アスピリン誘発リポキシン aspirin-triggered lipoxins
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English Journal
- Transepithelial water and urea permeabilities of isolated perfused Munich-Wistar rat inner medullary thin limbs of Henle's loop.
- Nawata CM, Evans KK, Dantzler WH, Pannabecker TL.Author information Dept. of Physiology, Univ. of Arizona Health Sciences Center, AHSC 4128, 1501 N. Campbell Ave., Tucson, AZ 85724-5051. pannabec@email.arizona.edu.AbstractTo better understand the role that water and urea fluxes play in the urine concentrating mechanism, we determined transepithelial osmotic water permeability (Pf) and urea permeability (Purea) in isolated perfused Munich-Wistar rat long-loop descending thin limbs (DTLs) and ascending thin limbs (ATLs). Thin limbs were isolated either from 0.5 to 2.5 mm below the outer medulla (upper inner medulla) or from the terminal 2.5 mm of the inner medulla. Segment types were characterized on the basis of structural features and gene expression levels of the water channel aquaporin 1, which was high in the upper DTL (DTLupper), absent in the lower DTL (DTLlower), and absent in ATLs, and the Cl-(1) channel ClCK1, which was absent in DTLs and high in ATLs. DTLupper Pf was high (3,204.5 ± 450.3 μm/s), whereas DTLlower showed very little or no osmotic Pf (207.8 ± 241.3 μm/s). Munich-Wistar rat ATLs have previously been shown to exhibit no Pf. DTLupper Purea was 40.0 ± 7.3 × 10(-5) cm/s and much higher in DTLlower (203.8 ± 30.3 × 10(-5) cm/s), upper ATL (203.8 ± 35.7 × 10(-5) cm/s), and lower ATL (265.1 ± 49.8 × 10(-5) cm/s). Phloretin (0.25 mM) did not reduce DTLupper Purea, suggesting that Purea is not due to urea transporter UT-A2, which is expressed in short-loop DTLs and short portions of some inner medullary DTLs close to the outer medulla. In summary, Purea is similar in all segments having no osmotic Pf but is significantly lower in DTLupper, a segment having high osmotic Pf. These data are inconsistent with the passive mechanism as originally proposed.
- American journal of physiology. Renal physiology.Am J Physiol Renal Physiol.2014 Jan;306(1):F123-9. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00491.2013. Epub 2013 Nov 6.
- To better understand the role that water and urea fluxes play in the urine concentrating mechanism, we determined transepithelial osmotic water permeability (Pf) and urea permeability (Purea) in isolated perfused Munich-Wistar rat long-loop descending thin limbs (DTLs) and ascending thin limbs (ATLs
- PMID 24197065
- The anterior temporal lobes are critically involved in acquiring new conceptual knowledge: Evidence for impaired feature integration in semantic dementia.
- Hoffman P1, Evans GA2, Lambon Ralph MA2.Author information 1Neuroscience and Aphasia Research Unit (NARU), University of Manchester, UK. Electronic address: paul.hoffman@manchester.ac.uk.2Neuroscience and Aphasia Research Unit (NARU), University of Manchester, UK.AbstractRecent evidence from multiple neuroscience techniques indicates that regions within the anterior temporal lobes (ATLs) are a critical node in the neural network for representing conceptual knowledge, yet their function remains elusive. The hub-and-spoke model holds that ATL regions act as a transmodal conceptual hub, distilling the various sensory-motor features of objects and words into integrated, coherent conceptual representations. Single-cell recordings in monkeys suggest that the ATLs are critically involved in visual associative learning; however, investigations of this region in humans have focused on existing knowledge rather than learning. We studied acquisition of new concepts in semantic dementia patients, who have cortical damage centred on the ventrolateral aspects of the ATLs. Patients learned to assign abstract visual stimuli to two categories. The categories conformed to a family resemblance structure in which no individual stimulus features were fully diagnostic; thus the task required participants to form representations that integrate multiple features into a single concept. Patients were unable to do this, instead responding only on the basis of individual features. The study reveals that integrating disparate sources of information into novel coherent concepts is a critical computational function of the ATLs. This explains the central role of this region in conceptual representation and the catastrophic breakdown of concepts in semantic dementia.
- Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.Cortex.2014 Jan;50:19-31. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2013.10.006. Epub 2013 Oct 30.
- Recent evidence from multiple neuroscience techniques indicates that regions within the anterior temporal lobes (ATLs) are a critical node in the neural network for representing conceptual knowledge, yet their function remains elusive. The hub-and-spoke model holds that ATL regions act as a transmod
- PMID 24268323
- Factors associated with Pelvic Fracture-Related Arterial Bleeding during Trauma Resuscitation: a Prospective Clinical Study.
- Toth L, King KL, McGrath B, Balogh ZJ.Author information Department of Traumatology, Division of Surgery, John Hunter Hospital and University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Australia.AbstractOBJECTIVES:: To determine predictors of Pelvic Fracture Related Arterial Bleeding (PFRAB) from the information available in the Emergency Department (ED).
- Journal of orthopaedic trauma.J Orthop Trauma.2013 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES:: To determine predictors of Pelvic Fracture Related Arterial Bleeding (PFRAB) from the information available in the Emergency Department (ED).DESIGN:: prospective cohort study.SETTING:: single level-1 Trauma Centre.PATIENTS:: In 3-year period ending in Dec 2008 consecutive high-energy pe
- PMID 24375268
Japanese Journal
- 外科医のためのトランスレーショナルリサーチ(第13回)革新的医学教育(4)臨床現場での応用を目指した医学用実験ブタを用いた教育と研究
- Fatal Acute Tumor Lysis Syndrome following Intrathecal Chemotherapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with Meningeal Involvement
- Konuma Takaaki,Ooi Jun,Takahashi Satoshi,Tomonari Akira,Tsukada Nobuhiro,Kato Seiko,Sato Aki,Monma Fumihiko,Uchimaru Kaoru,Tojo Arinobu
- Internal Medicine 47(22), 1987-1988, 2008
- … Acute tumor lysis syndrome (ATLS) is a well-recognized complication of systemic chemotherapy for rapidly proliferating neoplasms. … ATLS has rarely occurred after intrathecal chemotherapy for the treatment of leukemia with meningeal involvement. … Here, we report a case of fatal ATLS complicating intrathecal injections of methotrexate, cytarabine and hydrocortisone for acute lymphoblastic leukemia which relapsed with meningeal involvement after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. …
- NAID 130000079820
- Low-Temperature Synthesis Methods of Doped Apatite-Type Lanthanum Silicates
- Kharlamova Tamara,Pavlova Svetlana,Sadykov Vladislav,Lapina Olga,Khabibulin Dzhalil,Krieger Tamara,Zaikovskii Vladimir,Ishchenko Arcady,Chaikina Marina,Argirusis Christos
- … Al- and Sr-doped apatite-type lanthanum silicates (ATLS) have been prepared using mechanochemical activation (MA) and Pechini (Pe) methods. … MA of a stoichiometric mixture in the high-power planetary ball mill provides the formation of a high purity crystalline ATLS at room temperature after 20–35 min activation. … The phase composition and local structure of doped ATLS are determined by milling time and the dopant content. …
- NAID 130000018550
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