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- Astragalus root
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English Journal
- Calycosin promotes proliferation of estrogen receptor-positive cells via estrogen receptors and ERK1/2 activation in vitro and in vivo.
- Chen J, Liu L, Hou R, Shao Z, Wu Y, Chen X, Zhou L.SourceDepartment of Pharmacology, West China School of Preclinical and Forensic Medicine, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
- Cancer letters.Cancer Lett.2011 Sep 28;308(2):144-51. Epub 2011 May 25.
- Calycosin is a main active component of the herb Radix Astragali, and is considered as a phytoestrogen. Its effects in vivo may be either estrogenic or antiestrogenic, mainly depending upon the estrogen levels. This study was a continuation of our investigations of calycosin's promotion of the proli
- PMID 21612861
- Pharmacological induction of leukotriene B4-12-hydroxydehydrogenase suppresses the oncogenic transformation of human hepatoma HepG2 cells.
- Wei L, Liu J, Le XC, Han Y, Tong Y, Lau AS, Rong J.SourceSchool of Chinese Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, 10 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, SAR, PR China.
- International journal of oncology.Int J Oncol.2011 Sep;39(3):735-45. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2011.1082. Epub 2011 Jun 16.
- Leukotriene B4-12-hydroxydehydrogenase (LTB4DH) is characterized as a chemopreventive and tumor suppressor gene. The aim of this study was to investigate the pharmaco-logical induction of LTB4DH and potential anticancer activity. Using HepG2 cells as a cellular detector, we successfully isolated the
- PMID 21687936
Japanese Journal
- 三浦 於菟,河野 吉成,板倉 英俊,田中 耕一郎,植松 海雲,奈良 和彦,橋口 亮,吉田 和裕,桑名 一央,塚田 心平,土屋 喬,福島 厚,小菅 孝明,斉藤 輝夫
- 日本東洋醫學雜誌 = Japanese journal of oriental medicine 61(5), 740-745, 2010-07-20
- 盗汗治療代表的方剤の当帰六黄湯(李東垣『蘭室秘蔵』)の成立過程を構成生薬と各時代の盗汗病態理論より検討した。黄耆の配合は主に陽虚で出現という漢隋代盗汗理論,補血滋陰薬の生地黄・熟地黄・当帰の配合は陰虚という宋代盗汗理論,清熱薬の黄連・黄芩・黄柏の配合は陰虚の熱により津液が押し出されるという宋代盗汗理論に基く。後者は特に劉完素『黄帝素問宣明論方』中の盗汗治療方剤大金花丸の影響が大きい。 …
- NAID 10026567495
- Phytochemical analysis of an antiviral fraction of Radix astragali using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS
- Tang Li,Liu Ying,Wang Yeling [他]
- Journal of natural medicines 64(2), 182-186, 2010
- NAID 40017042939
Related Links
- Radix Astragali is used in Chinese medicine to invigorate qi (vital energy) and strengthen the body. It enhances the functions of the spleen, stomach and lungs. Other benefits include promote diuresis, relieve edema, promote tissue ...
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- Astragalus root, astragalus root, miekvetch root
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- Astragali Radix
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- Astragali Radix