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- deafness due toauditory cortex lesion
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- 精神聾
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- 1. 小児の聴覚障害:病因hearing loss in children etiology [show details]
…had a twofold increased odds of high-frequency hearing loss compared with those with a lead level <1 mcg/dL . Cortical deafness refers to hearing loss associated with brain injury or disease. The abnormality …
- 2. 新生児における難聴スクリーニングscreening the newborn for hearing loss [show details]
…In individuals with bilateral hearing loss, the severity of loss is based on the better-functioning ear. Severity of hearing loss defined by the as follows : No hearing loss – -10 to 15 dB; Slight – 16 …
- 3. 小児の難聴:聴覚検査および評価hearing loss in children screening and evaluation [show details]
… evaluation of hearing loss in children is reviewed here. Causes of hearing loss in infants and children are summarized in the table and discussed in detail separately Screening newborns for hearing loss and management …
- 4. プラチナベースの化学療法の神経学的合併症の概要overview of neurologic complications of platinum based chemotherapy [show details]
… distinguish sensorineural hearing loss versus conductive hearing loss due to serious otitis, an early complication of radiation. Conductive hearing loss can be treated.… intra-arterial administration . Symptoms include seizures and focal neurologic symptoms, including cortical blindness . The encephalopathy is associated with reversible abnormalities in the white matter of…
- 5. 小児の聴覚障害:治療hearing loss in children treatment [show details]
…treatment of hearing loss in children is reviewed here. The etiology and evaluation of hearing loss in children are discussed separately. Ideally, all children with permanent hearing loss should be managed …
Japanese Journal
- 棚橋 汀路
- AUDIOLOGY JAPAN 41(3), 153-159, 1998
- 二度にわたる動脈瘤破裂で両側中大脳動脈の結紮を受け, 高度の難聴を発症した40歳の女性のCTと聴力検査成績を報告した。CTによる脳の画像診断では, 両側側頭葉に横側頭回を含む広範囲の梗塞を証明した。しかしながら被殻, 内側膝状体, 下丘には異常をみなかった。自覚的聴力検査では, 純音聴力検査は右側45dB, 左側20dBのC<sub>4</sub> dip型を示した。閾値の …
- NAID 130003862590
- 日比野 浩,土井 勝美,久保 武,熊谷 晴美
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 90(10), 1085-1090, 1997-10-01
- A patient with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss on a pure tone audiogram (PTA), associated with unilateral (right side) cerebral infarction in the auditory cortex is described. The PTA on the left …
- NAID 10005263255
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- cortical deafness
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[show details]
- 英
- hearing loss
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- 聴覚
- ISBN 978-4931400559 p.184より引用
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- cortex (Z)
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- eloquent area??
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- cortical、cortically
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