- 英
- (n
- make a light, metallic sound; go `ting
- a light clear metallic sound as of a small bell (同)tinkle
- cause to make a ting
- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)t
- …‘を'チリンチリナ(リンリン)と鳴らす / チリンチリン鳴る宴
- personal assistant個人秘書 / public address [system]
- parking
- phosphorusの化学記号
- tritiumの化学記号
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- 1. ST上昇型心筋梗塞における血栓溶解療法の特性および臨床試験characteristics of fibrinolytic thrombolytic agents and clinical trials in acute st elevation myocardial infarction [show details]
… 6 versus 26.3 percent) Tenecteplase (TNK-tPA) is a genetically engineered, multiple point mutant of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) that has a longer plasma half-life allowing for …
- 2. 小児の静脈血栓症と血栓塞栓症:治療、予防、転帰venous thrombosis and thromboembolism in children treatment prevention and outcome [show details]
…should be screened for inherited thrombophilias . When a CVC is blocked but no definite thrombus is identified, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA, alteplase) may be used to lyse intraluminal …
- 3. 胸部大動脈瘤の疫学、危険因子、発症機序、自然経過epidemiology risk factors pathogenesis and natural history of thoracic aortic aneurysm [show details]
… plasminogen activator and tissue type plasminogen activator). Additional pathogenetic mechanisms involving abnormalities in cell signal processing occur in patients with genetically mediated TAA. The natural …
- 4. 2型糖尿病の病因pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus [show details]
… respectively. Among patients with rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis, use of anti-inflammatory, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, such as TNF inhibitors and hydroxychloroquine, is associated with a lower incidence … needed to clarify the relationship between adiponectin and cardiovascular disease. Studies in genetically obese animals suggest that increased release of TNFa from adipose tissue may play a major role …
- 5. 急性虚血性脳卒中への再灌流療法approach to reperfusion therapy for acute ischemic stroke [show details]
… as defined by a modified Rankin scale score of 0 or 1 (ie, no significant disability). The following observations were reported: For treatment within 3 hours of stroke onset, alteplase led to a good outcome …
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- 抗 血 栓 剤 [tPA] 一般名:アルテプラーゼ(遺伝子組み換え) 血栓溶解剤 (静注用遺伝子組換えt-PA製剤) 商 品 名 「アクチバシン」「グルトパ」 作 用 機 序 フィブリン親和性が高く、血栓に特異的に吸着し、血栓中で ...
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- 薬理学:
- 英
- heredity, inheritance
- 同
- 氏か育ちか
- 関
- 遺伝子、遺伝性疾患。遺伝形式
- 親のもつ遺伝情報が遺伝子によって子孫に伝達され、その作用によって形質が発現すること。
- 英
- gene
- 同
- 遺伝因子 genetic factor
- 関
- ゲノム genome
- 生物の遺伝情報を担う主要因子
- 全ての生物の情報は、DNAからなる塩基配列にコードされている