- 英
- scaphocephaly
- congenital malformation of the skull which is long and narrow; frequently accompanied by mental retardation
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- 1. 舟状骨骨折scaphoid fractures [show details]
…fractures, and scaphoid fractures are the most common carpal fracture . Scaphoid fractures account for 10 percent of all hand fractures and 60 to 70 percent of all carpal fractures . A study of scaphoid fractures …
- 2. 急性の手首の疼痛を有する成人患者の評価evaluation of the adult with acute wrist pain [show details]
…accompanying graphic Scaphoid fractures are common following wrist trauma and the scaphoid is at relatively high risk for avascular necrosis following such a fracture. Scaphoid fractures frequently occur …
- 3. 亜急性または慢性の手首の疼痛を有する成人の評価evaluation of the adult with subacute or chronic wrist pain [show details]
…individually . Scaphoid – To palpate the scaphoid, place your thumb in the anatomic snuffbox and move the index finger to the proximal thenar eminence such that the patient scaphoid is between the index …
- 4. 小児や青年の急性手首損傷の概要overview of acute wrist injuries in children and adolescents [show details]
…extension of the wrist, and a positive scaphoid compression test. The scaphoid compression test is performed by holding the thumb and gradually pushing in toward the scaphoid along the longitudinal axis of the …
- 5. 小児や青年の手首に生じる疼痛および損傷の評価evaluation of wrist pain and injury in children and adolescents [show details]
…maintains firm pressure on the palmar aspect of the scaphoid. The examiner then releases pressure on the scaphoid and, if laxity is present, the subluxed scaphoid will move back into alignment with a palpable …
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- 舟状頭蓋 のお悩みも医師にすぐ聞ける ※参考になったと回答した人の割合 6歳の男の子です。 小さい時からよく頭をぶつけていて、頭のCTなどは何回かとっていました。 5歳の時に玄関先の階段を踏み外し、目の前が光ったと言ったので、総合病院で見てもらいました。
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- 関
- 頭蓋骨