- 英
- mental deafness, psychic deafness, soul deafness
- 同
- 聴覚失認 auditory agnosia
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- 1. 成人における精神状態検査the mental status examination in adults [show details]
…time constraints preclude an extended mental status exam or when the results of such exams are not sufficiently conclusive to render a diagnosis. The extended mental status exam differs from most screening …
- 2. 重度の精神障害を来す患者への雇用支援supported employment for patients with severe mental illness [show details]
… Addressing the employment difficulties of individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) has been a long-standing mental and public health problem. Studies show that only approximately 15 percent of SMI …
- 3. 重度の精神障害者への包括型地域生活支援プログラムassertive community treatment for patients with severe mental illness [show details]
…endorse and espouse the recovery model from mental illness . The recovery model of mental illness challenges the traditional notion that people do not recover from mental illness and shifts the focus from psychopathology …
- 4. 成人における急性中毒性代謝性脳症acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy in adults [show details]
…subtraction or naming the months of the year in reverse can test attention. Marked fluctuations in mental status over time are characteristic . Other common findings include a disturbed sleep-wake cycle …
- 5. 認知機能を評価するための精神状態尺度mental status scales to evaluate cognition [show details]
…the mental status examination is designed to distinguish between normal and abnormal performance arising across a range of different conditions. It can be divided into three levels of rigor: Mental status …
Japanese Journal
- 精神聾(Seelentaubheit)を思わせた聴覚言語障害児の1例
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- 精神医学. 25巻4号. (1983年4月). English. 聴覚失認(auditory agnosia,akustische Agnosie)とは,それぞれの音響現象を本来のひびきないし音色(Klange)として認知できない状態 1) ,または聴覚路を通じての対象の認知障害 2,3) と定義される。. 大脳病巣症状であり ...
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