- 英
- single-step method
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- 1. Gestational diabetes mellitus: Screening, diagnosis, and preventiongestational diabetes mellitus screening diagnosis and prevention [show details]
…antihyperglycemic therapy. Neonatal hypoglycemia was more common in the one-step group. In 39 percent of patients assigned to the one-step method, the diagnosis of GDM was based on an isolated fasting plasma glucose …
- 2. 緊急時の輪状甲状靭帯(軟骨間膜)切開emergency cricothyrotomy cricothyroidotomy [show details]
…should choose at least one method in which to become proficient. Text and images showing the step-by-step performance of each technique are provided in the text. Alternative methods include: Standard …
- 3. 皮膚病変のダーモスコピー評価dermoscopic evaluation of skin lesions [show details]
…based upon this second step. The second step is performed using one of several algorithms. Clinicians with limited experience in dermoscopy may benefit from quantitative methods, such as the ABCD rule …
- 4. 資源の限られた状況における子宮頸癌のスクリーニング screening for cervical cancer in resource limited settings [show details]
… If one test is used, we suggest HPV testing rather than visual inspection . Visual inspection is the only method available for patients who are only able to access a screening program for one visit… This approach requires three visits with communication of test results after each step.…
- 5. 超音波検査結果に基づいた付属器腫瘤の良性・悪性の判断ultrasound differentiation of benign versus malignant adnexal masses [show details]
… The step-by-step method provided below is the approach we use when characterizing… that give an interpretation that the mass is one arising from normal physiology is one of the most important ways to identify a mass as being benign.…
Japanese Journal
- L1_0型規則構造を持つ強磁性合金薄膜の表面平坦性制御(固体メモリ・媒体,一般)
- エピタキシャル高Ku磁性合金薄膜の形成と構造解析(信号処理,一般)
- 仰臥位から仰臥位への移乗が高齢者の循環動態に及ぼす影響--1段階法と2段階法を比較して
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- 英
- step、stage、grade、phase
- 関
- 位相、局面、グレード、時期、ステージ、ステップ、相、程度、類別、段階的に実行する、フェーズ
- 英
- method、law
- 関
- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律