- 関
- catheter insertion、catheter intervention、catheterization
- the operation of introducing a catheter into the body (同)catheterisation
- the spatial property of the way in which something is placed; "the arrangement of the furniture"; "the placement of the chairs" (同)arrangement
- the act of putting something in a certain place (同)location, locating, position, positioning, emplacement
- contact established between applicants and prospective employees; "the agency provided placement services"
- a thin flexible tube inserted into the body to permit introduction or withdrawal of fluids or to keep the passageway open
- 置くこと,配置 / 職業紹介 / (アメリカンフットボールで)プレーキックのためボールを地に置くこと
- カテーテル,(特に)導尿管(体内液の排出・導入に用いる細い管)
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English Journal
- Ultrasound-guided "short" midline catheters for difficult venous access in the emergency department: a retrospective analysis.
- Scoppettuolo G1, Pittiruti M2, Pitoni S3, Dolcetti L4, Emoli A5, Mitidieri A6, Migliorini I7, Annetta MG8.
- International journal of emergency medicine.Int J Emerg Med.2016 Dec;9(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s12245-016-0100-0. Epub 2016 Feb 4.
- BACKGROUND: Acutely ill patients admitted to the emergency department (ED) constantly require at least one fast and reliable peripheral intravenous (PIV) access. In many conditions (morbid obesity, underweight state, chronic diseases, intravenous drug abuse, adverse local conditions, etc.), PIV plac
- PMID 26847572
- Systemic Full Dose, Half Dose, and Catheter Directed Thrombolysis for Pulmonary Embolism. When to Use and How to Choose?
- Sharifi M1,2.
- Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine.Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med.2016 May;18(5):31. doi: 10.1007/s11936-016-0456-8.
- OPINION STATEMENT: Treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE) is variable amongst different and even the same institutions. With the introduction of different forms of thrombolysis, catheter based interventions, and new oral anticoagulants, the treatment and decision-making process has become more complex
- PMID 26923384
- Fluoroscopy-assisted epidural catheter placement: an exploratory analysis of 303 pre-operative epidurograms.
- Yeager MP1, Bae EE2, Parra MC1, Barr PA1, Bonham AK1, Sites BD1.
- Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica.Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.2016 Apr;60(4):513-9. doi: 10.1111/aas.12649. Epub 2015 Oct 28.
- BACKGROUND: Epidural catheters that are placed for post-operative analgesia have a significant failure rate in the first 24 hours. Beginning in 2011, we have used fluoroscopic guidance to place all non-obstetrical epidural catheters. In this retrospective analysis, we hypothesized that the character
- PMID 26508378
Japanese Journal
- 超音波ガイド下内頸静脈ダブルルーメンカテーテル挿入時におけるガイドワイヤー視認性の検討
- 鎌田 正,落合 美由希,藤澤 奈央,門屋 佑子
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 45(6), 475-482, 2012-06-28
- 血液透析用ダブルルーメンカテーテル(DLC)は穿刺針径に比べてダイレーター・カテーテル径が大きい.従ってダイレーター挿入前に動脈穿刺になっていないかを鑑別することが安全上重要である.このため,われわれは内頸静脈にガイドワイヤー挿入後にワイヤー短軸像を超音波で描出し,プローブを鎖骨上窩の内側寄りの皮膚にあてて傾けていくことで,できる限り心臓に近い体内におけるガイドワイヤーの位置を確認している.本論文 …
- NAID 10030814183
- 肝動注用カテーテル留置術後に肺塞栓を発症したヘパリン起因性血小板減少症の1例
- 古田 陽輝,工藤 康一,多田 修治,杉原 一明,泉 和寛,門野 義弘,上川 健太郎,近澤 秀人,今村 治男
- 日本消化器病學會雜誌 = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology 109(6), 944-951, 2012-06-05
- 症例は68歳の女性.進行肝細胞癌に対して肝動注化学療法開始後,急性肺塞栓を発症した.血小板数の著明な低下を認め,動注時の使用ヘパリンによるヘパリン起因性血小板減少症を疑った.経過中,抗血小板第4因子・ヘパリン複合体抗体陽性が判明し,確定診断に至った.治療はヘパリン投与中止と,アルガトロバンによる抗血栓療法を施行した.さらに留置したヘパリン化親水性カテーテルの抜去を行い,血小板数の改善を認めた.
- NAID 10030651431
- 留置カテーテル用末梢静脈可視化装置の開発 : 光による静脈透過システムの可視性評価
- 木森 佳子,須釜 淳子,宮地 利明 他
- 金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 36(2), 57-66, 2012-00-00
- … Catheter placement in peripheral veins used in treatment such as infusiontherapy influences the success or failure of the puncture and frequency of onset ofcomplications when visual observation of the target vein is difficult. …
- NAID 40019555288
Related Links
- Video of an ultrasound-assisted central line insertion through the internal jugular vein. Triple lumen in jugular vein. Chest x-ray with catheter in the right subclavian vein. The skin is cleaned, and local anesthetic applied ...
カテーテル法, Cath、カテーテル法、カテーテル留置、カテーテル治療、カテーテル挿入、カテーテル処置
- 関
- cannula、cannulation、catheter、catheter insertion、catheter intervention、catheter placement、catheterize
- 同
- catheterization, Cath, catheterism
- 関
- カテーテル、カテーテル処置、カテーテル挿入 catheter insertion、カテーテル治療、カテーテル留置 catheter placement、カテーテルインターベンション catheter intervention
- 関
- catheter insertion、catheter placement、catheterization
- 英
- catheterization、catheter placement
- 関
- カテーテル処置、カテーテル法、カテーテル挿入、カテーテル治療
- 関
- catheter intervention、catheter placement、catheterization
- arrange, arrangement, configuration, deploy, deployment, detain, detention, disposal, disposition, indwell, indwelling, install, installation, leave, place