- 英
- high energy electron beam
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- 1. 頭頸部癌に対する放射線療法の一般原則general principles of radiation therapy for head and neck cancer [show details]
…which uses high-frequency electromagnetic waves to accelerate electrons to high energy. The electron beam strikes a tungsten target in the machine. This collision produces the high-energy photon beam that is …
- 2. がん治療における放射線治療手技radiation therapy techniques in cancer treatment [show details]
…Europe in recent decades. In a linear accelerator, electrons are accelerated to high energy and are allowed to either exit the machine as an electron beam or to strike a target that produces X-rays (also …
- 3. 早期(ステージIA~IIA)の菌状息肉症の治療treatment of early stage ia to iia mycosis fungoides [show details]
… form of x-rays or electrons is one of the most effective treatments for localized MF . Electron beam therapy is usually used since electrons of appropriate energy can be delivered to… As the potency of the steroid increases, the risk of these complications increases as well. High-potency corticosteroids can result…
- 4. 胸部CTの原理principles of computed tomography of the chest [show details]
… x-ray beam per second, eg, 40 mm x 0.25 x 3 = 30 mm per second in cardiac CT. With high-pitch spiral technology, table speeds of 737 mm per second can be achieved. Electron beam CT (also… varies with different incident energy beams and different atomic numbers of scanned substances. This is achieved with different dual-energy ratios (ie,…
- 5. 鼻前庭癌cancer of the nasal vestibule [show details]
…single anterior portal using a 4:1 mix of high-energy electrons and megavoltage photons; a single en face electron beam can be used alone. The mixed electron-photon technique allows for some sparing of …
Japanese Journal
- 非晶質Ge薄膜のAu誘起成長に及ぼす電子線照射の影響(薄膜(Si,化合物,有機,フレキシブル)機能デバイス・材料・評価技術,バイオテクノロジー,及び一般)
- 非晶質Ge薄膜のAu誘起成長に及ぼす電子線照射の影響(薄膜(Si,化合物,有機,フレキシブル)機能デバイス・材料・評価技術,バイオテクノロジー,及び一般)
- 高エネルギー電子線照射用加速器"リッジトロン"の開発 (特集 これからの放射線利用を導く線源事情・品質管理技術・ビーム技術開発)
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- 英
- energy
- 関
- エネルギー代謝
- 食事のカロリー、熱量の意味で使われることがある。ちなみに肝硬変の代償期の食事は30-35cal/kgが推奨される。
- 英
- line、string
- 関
- 裏打ち、系統、弦、紐、ライン
- 英
- high energy、high-energy、energy-rich
- 関
- 高エネルギ
- 英
- electron
- 関
- 消滅放射線