- 同
- catheterization, カテーテル法
- the operation of introducing a catheter into the body (同)catheterisation
- small genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar; widely naturalized in the tropics; formerly included in genus Vinca (同)genus Catharanthus
- a Gothic cathedral in northern France; built in 13th century
- a parochial school maintained by the Catholic Church
- a religious person who is not a Catholic
- Catholic
- Calciumの化学記号
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/10/30 22:00:41」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Cath may refer to:
- a Catholic
- Cautha, a sun god in Etruscan mythology
- Catheter or catheterization
- the Irish word for a battle
- the Welsh word for a cat
- Cath Palug, a feline creature in Welsh mythology
- CATH, protein structure classification
- Catherine (disambiguation) or Cathryn, colloquially
- Cath..., a Death Cab for Cutie song found on Narrow Stairs
- "Cath", a top forty UK hit song by The Bluebells
See also
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English Journal
- Chronic toxicity of five metals to the polar marine microalga Cryothecomonas armigera - Application of a new bioassay.
- Koppel DJ1, Gissi F2, Adams MS3, King CK4, Jolley DF5.
- Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987).Environ Pollut.2017 Sep;228:211-221. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.05.034. Epub 2017 May 22.
- PMID 28544998
- Totally implantable catheter migration and its percutaneous retrieval: case report and review of the literature.
- Intagliata E, Basile F, Vecchio R.
- Il Giornale di chirurgia.G Chir.2017 Sep-Oct;37(5):211-215.
- Totally subcutaneous intravascular portals have been increasingly used to administer long-term chemotherapy and parental nutrition. The reported complications are rare. Accidental endovascular rupture of a fragment of catheter is one of the most formidable complications of the central vein catheteri
- PMID 28098057
- Short-course daptomycin lock and systemic therapy for catheter-related bloodstream infections: a retrospective cohort study in cancer patients with surgically implanted devices.
- Vassallo M1, Genillier PL2, Dunais B3, Kaphan R1, Saudes L1, Duval Y4, Rolland F4, Jullien V4, Weiss N1, Blanchouin E1, Boscagli A1, Perrin C4, Montagne N1.
- Journal of chemotherapy (Florence, Italy).J Chemother.2017 Aug;29(4):232-237. doi: 10.1080/1120009X.2017.1282335. Epub 2017 Jan 25.
- PMID 28120698
Japanese Journal
- 書評論文 移行期正義の発展と多様なアプローチ : 真実、正義、平和、和解を求めて : ナオミ・ローツ-アリアーサ、ハビエル・マリエスクレーナ編著『二一世紀における移行期正義 : 真実対正義を超えて』(Naomi Roht-Arriaza and Javier Mariezucurrena eds., Transitional Justice in the Twenty-First Century : Beyond Truth versus Justice)望月康恵著『移行期正義 : 国際社会における正義の追及』カス・コリンズ著『ポスト移行期正義 : チリとエルサルバドルにおける人権裁判』(Cath Collins, Post-Transitional Justice : Human Rights Trials in Chile and El Salvador)
- ノルエピネフリンによる血圧サポートが必要となった PCI症例の検討
- 古木 優帆,重城 健太郎,関口 治樹,鈴木 ゆき,齊藤 克己,天野 宏,河合 靖,竹内 靖夫
- Journal of the Japanese Coronary Association, 2013
- 経皮的冠動脈インターベンション(PCI)中の症例の急変はスタッフに過度の緊張を強いるため,常にインシデント発生の危険性を孕んでおり,迅速かつ的確に対処するためには血行動態が不安定化するリスクの高い症例の把握が肝要である.われわれは,2010年1月より2011年5月までに当院でPCIを施行した連続316例について,治療中にノルエピネフリンによる血圧サポートが必要となった症例を抽出し,不要であった症例 …
- NAID 130003379681
- Novel Acute Collateral Flow Index in Patients With Total Coronary Artery Occlusion During ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 76(2), 414-422, 2012-01-25
- Background: The effect of collaterals to occluded coronary arteries during ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is unclear. The conventional CVP-based formula to calculate collateral flow index …
- NAID 10030035805
Related Links
- ZOZOTOWNは838ショップのトップス・パンツ・ワンピースなど人気アイテムを多数取り揃えるファッション通販サイトです。 Cath Kidston(キャスキッドソン)の最新トレンドアイテムをオンラインでご購入いただけます。
- What is CATH? CATH is a classification of protein structures downloaded from the Protein Data Bank. We group protein domains into superfamilies when there is sufficient evidence they have diverged from a common ancestor.
Related Pictures

カテーテル法, Cath、カテーテル法、カテーテル留置、カテーテル治療、カテーテル挿入、カテーテル処置
- 関
- cannula、cannulation、catheter、catheter insertion、catheter intervention、catheter placement、catheterize
- 同
- catheterization, Cath, catheterism
- 関
- カテーテル、カテーテル処置、カテーテル挿入 catheter insertion、カテーテル治療、カテーテル留置 catheter placement、カテーテルインターベンション catheter intervention
- 関
- Catharanthus roseus
- ラ
- Catharanthus
- 関
- ニチニチソウ属、カタランタス属
- 関
- Catharanthus、periwinkle
カルシウム calcium