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- 1. 抗結核薬:概要antituberculous drugs an overview [show details]
… these agents are used in combination or patient has other risk factors) for QTc prolongation. Antituberculous drugs are associated with a broad array of adverse effects, as discussed by system in the …
- 2. 緩和ケアにおけるそう痒の概要overview of pruritus in palliative care [show details]
… common in palliative care patients are presented below. Data to support efficacy of these agents in the general patient population are reviewed elsewhere. In palliative care populations, few trials …
- 3. 妊娠していない成人の糖尿病患者に行う一般的な治療管理の概要overview of general medical care in nonpregnant adults with diabetes mellitus [show details]
… including clinical inertia and lack of an organized system for care . Several approaches have been tried in order to improve the care of patients with diabetes.… glucose-lowering medications in patients with or at high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Delivery of care; Many patients with diabetes are not receiving recommended levels of health care,…
- 4. 米国における里親による養育斡旋の疫学および里親による養育制度の概要epidemiology of foster care placement and overview of the foster care system in the united states [show details]
… the foster care system annually. While youth can emancipate from foster care on their 18th birthday, all but one state now enable young adults to remain in foster care until their… children entering foster care increased . Between 2000 and 2017, the number and proportion of foster care placements attributed to parental drug use steadily increased (from 39,130…
- 5. 成人における薬物中毒への一般的アプローチgeneral approach to drug poisoning in adults [show details]
… to an intensive care setting is based upon clinical criteria that relate to the stability of the airway, respiratory system, and cardiovascular system; and the patient level… Obtain quantitative drug concentrations if the results will help guide management. Supportive care and intensive care unit (ICU) criteria – Supportive care in conjunction with…
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