory distress syndrome IRDS
- 関
- 英
- hyaline membrane disease HMD
- 同
- ヒアリン膜症
- 関
- 特発性呼吸窮迫症候群
- 英
- hyaline membrane disease HMD
- 関
- 硝子膜症
- 同
- 関
- Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
- 英
- technetium-99m-HMDP, 99mTc-HMDP
- 同
- ヒドロキシメチレンジホスホン酸テクネチウム(99mTc) technetium(99mTc) hydroxymethylene diphosphonate
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- クリアボーン
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