- 英
- scapulohumeral muscle group
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- 1. 肩の運動器超音波musculoskeletal ultrasound of the shoulder [show details]
… process, which articulates anteriorly with the clavicle to create the acromioclavicular joint . As the supraspinatus muscle travels laterally, it passes beneath the acromion process. This is a potential …
- 2. 成人に生じる肩関節の疼痛のX線画像評価radiologic evaluation of the painful shoulder in adults [show details]
…fractures, erosive changes of the distal clavicle, acromioclavicular joint changes, morphology of the acromion, early avascular necrosis, bone marrow edema, and muscle atrophy. MRI is a second procedure of choice …
- 3. 高齢者における高度後弯症の概要overview of hyperkyphosis in older persons [show details]
… Therapeutic spinal postural taping involves tape applied from the anterior aspect of the acromioclavicular joint, over the muscle bulk of the upper trapezius, and then diagonally towards and just past the spinous …
- 4. 肩鎖関節損傷(肩鎖関節の「(亜)脱臼」)acromioclavicular joint injuries separated shoulder [show details]
… The acromioclavicular (AC) joint is situated at the distal end of the clavicle forming an articulation with the acromion of the scapula The AC joint complex is strong,… provide additional support for the AC joint: The attachments and fascia of the deltoid and trapezius muscles. The coracoacromial ligament, which provides secondary stability to the joint and absorbs some impact …
- 5. 肩鎖関節障害acromioclavicular joint disorders [show details]
… Acromioclavicular (AC) joint disorders can be classified into acute injuries,… as well as surrounding fascia and muscles The anatomy and biomechanics of the AC joint are described in greater detail separately.…
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- 344 理学療法科学 第24巻3号 I. 緒 言 肩関節は日常生活,特に上肢を使用する際,最も中 枢部に位置する重要な関節である。中でも,肩甲胸郭 関節に関与する筋群と肩甲上腕関節に関与する筋群は,肩関節において,重要な役割を ...
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- 英
- brachialis muscle (KH), brachialis (K), brachial muscle
- ラ
- musculus brachialis
- 英
- group
- 関
- グループ、集団、分類、群れ、基、グループ化
- 英
- arm
- ラ
- brachium
- 関
- 上肢
- 英
- muscle group
- 同
- 筋肉群