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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/06/24 16:20:53」(JST)
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- 電荷結合素子 (Charge Coupled Device) の略。
- 電荷結合素子を用いたセンサ。CCDイメージセンサを参照。
- 小さなカメラという意味 CCDカメラとも。元々CCDイメージセンサが使われていたためだが、今では撮像素子の種類に関係なくCCDと呼ばれている。
- Conference of Committee on Disarmamentの略。軍縮委員会会議またはジュネーブ軍縮委員会を参照。
- Colony Collapse Disorderの略。蜂群崩壊症候群を参照。
- 民間検閲支隊または民間検閲局。GHQの検閲実行機関。(Civil Censorship Detachment)
- 炭酸塩補償深度(Carbonate Compensation Depth)
- CATIA CADAM Draftingの略。
- 江崎グリコが開発した高度分岐環状デキストリン(Cyclic Cluster Dextrin)の略。同社商標。
- 全額強制転換条項付社債 (Compulsory Convertible Debentures)
- 千里馬民防衛(チョルリマ・シビル・ディフェンス、英語:Cheollima Civil Defense)の略。
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CCD may refer to:
Science and technology
- Charge-coupled device, an electronic light sensor used in various devices including digital cameras
- .ccd, the filename extension for CloneCD's CD image file
- Carbonate compensation depth, a property of oceans
- Colony collapse disorder, a phenomenon involving the abrupt disappearance of honey bees in a beehive or Western honey bee colony
- centicandela (ccd), an SI unit of luminous intensity denoting one hundredth of a candela
- Central composite design, an experimental design in response surface methodology for building a second order model for a response variable without a complete three-level factorial
- Complementary cumulative distribution function
- Continuous collision detection, especially in rigid-body dynamics
- Countercurrent distribution, used for separating mixtures
- Canine compulsive disorder, a behavioral condition in dogs, similar to human obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Caput-collum-diaphyseal angle, the angle between the neck and the shaft of the femur in the hip
- Cleidocranial dysostosis (also called cleidocranial dysplasia), a genetic abnormality in humans
- Central core disease, a rare neuromuscular disorder
- Congenital chloride diarrhea, a rare disorder in babies
- Continuity of Care Document, an XML-based markup standard for patient medical document exchange
- Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants, protein-linked carbohydrate structures that have a role in the phenomenon of cross-reactivity in allergic patients.
Politics and government
- Census county division, a term used by the US Census Bureau
- Center City District, an economic development agency for the Center City area of Philadelphia
- Consular Consolidated Database, a database used for visa processing by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, US Department of State
- Café Coffee Day, a chain of coffee shops in India
- Country Club of Detroit
- Centre of Cricket Development, a cricket team; see Namibia Cricket Board
- Cricket Club of Dhakuria; see Gopal Bose
- Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, religious education programs of the Catholic Church normally designed for children, originated in Italy
- Community College of Denver, a community college with six campuses around Denver, US
- Cincinnati Country Day School, a non-parochial, private school in Indian Hill
- Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities, in Thailand
- Council for a Community of Democracies, in the US
- Canadian Coalition for Democracies, a former advocacy organization in Canada
Politics and government
- Centro Cristiano Democratico (Christian Democratic Centre), a defunct Italian political party
- City and County of Denver, the consolidated city-county government in the capital of Colorado, US
Other uses
- Centre Counter Defence, a chess opening
- Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek District Railway
- Convention Centre Dublin, a convention centre in the Dublin Docklands, Ireland
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 下痢に伴う酸塩基および電解質の異常acid base and electrolyte abnormalities with diarrhea [show details]
…rather than metabolic acidosis. This occurs in a rare disease called congenital chloride wasting diarrhea (congenital chloridorrhea) . It can also develop in patients who chronically abuse laxatives. …
- 2. 新生児や乳児(生後6か月未満)に生じる慢性下痢症へのアプローチapproach to chronic diarrhea in neonates and young infants less than6 months [show details]
…HCO3-) is the most common electrolyte pattern associated with most diarrheas. However, congenital chloride diarrhea presents with a hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis. Some of these disorders are associated …
- 3. 代謝性アルカローシスの原因causes of metabolic alkalosis [show details]
…diarrhea in patients with rare disorders that block intestinal chloride absorption (such as congenital chloridorrhea), and in some patients with villous adenomas. Gastric contents usually have a high concentration …
- 4. バーター症候群およびギテルマン症候群bartter and gitelman syndromes [show details]
…chloride concentration is consistent with one of the neonatal forms of Bartter syndrome or congenital chloride diarrhea . One study showed that amniotic fluid chloride concentration ranged from 114 to 123 mEq/L…
- 5. 先進国に居住する小児の慢性下痢の原因に関する概要overview of the causes of chronic diarrhea in children in resource rich countries [show details]
English Journal
- Optimization of composite cryoprotectant for freeze-drying Bifidobacterium bifidum BB01 by response surface methodology.
- Chen H, Tian M, Chen L, Cui X, Meng J, Shu G.
- Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology. 2019 Dec;47(1)1559-1569.
- Freeze drying has been well applied in the preparation of high-efficiency probiotic powders. However, the process is generally accompanied by probiotic viability deficiency, which is the bottleneck for further application. To improve the viability of Bifidobacterium bifidum BB01 during freeze-drying
- PMID 31007080
- Identification of specific sequence motif of YopN of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis required for systemic infection.
- Bamyaci S, Nordfelth R, Forsberg Å.
- Virulence. 2019 12;10(1)10-25.
- Type III secretion systems (T3SSs) are tightly regulated key virulence mechanisms shared by many Gram-negative pathogens. YopN, one of the substrates, is also crucial in regulation of expression, secretion and activation of the T3SS of pathogenic Yersinia species. Interestingly, YopN itself is also
- PMID 30488778
- Sorafenib-Loaded Ligand-Functionalized Polymer-Lipid Hybrid Nanoparticles for Enhanced Therapeutic Effect Against Liver Cancer.
- Tang S, Li Y.
- Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. 2019 Nov;19(11)6866-6871.
- The main aim of present study was to enhance the anticancer effect of sorafenib (SRF) in the liver cancer cells. The SRF-loaded folate receptor-targeted polymer lipid hybrid nanoparticle was formulated to enhance the therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of liver cancers. The SRF-loaded folic acid (
- PMID 31039838
Japanese Journal
- 技術トピックス/建築・土木 CCDカメラを用いたコンクリートひび割れの目視検査 : Single i(シングル アイ)工法
- 組合せラインCCD法を用いた三次元形状計測装置による模型プロペラに生じるキャビテーションの形状計測 (特集 流体機械の可視化)
- 白石 耕一郎,澤田 祐希
- 可視化情報学会誌 = Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan 39(153), 図巻頭1p,65-69, 2019-04
- NAID 40021847300
- ゾルゲル法を用いたCCD型カリウムイオンイメージセンサ
- 服部 敏明,杉本 竣基,加藤 亮,澤田 和明
- Proceedings of the Chemical Sensor Symposium 65, 52-54, 2019-03
- NAID 40021878323
Related Links
- CCD【Charge-Coupled Device】とは、半導体チップ内の信号伝送路の一種で、半導体素子を一列に並べ、隣り合う素子間でバケツリレー式に次々に電荷を受け渡していくことで信号の伝送を行うもの。また、これに受光素子や微細なレンズなど ...
- ASCII.jpデジタル用語辞典 - CCDの用語解説 - 電荷結合素子。半導体記憶素子のひとつで、光を電気に変換するフォトトランジスターと組み合わせ、デジタルカメラやビデオカメラの撮像素子を構成する。このことから、CCDを使用する撮像 ...
- 銀塩フィルムは、ハロゲン化銀の感光性を使って写真をつくりだしますが、デジタルカメラの場合は、CCDが受光して生まれる電荷を利用しています。CCDセンサーの表面には、画素数分のフォトダイオードが規則正しく高密度に配列され ...
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