- 英
- informal、private、privately
- 関
- 個人的、個人
- confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy; "a private place"; "private discussions"; "private lessons"; "a private club"; "a private secretary"; "private property"; "the former President is now a private citizen"; "public figures struggle to maintain a private life"
- an enlisted man of the lowest rank in the Army or Marines; "our prisoner was just a private and knew nothing of value" (同)buck private, common soldier
- concerning things deeply private and personal; "private correspondence"; "private family matters"
- used of spoken and written language
- not officially recognized or controlled; "an informal agreement"; "a loose organization of the local farmers" (同)loose
- not formal; "conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress"; "an informal free-and-easy manner"; "an informal gathering of friends"
- by a private person or interest; "a privately financed campaign"
- kept private or confined to those intimately concerned; "it was discussed privately between the two men"; "privately, she thought differently"; "some member of his own party hoped privately for his defeat"; "he was questioned in private" (同)in private, in camera
- 『私的迭』,個人的な / 『私有の』,私営の,私立の / 『内密の』,非公開の,秘密の / 公職についていない,在野の;(軍隊で)士官(下士官)でない / 人目につからい,孤立した / 兵卒,兵(軍隊で最も下の三階級)
- 『正式でない』,略式の / 打ち解けた,儀式ばらない / 口語体の,会話調の
- 個人として / ひそかに,秘密に
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Japanese Journal
- 北朝鮮社会の実態 : 民衆生活の非公式領域 (特集 大陸へ「回帰」する朝鮮半島)
- 環境 日本で非公式会合がスタート 温暖化対策交渉の前哨戦
- 財務会計ルール運用上の「遊び」の意義と弊害 : スムースネスに転換する瞬間とその契機 (財務会計)
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- 英
- individual、single、private
- 関
- 個々、個体、単一、それぞれ、単、単回、非公式、選抜、一回
- 英
- personal、personally、privately
- 関
- 非公式、パーソナル
- 英
- equation、formula、formulae、expression、Eq.
- 関
- 公式、処方箋、発現、表現、表情、方程式、発現量
- 英
- formula
- 関
- 公定、式、処方箋、正式