- 英
- tibial tuberosity advancement
- 関
- 脛骨粗面前方移動術
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- 1. 胸部に行う低侵襲手術の概要overview of minimally invasive thoracic surgery [show details]
… triangular positions on the skin surface, the operation will proceed without the instruments blocking each other within the chest. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) uses a primary access or utility …
- 2. 膝および股関節の変形性関節症に対する外科治療の概要overview of surgical therapy of knee and hip osteoarthritis [show details]
… necessitating further surgery, incomplete pain relief, and increased complexity if later arthroplasty is needed . Varus knee – For a varus knee (more common), a high tibial osteotomy can be… metal-on-metal bearing surface. This metal-on-metal bearing surface has decreased wear compared with conventional polyethylene-on-metal bearing surfaces used in total hip arthroplasty…
- 3. 手術部位感染症の評価と管理の概要overview of the evaluation and management of surgical site infection [show details]
… profound consequences. Although the use of implanted materials has revolutionized surgical practice, this technological advancement has come at a cost. Of the more than 2 million health care–associated infections …
- 4. 成人に生じる手術部位感染の予防策の概要overview of control measures for prevention of surgical site infection in adults [show details]
… cause no injury to the skin surface . The timing of hair removal is also important; the lowest rates of SSI have been observed when hair was removed just prior to the surgical incision . Other perioperative…
- 5. 成人における脛骨骨折の概要overview of tibial fractures in adults [show details]
… the tibial plateau, forms the lower surface of the knee joint. The tibial plateau consists of the medial tibial condyle, the thicker of the two articular surfaces, and the lateral tibial condyle,… Patients with tibial fractures awaiting urgent surgical intervention should be managed with splinting, ice, and non-opioid analgesics (only if possible) until they have made a decision about surgery.…
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- 動物スポーツメディスン科 脛骨粗面前進化術について 脛骨粗面前進化術 TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) 股関節形成不全 TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement) とは? 前十字靭帯が断裂し不安定性が生じた膝関節を安定化させる手術です。脛骨稜を骨切りし、術前計画に基づいた距離の脛骨粗面前進化を ...
- 脛骨粗面前進化術 脛骨にインプラントを埋め、 膝関節を安定化。 TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Transposition)とは、脛骨粗面(*)を骨切りし、専用インプラントを装着して膝関節を固定する手術です。前十字靱帯の支えを失って滑り出てしまう ...
- た脛骨粗面前方移行術4)5)の成績はおおむね良好である. しかし,膝蓋骨の外側偏位の著しい症例ではMaquet 法だけではそのmalalignmentの 矯正は困難で,内 方 移行術の追加が必要となる.近年症例が増えた前内方 移行術の報告もその
Related Pictures

- 英
- anterior transfer of tibial tuberosity
- 同
- 脛骨粗面前進術 tibial tuberosity advancement
- 英
- shank bone, shin bone
- ラ
- tibia
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- advancement、advance、progress、advance、progress、proceed
- 関
- 進行、進歩、進む、前進術、進捗、進展
- 英
- tibial tuberosity
- ラ
- tuberositas tibiae
- 関
- 脛骨
- 英
- surgery
- 関
- 外科、外科学、手術、外科術、外科手術
- 英
- advancement
- 関
- 進歩、前進