- plant by the roots
- (botany) the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes; absorbs water and mineral salts; usually it anchors the plant to the ground
- a number that, when multiplied by itself some number of times, equals a given number
- cause to take roots
- take root and begin to grow; "this plant roots quickly"
- (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed; "thematic vowels are part of the stem" (同)root word, base, stem, theme, radical
- the part of a tooth that is embedded in the jaw and serves as support (同)tooth_root
- come into existence, originate; "The problem roots in her depression"
- a member of the Coptic Church
- an Egyptian descended from the ancient Egyptians
- small genus of low perennial herbs having yellow rhizomes and white or yellow flowers (同)genus Coptis
- the condition of belonging to a particular place or group by virtue of social or ethnic or cultural lineage; "his roots in Texas go back a long way"; "he went back to Sweden to search for his roots"; "his music has African roots"
- 《しばしば複数形で》『根』 / 『根元』 / 《the~》『根源』,根本;根底 / 《複数形で》(その人の根底にある)ある場所との根源的なつながり / (数学で)根,ルート / (派生語の)語根(例えばrootlessの中のroot) / 〈植物〉‘を'『根づかせる』 / 《しばしば受動態で》(根をおろしたように)(…に)…‘を'『定着させる』『+『名』+『to』(『in』)+『名』》 / (…に)『根を下ろす』,定着する《+『in』(『on』,『to』)+『名』》
- 〈豚などが〉(…をあさって)鼻で地面を掘る《+『about』(『around』)『for』+『名』》 / (…を捜して)〈人が〉かき回す《+『about for』+『名』》
- (…を)声援する,(…の)成功を願う《+『for』+『名』》
- コプト人(古エジプト人の子孫) / コプト教徒(Coptic Churchの信者)
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(植物が)根づいた / (考えなどが)定着した
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English Journal
- Rheum palmatum L. and Coptis chinensis Franch., exert antipyretic effect on yeast-induced pyrexia rats involving regulation of TRPV1 and TRPM8 expression.
- Kong X1, Wan H1, Su X1, Zhang C1, Yang Y1, Li X1, Yao L1, Lin N2.Author information 1Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China.2Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China. Electronic address: linna888@163.com.AbstractETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Rheum palmatum L. and Coptis chinensis Franch., are two representative cold-natured traditional Chinese medicine with heat-clearing effect, and were widely used to treat fever associated diseases in China for a long history. To elucidate the mechanism of the antipyretic effect of Rheum palmatum L. and Coptis chinensis Franch. from the perspective of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 and transient receptor potential melastatin 8 expression on yeast-induced pyrexia rat model.
- Journal of ethnopharmacology.J Ethnopharmacol.2014 Apr 11;153(1):160-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2014.02.007. Epub 2014 Feb 14.
- ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Rheum palmatum L. and Coptis chinensis Franch., are two representative cold-natured traditional Chinese medicine with heat-clearing effect, and were widely used to treat fever associated diseases in China for a long history. To elucidate the mechanism of the antipyret
- PMID 24530855
- Alkaloids from Coptis chinensis root promote glucose uptake in C2C12 myotubes.
- Yang TC1, Chao HF2, Shi LS3, Chang TC4, Lin HC5, Chang WL6.Author information 1Department of Pharmacy Practice, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei 114, Taiwan.2Graduate Institute of Pharmacy, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei 114, Taiwan.3Department of Biotechnology, National Formosa University, Yunlin 632, Taiwan.4Department and Graduate Institute of Biochemistry, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei 114, Taiwan.5Graduate Institute of Pharmacy, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei 114, Taiwan; Sinpharm Pharmaceutical Incorporated, I-Lan 269, Taiwan.6Graduate Institute of Pharmacy, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei 114, Taiwan. Electronic address: wlchang@ndmctsgh.edu.tw.AbstractThe root of Coptis chinensis Franch. (COCH) is regularly used for medicinal purposes, and has been prescribed alone or in combination with other traditional herbs for the treatment of diabetes. To investigate the effects of COCH on glucose utilization by skeletal muscles, we prepared an ethanol extract of COCH root (COCH-Et) partitioned with dichloromethane, n-butanol, and water and tested its effects on glucose uptake in differentiated C2C12 myotubes. We found that dichloromethane and n-butanol sub-fractions of COCH-Et promoted glucose uptake in differentiated C2C12 cells at 50 μg/mL. Further fractionation of these preparations by using column chromatography, analysis of their effects on glucose uptake and characterization using nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, and thin layer chromatography helped identify two new alkaloids, 8,13-dioxocoptisine hydroxide (1) and coptisonine (2), together with eleven known compounds. These were isolated from the dichloromethane layer of COCH-Et. In particular, exposure of C2C12 cells to berberine (6) at 12.5 and 6.25 μg/mL for 24h resulted in significant promotion of glucose uptake. Coptisonine (2) and octadecyl caffeate (9) also stimulated glucose uptake at 25 and 50 μg/mL. These findings indicate that active constituents of COCH root may help alleviate hyperglycemia in diabetes by promoting glucose uptake by skeletal muscles.
- Fitoterapia.Fitoterapia.2014 Mar;93:239-44. doi: 10.1016/j.fitote.2014.01.008. Epub 2014 Jan 18.
- The root of Coptis chinensis Franch. (COCH) is regularly used for medicinal purposes, and has been prescribed alone or in combination with other traditional herbs for the treatment of diabetes. To investigate the effects of COCH on glucose utilization by skeletal muscles, we prepared an ethanol extr
- PMID 24444890
- Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of bioactive alkaloid compounds from rhizoma coptidis (Coptis chinensis Franch.) using response surface methodology.
- Teng H1, Choi YH.Author information 1School of Food Science and Bio-Technology, Kyungpook National University, 1370-Sankyunk Dong, Puk Gu, Daegu 702-701, Republic of Korea.AbstractThe optimum extraction conditions for the maximum recovery of total alkaloid content (TAC), berberine content (BC), palmatine content (PC), and the highest antioxidant capacity (AC) from rhizoma coptidis subjected to ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) were determined using response surface methodology (RSM). Central composite design (CCD) with three variables and five levels was employed, and response surface plots were constructed in accordance with a second order polynomial model. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the quadratic model was well fitted and significant for responses of TAC, BC, PC, and AA. The optimum conditions obtained through the overlapped contour plot were as follows: ethanol concentration of 59%, extraction time of 46.57min, and temperature of 66.22°C. Verification experiment was carried out, and no significant difference was found between observed and estimated values for each response, suggesting that the estimated models were reliable and valid for UAE of alkaloids.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Jan 1;142:299-305. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.06.136. Epub 2013 Jul 17.
- The optimum extraction conditions for the maximum recovery of total alkaloid content (TAC), berberine content (BC), palmatine content (PC), and the highest antioxidant capacity (AC) from rhizoma coptidis subjected to ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) were determined using response surface methodo
- PMID 24001845
Japanese Journal
- オウレン抽出物とその主成分ベルベリンがヒト皮下由来脂肪細胞に及ぼす分化誘導抑制作用および脂肪分解促進作用
- 屋敷(土肥) 圭子,木曽 昭典,周 艶陽 [他],岩崎 大剛,神原 敏光,水谷 健二
- 日本化粧品技術者会誌 43(4), 274-280, 2009
- 皮膚組織における皮下脂肪の増加は,リンパ管や血管を圧迫し皮膚のたるみやむくみなどのトラブルを引き起こすだけではなく,ボディラインを崩すセルライトなどを形成する。われわれは,植物抽出物のさらなる応用を化粧品に広げるために,皮下由来の脂肪細胞に対する分化誘導抑制作用および脂肪分解促進作用について検討した。本研究では,ヒト皮下由来の前駆脂肪細胞を用いて,分化誘導抑制作用について数種類の植物抽出物をスクリ …
- NAID 130001922413
- 逆相TLC/スキャニングデンシトメトリーによる生薬分析--オウゴン、シャクヤク、カンゾウ、アロエ、ボタンピ、センブリ、オウレン、センナの確認試験
- 大野 勉,池田 清栄,三上 栄一
- 愛知県衛生研究所報 (57), 49-53, 2007-03
- 逆相TLCを用いて、展開溶媒として水、アセトニトリル、n-ヘキサン、2-ブタノンの溶媒系を用い、生薬のオウゴン、シャクヤク、カンゾウ、アロエ、ボタンピ、センブリ、オウレン、センナについて、それらの主成分(バイカリン、ペオニフロリン、グリチルリチン酸、バルバロイン、ペオノール、スウェルチアマリン、塩化ベルベリン、センノシドA)の確認を検討したところ、他の共存成分と分離された単一なスポット(Rf値0. …
- NAID 40015611900
- タイトジャンクションの皮膚水分バリア機能とその化粧品への応用 (特集/第24回IFSCC大阪大会日本人口頭発表論文)
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- 日
- おうれん、オウレン
- 英
- Coptis root, coptis rhizome, golden thread
- ラ
- Coptidis Rhizoma
- 関
- オウレン属、コプティス属
- 関
- Coptidis Rhizoma、Coptis、Coptis root
- (神経の)神経根、(植物の)根、根菜類、(舌・耳・翼・指などの)付け根、根元、(歯・毛・つめなどの)根、根源、根本、核心、基礎、ルーツ
- 関
- Coptidis Rhizoma、Coptis rhizome、Coptis root