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- 1. 腎疾患の診断における尿検査urinalysis in the diagnosis of kidney disease [show details]
… size of the renal tubule in which they are formed. All casts have a matrix composed primarily of Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein (uromodulin), which comprises the basic architecture of any cast. Casts are defined …
- 2. 腎梗塞renal infarction [show details]
… predominance of pyuria, bacteruria, and, occasionally, by the presence of white cell casts on urine microscopy. Renal infarction often presents with a predominance of hematuria, but may also be associated …
- 3. 虚血性の急性尿細管壊死の発症機序と病因pathogenesis and etiology of ischemic acute tubular necrosis [show details]
…tubule dilatation, distal tubule casts, and areas of cellular regeneration that appear during the phase of recovery of renal function . However, the decline in renal function is usually more prominent …
- 4. 成人の腎臓結石:疫学と危険因子kidney stones in adults epidemiology and risk factors [show details]
…which the source of the excess calcium may be bone. Increased renal losses ("renal hypercalciuria") in which there is a defect in renal tubular calcium reabsorption. The clinical significance of this …
- 5. 腎アミロイドーシスrenal amyloidosis [show details]
… the Ig light chain can precipitate to form intratubular casts similar to light chain cast nephropathy. However, these casts are congophilic and display fibrillar… significantly with renal response (43 percent of patients). Ninety-six percent of renal responders also had a hematologic response versus only 54 percent of renal nonresponders.…
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- 英
- urinary cast
- 関
- 腎円柱
- 英
- cylinder、cast
- 関
- ギプス、シリンダー、ボンベ、投げる、役をつける、鋳造、ギプス包帯、円柱レンズ
- 英
- trabecula、trabeculae
- 関
- 柵状織、トラベキュラ、索、線維柱帯、骨梁