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- 1. 抗真菌剤感受性試験antifungal susceptibility testing [show details]
…concentration (MEC) is defined as the lowest concentration of an echinocandin that results in growth of filamentous fungi producing conspicuously aberrant growth. Aberrant growth of hyphae is defined as small, round …
- 2. 回虫症ascariasis [show details]
… intestine, larvae mature into adult worms (females 20 to 35 cm; males 15 to 30 cm) in the lumen of the small intestine. The majority of worms are found in the jejunum, though worms may be found anywhere in the …
- 3. マンソネラ感染症mansonella infections [show details]
…Infective larvae introduced during the bite of an infected midge mature over months into adult worms. The adult worms live in the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities as well as the mesenteric, perirenal …
- 4. その他の線虫miscellaneous nematodes [show details]
…because of the frequent ingestion of raw fish. It is also known as "sushi worm," "herring worm" (Anisakis species), or "cod worm" (Pseudoterranova species). The global prevalence of anisakiasis may be underestimated …
- 5. 腸管寄生虫症intestinal flukes [show details]
…of Fasciola and Fasciolopsis. However, speciation requires morphologic study of adult worms following helminthic therapy; the worms measure 2 to 10 mm by 1 to 2 mm and have cephalic spines around the oral sucker …
Japanese Journal
- ナイジェリア・ジョス高原サバンナ型回旋糸状虫仔虫の酸性フォスファタ-ゼ・パタ-ン〔英文〕
- ナイジェリア, ジョス高原サバンナ型回旋糸状虫仔虫の酸性フォスファターゼ・パターン
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- 英
- microfilaria
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- 糸状虫仔虫、フィラリア仔虫
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- 糸状虫の幼虫
- 肺に存在し、決まった時間帯に血中に出現する。
- 英
- filaria
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- フィラリア
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- Brugia、ブルギア属、Brugia属、ブルギア
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- filamentous、filar、filiform、mito
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- 繊維状、線維状
- 英
- worm、bug
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- 寄生虫、バグ